Excise Tax:
1) A vehicle excise tax is collected from the rental of vehicles in the City. This excise tax is part of personal property tax collections and is distributed by the county clerk. 2) A development excise tax is collected with building permits for future roadway maintenance. 3) A motor fuel excise tax is collected by merchants and remitted to the State of Kansas, which, in turn, distributes to the City. It is a revenue source for the Special Highway Fund.
A deduction from budget. This is distinct from “expense,” which is a deduction from cash.
Pertaining to public trust or confidence for money.
Fire Surcharge:
Flat surcharge of $3.00 ŽƌΨϰ͘ ϬϬ;ĐŽŵŵĞƌĐŝĂůĂĐĐŽƵŶƚƐͿ assessed to utility accounts for fire equipment and capital expenses.
Fire Capital Reserve Fund:
Provides for improvements to the fire station as well as lease payments for fire equipment and vehicles. Funding is provided by the ĨŝƌĞ surcharge assessed on City utility bills. These are collected from utility companies doing business and using infrastructure in town: Leavenworth-Jefferson Electric, WOW cable, Westar Energy, Southwestern Bell, and Kansas Gas. Revenue is recognized in the General Fund. This is a distinct fund of City accounts that pays employees and is the primary budget account for municipal services. Major revenues come from taxes, charges, fees, permits, fines, and grants. Established by Section 10-301 of the City Code, the Law Enforcement Trust Fund uses revenue from police forfeitures to make additional purchases for the purpose of combating drug-related crimes in the City. A pass-through City account fund that recognizes ad-valorem taxes that contribute to the cost of operations for the municipal library. This is sales tax collected by out-of-state retailers and remitted back into the state of Kansas where the product is used, stored, or consumed. Includes taxes on motor vehicles (98%), recreational vehicles (1%), and large trucks (1%). These revenues are recognized to the General Fund, Library Fund, and Debt Service Fund.
Franchise Fees:
General Fund:
Law Enforcement Trust Fund:
Library Operations Fund:
Local Use Tax:
Personal Property Taxes:
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