T h . e K i n g © B u s i n e s s E S T A B L I S H E D 1 9 1 0 A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman NOVEMBER, in the year of our Saviour Vol. 54, No. 11 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-three Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home IM u THANKSGIVING — A. W. Tozer ....................................................... 10 THANKSGIVING IS GIVING OF THANKS — William Ward Ayer .. 12 WORDS ABOUT THE WORD — Arnold D. Ehlert............................. 13 NEW BIBLE TRANSLATIONS — John H. Skilton ........................... 14 WHICH TRANSLATION — Arnold D. Ehlert .................................. 15 BIBLES FOR ALL AGES ....................................................................... 17 PLUS FACTORS — Arnold D. Ehlert ................................................. 18 THE PRESSURE OF TIME — Clyde M. Narramore ........................... 20 PRACTICAL BIBLE STUDY AIDS — Arnold D. Ehlert ................... 22 EVOLUTION AND THE WATERMELON .......................................... 23 A CALL TO PRAYER — R. G. Lee ................................................... 24 WHO IS MY NEIGHBOR? ................................................................ 25 WARNING FOR YOUTH — J. Edgar Hoover .................................. 26 FILMS FOR TEACHERS ...................................................................... 44 THE CALIFORNIA TRAIN TRIP — Betty Bruechert ....................... 46 COMMANDMENTS FOR HOSPITAL VISITORS — T. Hollis Epton .. 51 Featum MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ................ 8 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ..................... 30 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore .................................. 32 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ................................ 33 CHRISTIAN SENTINEL — Nelson Dilworth ...................................... 35 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ...................................... 36 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ........................... 37 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert .............................................. 38 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ..................... 39 ALUMNI NEWS — Inez McGahey ................................................... 49 CoiuiWU READER REACTION ........................................................................... 7 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE ............................................................ 31 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS .................................................................... 45
Someone once said that God couldn't be everywhere, and so He made mothers. The world changes, and man reaches into space, but nothing changes the warm love of the one who “ keeps the house." The Bible, too, stands constant in a changing world. The University of Cambridge, through its Press, is proud of the privilege of having printed the Bible for longer than any press in existence.
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PA U L SCHWEPKER: Controller JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager JEANNE SHARP: Advertising Manager
S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor A L SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor
VIRGINIA SCHWEPKER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: W illiam Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Freinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker CVANMUCAL A—ocunoH
ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.
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