Core Solutions: Determining The Origins Of Pain


increasing your likelihood of continuing said exercises on your own. While physiotherapy treatments are primarily focused on restoring your body to its normal function, you will also work closely with your physiotherapist to achieve personal goals. For example, perhaps your goal is to be able to take a walk around your neighborhood once again without your knees aching, or perhaps you’d like to be able to start jogging once again. Your physiotherapist will help get you there! Don’t wait for relief! Our physiotherapy treatment programs are comprised of three categories: 1) physical exercise and training, 2) learning/education, and 3) experience. We will provide you with the resources you need to achieve your goals and maintain an active lifestyle, despite the frustrationsofarthritis. Ifyouaresufferingfromarthritisandyouwant to get started on the path toward long-lasting pain relief, schedule a consultation with one of our physiotherapists today! Don’t wait to reclaim your life – let us help you do so.

Areyousufferingfromtheachesandpainsofarthritis?Doesexercise seemnear impossiblewiththestiffnessanddiscomfortyoufeel inyour joints? Exercise and physical activity generate positive health effects, especially for those suffering from musculoskeletal diseases such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. While it may be difficult to get started, physiotherapy treatments and gentle exercises can help ease your pain and get your body moving, so you can get back into living an active lifestyle. For more information on howour treatments can help with your arthritis pain, give our office a call today! How will physiotherapy help my arthritis? Ourphysiotherapytreatmentsarefocusedon long-termrelief,making themmoreeffectivethanpain-killingdrugsthatcanonlyprovidepain relief in the short-term. With our specialized treatment plans, youwill also learnpositivehabit-formingbehaviorsforstayingactiveevenafter your treatments are complete. This concept is known as “Behavioral Exercise Therapy,” and is designed to promote physical activity in an encouraging manner. By building and strengthening your physical abilities, you will feel more confident in your exercise regimens, thus

SCHOMBERG LOCATION 6048 Highway 9, Suite 13 Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0

CALEDON EAST LOCATION 15955 Airport Road, Suite 101 Caledon, ON L7C 1H9

P: (905) 939-9041 F: (905) 939-9638 P: (905) 584-6747 F: (905) 584-6787

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