King's Business - 1963-11

did under the old. Man must be re­ examined now again as the crown of a creation which is “ a mighty or­ ganism of the most differing worlds bound together in all,its parts by the same creative concept, the whole uni­ verse is a ceaseless song of praise, a psalm of creation displaying millions of variations, yet bound together by the same basic theme” (p. 46). Both science and Genesis agree that man is the summit of the pyramid of crea­ tion. A ll this is foundational to Sau­ er’s discussion of man’s original king- ship over the earth, his temporary fall from this lofty position, and his restoration to it in even a greater measure through His perfect repre­ sentative, the divine God-Man and King of the Universe. In Christ man through redemption realizes the pur­ pose of God and fulfills the design God has for him. A full realization of this would make a great difference in man’s estimate of himself and even of a Christian man’s dignity and triumph over all forces that are opposed to this supreme design and purpose of God. Readers will find stimulation and spiritual maturity in this book. 256 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rap­ ids; $3.95. BOOK ENDS (A Review of Current Publications) OPENED TREASURES by Frances Ridley Haver- gal. Unpaged; doth; Loizeaux Bros., New York; $3.25. Out of the hymns and spiritual writings of this well-known writer have been collected excerpts for a year's daily -devotional collection. The W ord of God is prominent throughout. There is a deep insight into the spiritual content of Scriptural passages. THE APOSTLE PAUL, CHRIST'S SUPREME TROPHY by Roland Q. Leavell. 128 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $2.95. Studies prepared for Bible classes at Bible institutes and colleges, and for private reading. The author for 12 years was president of New Orlean Bap­ tist Theological Seminary. THE RELIGIOUS PRESS IN AMERICA by M artin E. M arty and others, vii, 184 pages; cloth; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York; $4.00. Four writers trace the history and examine the signifi­ cance of church-related journalism in America. The estimated circulation of these religious papers and magazines is 50,000,000. Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish publications included. This is the first book on the subject. Religious editors and journalism students, as well as historians, will appreciate the contribution of this volume. RAS SHAMRA AND THE BIBLE by Charles F. Pfeiffer. 73 pages; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.50. This book introduces the Baker Studies in Biblical Archaeology Series. In 1928 discoveries were made that solved the riddle of a hitherto unknown language— Ugaritic. It has opened up many insights into life in the times of the period around 1400 B.C. Because of its Semitic character the Ugaratic language has aided in understanding some problem passages in the Hebrew. DECISIVE BATTLES OF THE BIBLE by Edward Longstreth. 190 pages; cloth; J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia and New York; $4.50. This unique book brings the reader a lively, readable and accurate account of the m ilitary clashes in the Old Testament. In addition to Biblical sources, other sources have been used. The effects of these battles were political, religious, economic, and cultural. PLEASE GIVE A DEVOTION by Am y Bolding. 99 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.95. Twenty-two devotional messages based on Scripture selections. SERMONS ON OUR MOTHERS by Joseph B. Baker. REVIVAL SERMONS AND OUTLINES by J. H.

Jowett and others. 125 & 104 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.95 each. Two more volumes in the M inister's Handbook Series. GRACE AND GLORY HYMN BOOK. Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony, 9 Milnthorpe Road, Chiswick, London W. 4, England; no price given ($1.00 should buy two). Tnis is an interesting collection of eschatological hymns without music arranged in alphabetical order by first word. Tune names are suggested. FOOD 'N' FUN CRAFT by Eleanor Doan and Gladys McElroy. 66 pages; paper; Zondervan Pub­ lishing Co., Grand Rapids; $1.95. Clever and unusual ways to prepare food for clubs, church groups, parties, etc. Illustrated. MARTIN LUTHER FLANNELGRAPH. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis; 35 pieces, teacher's manual, primary and kindergarten workbooks. No price given. Pieces are flocked, and there is a pocket for permanent filing. DIVINE PERFECTION: POSSIBLE IDEAS OF GOD by Frederick Sontag. 158 pages; cloth; Har­ per & Bros., New York; $3.75. The first part of the book presents the historic thinking on the perfection of God; the second, a modern point of view. The author is a professor of philosophy. THE CRYING HEART, by Clara Bernice M iller. 293 pages; cloth; Herald Press, Scottdale, Pa.; $3.50. THE SPIRIT OF HOLINESS by Everett Lewis Cattell. 103 pages; paper over boards; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids; $3.00. RELIGIOUS LANGUAGE; AN EMPIRICAL PLAC­ ING OF THEOLOGICAL PHRASES by Ian T. Ram­ say. 221 pages; paper; The Macm illan Co., New York; $1.45. THE CHILDREN'S BIBLE STORY BOOK: OLD TESTAMENT. Stories by Peter Palmer, illustrat­ ed by Manning Dev. Lee. 207 pages; cloth; col­ ored pictures; McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York; $3.95. A QUEST FOR VITALITY IN RELIGION; A THEOLOGICAL APPROACH TO RELIGIOUS EDU­ CATION by Findley B. Edge. 251 pages; cloth; Broadman Press, Nashville; $3.95. STUDIES IN THE LIFE OF CHRIST: THE FINAL WEEK by R. C. Foster. 345 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $4.50. BACK BEYOND: BUSH NURSE IN SOUTH AFRICA by June Kjome. 237 pages; cloth; Augs­ burg Publishing House, Minneapolis; $3.95. UPON THE EARTH: THE MISSION OF GOD AND THE MISSIONARY ENTERPRISE OF THE CHURCHES by D. T. Niles. 269 pages; cloth; McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York; $4.95. THE PASTORAL EPISTLES IN THE NEW ENG­ LISH BIBLE by C. K. Barrett. 151 pages; cloth; Clarendon Press, Oxford, England; $2.50. EVANGELISM IN THE EARLY CHURCH by Stanley C. Brown. 73 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids; $2.00. A handbook for the study of The Acts of the Apostles with special reference to its lessons in evangelistic work. Can be used for individual or group study. DID I SAY THANKS? by Leslie B. Flynn. 118 pages; cloth; Broadman Press. Nashville; $2.50. Eight messages designed to fill the gap of litera­ ture on gratitude, "aristocrat of the emotions." Enriched with anecdotes and quotations from life and literature. LET'S BE DIFFERENT: YOUTH MEETINGS by Grace Yaxley. 64 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago; $1.25. Program ideas for over half a year developing a variety of subjects with illus­ trative materials. Can be adjusted to any age group. CHRIST OR MARY? by Roland H. Sebolt. 60 pages; paper; Concordia Press, St. Louis; $.50. A keen scrutiny of the contemporary Roman Catholic proposed doctrine of the co-redemption of Mary. Protestants need to know the essence of this blasphemous proposal, believed to be the next dogma contemplated. TAKE MY HANDS, THE REMARKABLE STORY OF DR. MARY VERGHESE by Dorothy Clarke W il­ son. 216 pages; cloth; McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York; $4.95. The remarkable story of an Indian woman surgeon who studied at Dr. Ida Scudder's Christian Medical College at Vellore. Dr. M ary suffered an accident which left her paraplegic, but she is still one of India's finest surgeons on the hands and face. The story of this combination of human devotion and faith w ill thrill and inspire the reader. Recommended books are available from the Biola Book Rooms , 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; 121 West Wilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy meal order service is also available. Free descrip­ tive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.

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