King's Business - 1963-11

alumni news by Inez M eGahey Basil ’52 and Betty (Beeler ’50) Costeri- san, Overseas Crusades, Inc., Manila, Philippines: “ It was a real blessing to see the Lord work in the hearts and lives of the Indonesians in the Southern Philip­ pines. It was our first Bible Conference in ten months. We had five days of in­ tensive Bible study and nightly evangelis­ tic meetings. The team consisted of an Indonesian Bible School student, Basil, a Filipino evangelist, and an Indonesian lay­ man.” Leon ’55 and Josephine (Conners ’54) Cooper are living in La Habra, California, while on furlough from Brazil. “We should like to see the address of every one of our supporting churches on our deputation schedule. . . . Contact the Rev­ erend Mr. Edward Larson, 2975 Vuelta Grande, Long Beach 15, California, and extend us an invitation for some date or choice of dates convenient for you.” Nancy Woolnough ’47, Quito, Ecuador, Radio Station HCJB: “ I saw the blue suit . . . being worn by a stranger. The blue suit belonged to Nate Saint; it is now being worn by Rome . . . an Auca Indian who loves the Lord, now. His father was the first to •throw a lance at the five missionaries who lost their lives. . . . Kome is now married to Dayuma. . . . Recent­ ly . . . I saw him in Quito . . . and he had left his tribe for the first time as he and his wife came to attend a National Missionary Convention. . . . What a mira­ cle has taken place in the hearts of many Aucas. Last year I had the privilege of editing more than 500 minutes of tape recorded Auca story which I had kept on file since 1956. . . . The tapes were reduced in length and sent to Diadem Productions, 1553 Plainfield N.W., Grand Rapids. If you would like to hear this wonderful story with the voices of those who have participated, be sure to obtain ‘The Auca Story’ DPL # 1 5 4 /3 for your family or Church. Since last August I have been combining missionary radio with mission­ ary secretarial work as I am secretary to the president, Mr. Abe Van Der Puy. . . . His wife has been very ill . . . and be­ cause of this, they will be stationed in the United States HCJB office . . . and I have been asked to be his secretary and work in publicity and projects.” Ann Berg ’39, Republic du Congo, Afri­ ca: “ Because .there was an epidemic of smallpox . . . I took a student nurse, Mboi Marie . . . as I went out on another Women’s Conference. . . . She vaccinated 489 villagers while we were there. God blessed . . . and we had the privilege of praying for quite a number of women. . . . I received permission from the head man of the Leper Colony to have a house built for her in the church yard where the two village teachers live.”

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