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CoMtfdttients for HospitalVisitors 1. Thou shalt decide for whose good the visit is made— the patient’s or the visitor’s. Unselfish concern and not selfish curiosity must prompt the helpful visit. 2. Thou shalt observe the visiting hours as far as possible. They are set for the patient’s good and not because doctors and nurses are mean. 3. Thou shalt keep thy voice down. One way to keep the patient down is to keep the voice up. Remember that a sanitarium is not an audi torium. Speak softly. 4. Thou shalt not get in the way of the doctors and the hospital staff. Don’t visit in the halls. You can’t do your best work with someone in your way. They can’t either. 5. Thou shalt come quietly and re main briefly. Several short calls are more helpful than one ex tended one. When well, the pa tient may enjoy your “ spending the day” but sick people tire eas ily- 6. Thou shalt cultivate a cheerful spirit. Never make the patient’s ear a conversational garbage can. Don’t repeat all the bad news nor tell of the people you remember who died with the very same symptoms. Optimism is conta gious. 7. Thou shalt not lean on the bed or carelessly bump or shake the rest ing place of the patient in any way. It is annoying and makes the patient tense. 8. Thou shalt learn to listen elo quently. Sometimes the best thing we can do is to listen to the pa tient. He may need your audience more than your advice. 9. Thou shalt inspire confidence. Confidence in self, in God, in the doctors and nurses and in all who have to do with the healing and care is highly essential to the pa tient’s quickest recovery. 10. Thou shalt magnify the* Great Physician by a good example of quiet, friendly, thoughtful con cern for the welfare of others. When acceptable, ask if you may offer a word of prayer and do so, quietly. — T. Hollis Epton
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