READERS CIRCULATE EDITORIAL E ditorial N ote : T w o of our faithful sub scribers have used a recent KING’S BUSI NESS editorial to be distributed to one hundred Congressmen, one hundred Sena tors, and twelve Supreme Court fudges. Their idea is such an excellent one. There fore we felt readers might enjoy sharing the text of the letter which was used. Dear Sir: The enclosed article “Tragic Effects of the Recent Supreme Court Decision” is an editorial we read in the February, 1963 issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS maga zine. Dr. Sutherland, author of the edi torial, is the President of the Bible In stitute of Los Angeles, Inc. There is nothing we could add to the article, but would like only to emphasize this thought, quoting from the editorial, “and one of the great foundation truths upon which our American heritage rests has been the well-nigh universal belief in Almighty God and a continuing prayer expressed in all facets of public gatherings that God would guide and protect this great nation from the pitfalls that have caused other nations to sink into decay and in some instances, total oblivion, ex cept as their records are to be found on the pages of almost forgotten history.” In our times we have seen the downfall of Germany. This nation rejected God Almighty and returned to paganism. We read in the Psalms, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psa. 33:12). “Let thy mercy O Lord, he upon us ac cording as we hope in thee” (Psa. 33:22). In your hands lay the privilege and the responsibility to guard this our great heritage. Mr. and Mrs. Arsen M. Thomas, Los Angeles, Cal. CATHOLICISM A CULT? It was so disappointing to me to see the page in your magazine advertising cults books and seeing you put Catholicism in with them. It has been encouraging the last year seeing the Holy Spirit working so mightily in the Catholic and Protestant churches. It was the last prayer of our Lord that His children would be one and I am sure we will yet. In being one, I mean one with Christ. I am a born-again believer and expect to remain one, but I love the Catholics and believe with all my heart that there are just as many, if not more, Christians among them than there are among the Protestants. It is a pity to me that we cannot love each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. I am ter ribly ashamed of too many of our Protes tant churches who believe the Old Testa ment to be “tales” and also who believe it isn’t important to believe in the Virgin Birth of our Lord. I’m not meaning to criticize, but to help. Please think about this and truly pray about it. Mrs. W. Argyle Nelson, Beverly Hills, California
in thankfulness, open your heart to one o f these children
Jong Sup (R-l)
Kwang Sook (R-2)
For just 30 pennies a day—$10 a month—you will know the joy in sponsoring one of these lovely, but utterly destitute orphans. You will provide the necessities, includ ing education, and also bring assurance to a child’s heart that someone really cares. How appropriate to express your thankfulness for your blessings in this way. Do it NOW, before Korea’s winter begins. The story of each of these orphans is one of trag edy. Jong Sup’s (R -l) mother died of disease and a year later was abandoned by father. Kwang Sook’s (R -2) mother died o f tuberculosis, and after being temporarily cared for by a neighbor, was brought to our Hosanna orphanage. He Won (R-8) was brought to a Home as foundling; whereabouts of parents unknown. We have begun the work of rescue; we need your help to complete it. In our Homes are hundreds who are without sponsors. Bible-believing Koreans staff our Homes. The children are brought up in a loving, Christian environment. Here we are confident, are many of Korea’s future Christian leaders. What a thrill for you to have a hand in preparing them! The child you choose will know you as a sponsor. You will be sent name, address, photo and life story, as well as the orphanage group and Home. If old enough, the child will write; if not, a staff member will correspond with you. Sponsors tell us of the thrill o f this personal relationship. "I ¡ust received a lovely letter from our two orphan girls. If they get any sweeter I guess I'll have to ask God for wings so I can fly over to see them ."— E.S., Lynwood, Calif.
Hang Soo (R-3)
Yung Sook (R-4)
Tack Chun (R-7)
He Won (R-8)
c o m p a s s io n . . . Cares for more than 20,000 Korean orphans. Maintains 175 orphanages (includes 15 homes for children of lepers;deaf, dumb and blind children), supervised by Bible-believing staff and board of directors. Provides more than 25,000,000 meals each year. Awarded highest recognition by the Korean government.
O U R G I F T T O NE W S P O N S O R S A pair of lovely, colorful Korean Baby Shoes—if you sponsor an orphan by December 1.
CUP AND MAIL TODAY! ---------------------------------- EVERETT SWANSON, Founder and Director (~| Yes, I want to sponsor an orphan. My choice Is Num ber________«-If this child has been chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor a similar child. I prefer Q Boy, □ G irl Q Age. W ith God's help I w ill send $10 a month to Chicago office. Please send my child's name, picture, address and FULL PARTICULARS. I understand I may discontinue at any time. Enclosed is support for Q first month, Q one year. O I cannot sponsor a child now but want to help a child by giving $------------------------- f~] Please send folder, * 'Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans." Name __________________________________________________
COMI NG S O O N ! New 28-minute Sound-Color Film “ RUNAWAY”
A tender, compelling story of an 8- year-old Korean lad who flees his orphanage in anguish when his sponsor dies. Later his new American sponsor comes to visit him. In heart-warming climax, the American is led to a vital faith in Christ. Ideal for Christmas or New Year's Eve showing. Filmed in Korea. Rental $15. Please indicate 1,2 or 3 choice showing dates. Available about November 20 from 16mm film libraries, or write direct to COMPASSION.
Address- City ____
-Zip Code.
Gifts of any amount are welcome. A ll gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. COM PASS ION (The Everett Swanson Evangelistic Assn., Inc.)
An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation—Est. 1952 Dept. K 113 7774 Irving Park Rd., Chicago, III. 60634
Phone 456-6116
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