FILMS FOR TEACHERS Dr. Bernice T. Cory, Editorial Direc tor, Children’s Division of Scripture Press Publications, directed the pro duction of the new Royal Commis sion Filmstrip Series. The new series was developed for tëacher training in all Sunday schools regardless of les son materials used. The series is geared especially to the needs of novice teachers, and gives pedagogi- cally sound instruction for teaching
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NURSING C ourses fo r 4 , 8 o r 12 m o nth s. C lassroom , and h o sp ita l in s tru c tio n s and expe rien ce . T h e course q u a lifie s th e g ra du ate to ta ke th e State Board E xam in a tio n and o b ta in th e L V Classes s ta rt in S eptem ber and January. DENTISTRY
la b o ra to ry 12 -m o n th C a lifo rn ia N
each age-group. The filmstrips also serve as good “ refresher” courses for more experienced teachers. ; “ Sunbeam in Your Hand” (above) vividly pictures right and *wrong ways to acquaint two’s and three’s with God’s house, Book, and Son through a variety-filled teaching plan that reaches tiny tots through all their senses. The companion filmstrip in Set I shows how to reach active four’s and five’s with God’s Word, evaluate teaching, organize a Beginner depart ment, and correlate all activities around a Bible theme.
F o u r-m o n th course. A p p ro v e d by S tate o f C a lifo rn ia Board o f' D ental E xam iners, D e p a rtm e n t o f V o ca tio n a l and P rofessional Standards. O ffe re d in one sem ester. P ractical tra in in g in m issio nary d e n tis try . D octors o f D en tal Science in s tru c t a ll classes and la b o ra to ry w ork. Classes s ta rt in January. DISPENSARY F o u r-m o n th course. G ives tra in in g in la b o ra to ry analysis and c lin ic a l p ra ctice . In s tru c tio n on I f how to set ‘u p a dispensary and how to deal in te llig e n tly w ith , com m o n a ilm e n ts. Classes s ta rt in January.
“Welcome to the Club” (above) from Set II focuses on how to lead energetic Juniors to become enthusi astic explorers of the Scriptures. The new Royal Commission film strips are being featured this fall in many Sunday school conventions and workshops, and are being distributed through Christian bookstores and by Scripture Press Publications, Whea ton, Illinois.
BIOLA SCHOOL OF MISSIONARY MEDICINE 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.
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