Classified Ads 15 CENTS PER WORD — M INIM UM $3.00 Bibles and Books Don't let good Christian books collect dust, we purchase religious books and ministers libraries at highest prices. The Book Nook, 215 North Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, Calif. Phone 526-4519. Old Bibles rebound. A price, binding and style to meet every need. A ll types of binding, rebinding. W rite for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Book binding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi. Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — A ll Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 M ain Street. Hamburg, New York. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED — A ny size library. Send list, or write for details. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. Help Wanted Larae Rescue Mission needs additional staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, com pensation. W rite P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11, Wash. Music Correct and singable hymn music, composed, ar ranged, edited and printed. Folders free. Ray mond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. Travel W ant . . . to spend a beautiful Easter Sunrise at the Garden Tomb? 21 thrilling days include this — and visits to England, Italy, Egypt, Leba non, Israel, Greece and France. A trip packed with precious memorable moments. Plan now to take this low cost trip with a fine group of like- minded people. W rite to tour conductor: Rev. DeVore Walterman, 711 Lyman Avenue, Des Plains, Illinois.
3 2 N ic k e l F a m ily S ingers ................. 8 3 3 Sangam on M ills ................................43 3 4 B ill S life , R e a lto r .............................50 M IS S IO N S & O R G A N IZ A T IO N S 3 5 C eylon and India G énérai M iss io n ................................35 3 6 C h ris tia n C o u n se lin g C e n te r ....4 2 3 7 C om passion ........................................ 7 3 8 In te rn a tio n a l Board o f Jew ish M issio ns ................................51 3 9 M essage to Israel .............................41 4 0 M ild re d 's H appy H om e ..............51 41 P ocke t T e sta m e n t League ........... 9 41 W o rld V is io n ....................................2 3 R A D IO 4 3 B iola H o u r ...........................................51 4 4 KBB I .......................................................4 9 4 5 K B B W .................................................... 4 9 4 6 R adio B ib le Class ............................ 5 R E T IR E M E N T CENTERS 4 7 John B row n Tow ers ...................... 31 4 8 Sharon G ardens ................................4 2 SCHOOLS 4 9 A riz o n a B ib le In s titu te .............. 38 5 0 B io la C olleg e ..................................., 2 51 School o f M iss io n a ry M e d ic in e 4 4 5 2 P ra irie B ib le In s titu te ................. 4 2 53 T a lb o t T h e o lo g ica l S em inary ..3 5 5 4 W h e a to n A ca d e m y .......................... 8 5 5 W h e a to n C olleg e .............................5 6 5 6 A m e ric a n Sunday School U n io n 4 3 57 S c rip tu re Press ....................... 21 5 8 S to ry-O -G ra ph ...................................4 9 T R A C T S & LIT E R A T U R E 5 9 C h u rch Press ......................................5 0 6 0 G ospel F o lio Press .......................... 2 6 61 M essenger C o rp o ra tio n .................3 7 T R A V E L 6 2 T h e U n ite d W o rld M issio n ........4 3 S U N D A Y S C H O O L & C H U R C H M A T E R IA L S
A N N U IT IE S 1 A m e ric a n M e ssia nic F e llo w sh ip 3 7 2 M o o d y B ible In s titu te ........ 3 3 A U D IO V IS U A L A ID S 3 B iola Film s .........................................3 6 4 Friends o f Israel ............................ 9 5 H ansen's C h u rch F ilm s ................. 51 6 J-D A u d io V isua ls ..........................35 BIBLES 7 C am b rid g e U n iv e rs ity Press .... 6 8 P ra ctica l Press ...................................2 6 9 Z o n d e rva n P u b lis h in g H ouse ...................... 2 7 , 5 0 BOOKS 10 A m e ric a n Sunday School U n io n 3 9 1 1 A & M M a rk u s .............................. 38 12 B aker B ook H ouse .........................2 5 13 iota B oo k R oom ......................2 5 , 5 5 14 B ook N o o k ...................................4 4 , 4 9 15 W illia m B. Eerdm ans' P u b lis h in g ...................................4 1 , 5 0 16 Friends o f Israel ..............................51 17 G ood N ew s P ublishers ................. 3 9 18 H e ra ld Press .......................................2 5 19 H u m b e rd Press ...................................51 2 0 K re k e l P u b lic a tio n s ....................... 51 21 L ig h t and L ife Press .......................4 5 2 2 L o ize a u x B rothers ..........................2 6 2 3 M o o d y Press ......................................41 2 4 Pageant Press ...................................5 0 2 5 Pax H ouse .......... 51 2 6 Z o n d e rva n P u b lish in g H ouse ....................4 0 , 4 5 H O M E S T U D Y COURSES 2 7 B iola C orrespondence School ..3 6 HO TELS & M O TE LS 2 8 B iola H o te l ........................................4 8 2 9 Farm de V ille M o te l & 3 0 Sam bo's R estau rant ......................38 IN S U R A N C E 31 A m e ric a n T e m pe ran ce Assoc. - 2 8
HO. 9-5883
Largest in the West 545 N. Western Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. SY. 7-5173 FILMS AND FILMSTRIPS W ITH A MESSAGE— For Sunday School Youth, A dult Groups, and Camps.
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