King's Business - 1927-11

Discovered ! The Secret of Caruso’s Amazing Vocal Power

T HIS IS AN AGE OF MARVELS. Wonderful scientific discov­ eries have changed our mode of living and our mode of thinking. One discovery of tremendous benefit to all humanity is the discovery of the principle o f voice control by Eugene Feuchtinger, A. M. H is resulting system of voice developm ent revolutionized old methods, and changes voice developm ent from a little understood art to an exact science. More than that, it brings a Perfect Voice w ithin the reach of every man and every woman who desires a stronger, richer voice for either singing or speaking. Prof. Feuchtinger’s method is founded on the discovery th at the Hyo-G lossus muscle controls the voice; th at a strong, beautiful voice, with great range, is due to a well developed Hyo-G lossus—while a weak or a rasping voice is due to under­ developm ent of this vital vocal muscle. A post-mortem exam ination of Caruso’s throat showed a superb developm ent of his Hyo-Glossi muscles. B ut it required years of training under the old method to produce this development. You can develop your Hyo-G lossus in a much shorter time by Prof. Feuchtinger’s wonderful scientific method. You can take this training under the direction of the Professor himself, wherever you may live. And the cost is so low th at it is w ithin the reach of every ambitious m an or woman.

"The Songbird ofth e ages,” Enrico Caruso. The richness, the fullness, the beauty and th e as- founding pow er ofhis voice w as due to the excep­ tional development of his Hyo-Glossus muscle. 100%Improvement in Your Y oice—Çuaranteed

You Do Not Know Your Real Voice Until you have tried the Feuchtinger sys­ tem , you cannot know the possibilities of your vocal gifts. Physical Voice Cul­ ture PRODUCES as well as D EV E L ­ OPS the true voice. It corrects all strain and falsetto and makes clear the won­ derful fact th at any normal person can develop a fine voice if correctly trained. T h o u s a n d s of d e lig h te d graduates testify to this — m any of them great vocal successes who, before com ing to Professor Feuchtinger, sang very poor­ ly or not at all. Among P r o f e s s o r Feuchtinger’s pupils are grand opera stars, concert singers, speakers, preach­ ers, actors and educators. FREE! TheWonderful New Book "Physical Voice Culture** Send the coupon below and w e w ill send you FR EE th is valuable w ork on voice cul­ ture. Do not hesitate to ask. Professor Feuchtinger is glad to have us give you this book, and you assum e no obligation w h at­ ever by sending for it. You will do yourself a great and lasting good by studying this book. It m ay be the first step in your career. Do not delay. Send the coupon TODAY! Perfect Voice Institute 1922 Sunnyside A ve., Studio 53*18, Chicago

Professor FeuchtingePs method is far simpler, far more rapid, far more certain in results than the tedious, hap hazard m ethods of ordinary vocal instructors. H is u n q u a lif ie d success w ith thou­ sands of pupils proves the infallibility of his method. Under his direction, your voice will be made rich, full and vibrant. Its over­ tones will be greatly multiplied. You will add m any notes to its range and have them clear, limpid and alluring. You will have a voice that is rolling and c o m p e llin g and so strong and magnetic that it will be the marvel of your associates. Professor Feuchtinger ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEES an improvem ent of 100 p ercen t—a REDOU B LEM EN T of your voice! If you are not absolutely satisfied that your voice is doubled in volume and quality, your money will be refunded. You are the only judge. Perfect Voice Institute 1922 Sunnyside Ave., Studio 53-18,Chicago, 111. Dear Prof. Feuchtinger; Will you please send me a copy of your new free book Physical Voice Cul­ ture”. I understand that this book is free and there >8no obligation on my part. I am interested in □ Singing □ Speaking C Stammering □ WeakVoice Name __ _____ ____ __ ____

Eugene Feuchtinger, m usician-scientist, who discovered the function of Hyo-Glossus in voice production, and w hose famous "Perfect Voice” system has developed thousands of voices.

D iagram of the Norm al T hroat showing the Complete Vocal M echanism. Y our th ro at looks like this. So did th e th ro at of the great Caruso. Professor Feuchtinger’s system of silent, scien­ tific exercises will develop your vocal organ to its full strength.


We W an t You W ith Us on the 1928 King’s Business Tour to the Holy Land

Will you be one of the happy throng on board when the S. S. Doric slips away from h*er pier in New York and points her prow oceanward, bound for the blue waters of the Mediterranean? Will you be one of the congenial family of T h e K in g ' s B u s in e s s readers who will sail on Feb. 8 for this never-to-be-forgotten trip ? Like Our Own Private Yacht The magnificent S. S. Doric of the White Star Line has been chartered for the Cruise. This new luxurious liner will become our floating homei All members of the party will have the entire use of the boat. There will be no First, Second or Third Class distinctions. Our itinerary will take us to Madeira, Gibraltar, Spain, Algiers, Tunis, Malta, Athens, Constan­ tinople, Palestine, Smyrna, Egypt, Sicily, Italy, Monaco, France, England. James Boring will again personally di­ rect the Cruise. His organization, James Boring’s Travel Service, Inc., will do

everything to make our trip comfortable and enjoyable. We will be relieved of all details. Special trains or motors will meet us when we step ashore at the var­ ious ports. Hotel rooms have been re­ served in advance, guides will be waiting. The Cost is Extremly Moderate No amount of money could provide more comfortable traveling conditions than we will enjoy, yet the cost is less than if you were to travel alone, with all the inconveniences of making your own arrangements. By chartering our own ship, by contracting for a large number of hotel rooms and using special trains and motors, we have reduced the cost tcLa minimum. You pay just one fee—as low as $690—according to the stateroom you select, which includes all necessary ex­ penses on board and ashore. Plan now to join our cruise. Member­ ships are limited to 550.

