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probable nature of her life as a native of Nazareth. Novelists have sought to reconstruct her environment, but the author feels that even Sholem Asch’s Mary is not to be depended upon for Biblical research. Compared to heathen women, wom en did have a comparatively high position in Jewish life. Writers have vied with each other to extol the vir tues of this Miriam whom God chose to become the mother of His Son. Probably nothing higher can be said than that He did choose her among the millions of the daughters of Israel. The story of the. attempts of the Roman Catholic Church to add to her character and reputation have only re sulted in detracting from it in all its simplicity and beauty. Within the past one hundred years or .so, the Catholic Church has enacted two dog mas regarding Mary — the so-called Immaculate Conception and the As sumption (the doctrine that being free from the consequences of original sin, her body was taken directly up to heaven alive, and that she now sits at the right hand of Christ). An other is being talked about — mak ing her co-redemptress with Christ, and possibly eventually Queen of Heaven, which would seem to amount implicitly at least to deification. The book'is a careful treatment of avail able source materials, and is timely. There is a bibliography and index. 239 pages; cloth; The Shepherd Press, 1218 Chestnut St., Philadelphia 7, Pa.; $3.50. In the words of the author, “ Dis covery — Enjoyment — Sharing: these are the reasons for this book” (p. 9). The name, “ Independent Bible Study,” is based on the fact that Bible study is an individual task, incumbent upon all Christians. It is the purpose of this volume “ to pre sent the inductive method of study, as it is applied in Bible analysis, through the graphic construction of an analytical chart” (p. 21, 22). De voting one chapter to an explanation of the inductive method of study, the writer then proceeds to develop pro gressively the analytical approach to the study of the Word of God within the framework of an analytical chart. This work is well-written, ade quately documented, and contains a brief glossary and bibliography. It includes many helpful suggestions and tools to aid one in a systematic study of Scripture, and should prove of great value to the Christian who desires an effective method to study Independent' Bible Study by Irving L. Jensen
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