King's Business - 1963-11


LOS ANGELES BIOLA HOTEL Thomas C. Horton Hall While visiting or living in Los Angeles, plan to stay at BIOLA HOTEL. Clean, comfortable, convenient. Reasonable rates by day-week-month or perĀ­ manent. Dining Room. Next to the Church o f the Open Door, to the Central L.A. PubĀ­ lic Library, and the hub o f the Greater Los Angeles Freeway __ Network. Operated as a public service by the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles. BIOLA HOTEL 536 S. Hope St L A . 17, Calif. MAdison 7-9941 Harold F. Churchill, M anage r RATES FROM JUNE 1963 W ith o u t S IN G LE DOU BLE B a th * E conom y D e L u x e ** T w in Beds D ay $ 2 .0 0 $ 2 .5 0 $ 3 .5 0 W e e k 1 1 .0 0 1 3 .5 0 1 8 .5 0 M o n th 3 8 .5 0 -4 2 .5 0 5 2 .5 0 5 7 .5 0 * H o t a n d co ld w a te r in every room . C om p le te rest room fa c ilitie s nearby. * * A II new fu rn itu re . W ith B a th * * * S IN G LE DO U B LE D ay $ 3 .5 0 $ 5 .0 0 W e e k 2 2 .0 0 3 1 .0 0 M o n th 6 7 .5 0 7 7 .5 0 * * 'R e s e rv a tio n s g e n e ra lly necessary

R O O M R E S E R V A T I O N N ote : Please fill in as much information as possible N am e ........................................................................ A rriv a l D ate A dd ress .................................................................. D ay o f W e e k C ity ........................................................................... T im e o f Day A cco m m o d a tio n s D esired W ith B ath ...................... W ith o u t Bath A m o u n t enclosed as c o n firm a tio n o f reservation $ ........................ N u m b e r o f G uests ......................... A d u lts ......................... C h ild re n . Plan to Stay: Day(s) ......................... W e e k ......................... M o n th . D esire In fo rm a tio n C o n ce rn in g P erm an ent R esidence ............... S igned ............................................................ D ate ................. Phone .........



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