A glimpse of Nazareth, one of the many places in the Holy Land we shall visit, bringing back vividly the scenes of our Saviour's life.

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K ing's B usiness, D ept. L-8 323-327 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, P a.

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Editor-in-Chief Dr. Jo h n M. M aclnnis, says: “We have no sym p a th y w ith s h a l l o w sentences th a t carry no burning con- victions. The K ing ’s B usi- ness aim s to give a clear, ringing te stim o n y fo r th e Word o f God.”

M anaging Editor K eith L. Brooks, says:

“In warning o f error we desire t h e t r i u m p h o f tru th , r a t h e r th a n the downing o f an opponent. We seek to be fa ir and to avoid un ch ristia n th ru sts which drive m e n a w a y fr o m tr u th ."

T h e K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s 536-558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA

Motto: “I, the Lord, do\eep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will \eep it night and day ." Isaiah 27:3

P U B L IS H E D M O N TH LY BY AND R E P R E S E N T IN G T H E B IB L E IN S T IT U T E O F LO S ANGELES J ohn M urdoch M ac I nnis , Editor-in-Chief K eith L. B rooks , Managing Editor C harles E. H urlburt , Associate Editor V o lu m e X V III N o v em b e r , 1 9 2 7 N um b e r 1 I

BOARD OF DIRECTORS BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES J. M. I rvinë , President H oward F rost , Vice-President J. M. R ust , Treasurer A lexander M ac K eigan Secretary C. A. Lux, Asst. Secretary

Table of Contents


D r . J ohn M. M ac I nnis ; Dean D r . R alph A tkinson , Associate Dean R ev . J ohn H. H unter , Secretary of Faculty R ev . W illiam H. P ike , Secretary Evening School R ev , A lan S. P earce , . Secretary Cor. School R ev . A lbert E. K elly , Student Secretary D r . G. C ampbell M organ D r . J ohn M c N eill D r . C harles E. H urlburt C hristian M. B ooks P rof . A lfred A. B utler M iss M arie C arter M iss F lorence C haffee R ev . J ohn A. H ubbard P rof . H. W . K ellogg M iss R uth W alter P rof . H . G. T ovey P rof . J. B. T rowbridge M iss C harlotte L. W oodbridge H . W . B oyd , M. D.

EDITORIALS The Irresistible Christ............................................697 Thanksgiving—The Christian’s Business.......... .697 Why Tarries the World-Wide Revival?............. 698 A Dentist-Chair Meditation...:.....—................... 698 The Cail to the House of God....................... .....699 The Psychiatrists Are After Us!......................... 699 Coming out of Babylon........ •....—....... ................... 700 Editorial Flashlights ........ ...............1.................... 702 H« * * ARTICLES Fragments and Portions ‘- The Late Dr. Joseph Parker......................... 704. In the Interests of Fair Play—Is There More Than One Side to the Stanley Jones Matter?..708 The Situation at Hunan......................................... 713 Is Speaking In Tongues Essential? —Dr. A. J. McConnelee.:....... 714 Three Aspects of Sacred Song —rCharles F. Reitzel........................................... 716 Absolute Essentials of the Gospel —Dr. Stuart Holden...... ..................... How to Start a Revival—Dr. Len G. Broughton 747 Isaac Watts, Father of English Hymnody •" -—Prof. J. B. Trowbridge....... ........,........ .......:750 How Numerics Establish the Order of Books —Rev. Ivan Panin..................... ............... ;.......753 * * * DEPARTMENTS Passages That Perplex—K. L. B........................718 The B. B. B. B. Page............................................. 720 Finest of the Wheat__,............................ ...721 Striking Stories of God’s Workings,..-............... 725 Children’s Garden ........................... 727 International Lesson Commentary........................729 Biola Table Chat .............................—...................739 Our Literature Table........................... 741 Daily Meditations ............... 758 What Nicolaitanism Does For Us —Charles E. Robinson.............. 706

C. E. F uller H. B. E vans A. A ddison M axwell N athan N ewby W illiam H azlett M rs . L yman S tewart

D r . J ohn M. M ac I nnis , Dean C harles E. H urlburt , Superintendent J. P. W elles , W m . A. F isher , Assts. to Supt. Terms : $1.25 per year. Single copies 25 cents. Foreign Coun­ tries (including Canada) $1.50 per year. Clubs of 5 or more 25 cents reduction on each sub­ scription sent to one or to sep­ arate addresses as preferred, magazine. Remittance : Should be made by Bank Draft, Express or P. O. Money Order, payable to the ‘“Bible Institute of Los Angeles.” Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly, each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine.. Manuscripts : T h e K i n g ’s Business cannot accept re­ sponsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration. Change of Addresses: Please send both old and new ad­ dresses at least one month pre­ vious to date of desired change.

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Advertising: For information with reference to advertising in The King’s Business, address the Religious Press Assn., 325 North 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa., or North American Bldg., Chicago, 111. