Mayor's Message 8-8-24

Jeff has diligently worked on practical, cost- effective , mini storm prep projects aimed at mitigating flooding. He is sharing his journey and solutions with our community, hoping to give back and empower fellow residents with valuable knowledge. Jeff leverages his communication skills to raise awareness about the risks of home flooding and the proactive steps everyone can take. His website offers step -by-step ideas and suggestions that have proven successful in mitigating floodwaters from entering homes. I encourage you to explore Jeff’s incredible work and learn more about his projects. You can visit his website at and click the following link to watch the video of the presentation given to residents at the City of Madeira Beach on April 23, 2024 Flood Protection Workshop. Stay posted and track Jeff in future YouTube videos and on his updated website coming soon! With permission, if you have questions for Jeff please feel free to email him directly at . Thank you, Jeff, for your dedication and for setting a remarkable example of community spirit and resilience! Sand Available & Sandbag Disposal After each storm, residents can access the leftover sand in the town hall parking lot for their Redington Shores property. Please remember to bring your own bags and a shovel. For the next major storm , the Clerk’s office will ensure a new supply of sand is ordered, and Public Works will set up a sandbag station, allowing each resident to fill up to 10 bags which will be provided amid the storm . The Town will send notifications through our RShores App when these supplies become available before a major stor m. Many residents often ask, "What should I do with these sandbags after a storm?" Pinellas County Government has the answers to help guide you!

For sandbags that did NOT come into contact with floodwaters: • Keep and store clean sandbags to reuse them for future storms. It’s best to store sandbags in a cool, dry area indoors or under cover.

• To dispose of clean sandbags, spread the sand on lawns or landscape beds. Place the empty bags in your garbage bin (not your recycling bin). • Do not dump sandbags onto the beach. Sand used to help stop flooding may be different from beach sand and can cause issues for turtle nesting, among other problems.

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