King's Business - 1963-11

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Fall Special

“On of the most significant New Testa­ ments translations into a simple form of modern speech.” —Eugene A. Nida THE NEW TESTAMENT IN PLAIN ENGLISH Charles Kingsley Williams I A modern translation using the 1500 fundamen­ tal and common words that make up ordinary English speech. The author has succeeded in making the meaning of the New Testament accurately and vividly clear to the man in the street. This translation is ideal for private study and family d e v o t i o n s . Large type, paragraphing, verse references. Cloth, $3.95 Paper, $2.45 WM. B. EERDMANS PUBLISHING CO. 255 Jefferson Ave., S.E. Grand Rapids, Michigan 49502

indexed and marked in red or» every subject connected with the theme of salvation. This dominant theme is easily followed by the alphabet key and cross references to other verses on the same subject. Printed on fine white, thin, opaque paper. Size 3% x 5 inches—fits pocket or purse. A valuable tbol for the Bible reader and student.

Though I speak with the tongues of the Coras and Mexicans and have not love, I am become as a bell in the churchyard or as the tinkling bells on the Malinchi's flagstaff. And though I have a gift of analysis and understand the mysteries of gram­ mar and all linguistic media and though I have faith so that I could remove all linguistic barriers and have not love I am a zero. And though I give the shirt off my back to clothe the poor native and though I become a martyr to missionary isolation and have not love I give nothing. Love waits patiently for the slow native to respond and is kind. Love is not jealous nor does love blow its own horn or act in pride. Love be­ haves itself. Love does not find its security in that which its possesses. Love is not easily irritated, is not sus­ picious. Love does not say, "Aha," when a weak Indian brother stumbles into sin. Love sings for joy when the truth wins out. Love puts up with any­ thing, is confident in every situation, expects good from everything, stands a great deal. Love does not run out. But analysis shall fail, and linguistic problems shall have a solution. What we now know shall be past data. We only know a little. We can only analyze a small part, but when we finally see the Word translated into lives, these par­ tial processes will be a thing of the past. When I was new at the game I spoke with a stammering tongue, my thoughts were poorly expressed, but as I progressed I could put behind me my childish efforts. Now we see through a frosted window, but some day He will look into our eyes. I understand so little now, but then Til know even as my inner heart is now known. Confidence, expectancy and love are here to stay, but love has the priority. E ditor ’ s N o te : This parody was composed by a 1943 graduate of BIOLA who is carrying on a minis­ try for Christ in Ruiz , Nayariu Mexico. Her expressions will be ap­ preciated by all who are struggling with foreign tongues for the GospeVs sake.

IN D E X ED and J M A R K E D I N R on every subject connected with THE THEME OF SALVATION ■ m p ■ „ m m WOW! in 4 fine bindings pPOPULAR EDITION— imitation morocco grain leather, I cut flush No. 015ÛP................ .................$ 1 .5 0 j REGULAR EDITION—imitation morocco grain leather, j limp, red edges, boxed. No. 0250P...................$ 2 .5 0 | GIFT EDITION—moroccoette binding, semi overlap, gold ; edgef, silk marker, boxed, No. Û395P.. . ..... $ 3 .9 5 1 GENUINE LEATHER EDITION—morocco , grain, black, gold edges, limp binding, / ?silk marker, boxed, No. 0495P $ 4 .9 5 ; P u b lish ed by Zondervan A V A IL A B L E AT ALL BOOKSTORES OFFSET / LETTERPRESS / FULL COLOR EDITORIAL/ART / LAYOUT/ PHOTOGRAPHY Specialists in booklets and periodicals — Largest Christian printing house on the West Coast. CHURCH PRESS 3 9 0 0 San F e rn a n d o R d ., G le n d a le ManufaHurprK of The» King\ H un Ì iicnm

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