King's Business - 1963-11

P eople to th e News

|B U Y N O W !

ARNOLD'S COMMENTARY on the 1964 International Sunday School Lessons. New! Printed Scripture in paragraph units followed by vivid comments.

Tim Spencer, independent sales rep­ resentative for RCA Victor Religious Recordings, announced the appoint­ ment of Harold Spencer, to his staff. Mr. Spencer will be responsible for specialized sales promotion and pub­ lic relations. Rev. Norman Lewis, former missionary to Argentina and for three years the director of mission­ ary conferences for the Back to the Bi­ ble Broadcast, has been named presi­ dent of King’s Gar­ den, Seattle, Wash­ ington. This inter­ denominational Christian organiza­ tion is geared to world missions. Dr. Samuel J. Schultz, professor of Bible and Theology at Wheaton Col­ lege, has been appointed chairman of the Division of Biblical Education and Philosophy at the college. Dr. Schultz steps into the position recent­ ly vacated by Dr. Kenneth S. Kantzer who earlier this year accepted the academic deanship at Trinity Evan­ gelical Divinity School, Bannockburn, Illinois. Guy W. Playfair, veteran missionary and General Director Emeritus of the Sudan Interior Mission, passed into the presence of the Lord on Septem­ ber 10, Toronto, Canada. Mr. Playfair was largely responsible for the birth of the African Challenge, a gospel now West Africa’s magazine. James R. Adair, editor of Power, a widely-read Sunday s c h o o l take-home paper published by S c r i p t u r e Press Publications, an­ nounced t h e divi­ sion of Power into two entirely sepa­ rate publications— Power For Living, for adults, and Teen Power, for Jun­ ior and Senior Highs. Dr. John Mostert, executive director of the Accrediting Association of Bi­ ble Colleges, announced that the gen­ eral theme of the Association’s an­ nual meeting held recently was “ Edu­ cation with Dimension.” Dr. Harold Boon, of Nyack Missionary College and president of the Association, pre­ sided at the general sessions. Dr. Mal­ colm Cronk, pastor of the Wheaton Rev. Lewis paper which is leading monthly Mr. Adair

Bible Church in Wheaton, Illinois, addressed the delegates at the closing luncheon meeting. Peter De Visser, vice-president in charge of publications for Zondervan Publishing House, died suddenly on September 3. Mr. De Visser developed a number of major works while at Zondervan, including the widely ac­ claimed Zondervan • Pictorial Bible Dictionary. Mrs. Frank McQuat, fondly known as

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“ Mo t h e r M a c , ’ ’ went to be with the Lord on Wednes­ day, September 11, in Anaheim, Cali­ fornia. Mother Mac will long be re- nembered for her lovely poems which have been used to bless many hearts.

"Mother Mac"

A C O N T I N U O U B E S T - S E L L E

Dr. Arthur Whiting, formerly a mem­ ber of the Biola College faculty, went to be with the Lord Sunday, Septem­ ber 22. Dr. Whiting served as pastor of the Calvary Church in Placentia, California as well as on the Biola faculty before he joined the faculty of the Western Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary in Portland, Oregon where he was serving at the time of his death. Dr. Whiting’s three children are graduates of Biola. The faculty, staff, and students of Biola join in expressing Christian sympa­ thy to Mrs. Whiting and the family at this time of bereavement. Dr. Henry R. Brandt, Christian psy­ chologist, has established the Chris- tion Leadership Training in Detroit,

Michigan. New in organization but not in function, t h e Christian L e a d e r ­ ship Training cen­ ters around person­ al and m a r i t a l counseling at De­ troit’s Ch r i s t i a n Counseling C lin ic, a CLT subsidiary in which 150 per­

Dr. Brandt

A concise Bible commentary — Bible history — Archaeological discoveries — church history — select Bible verses. More Biblical information than any other book its sizel

sons are given help weekly; seminars for pastors and others on counseling are also held. Much of the work was formerly done individually or under the sponsorship of Missionary Intern­ ship, Inc. A decision reached recently limited that organization to working with mission candidates and mission­ aries on furlough.

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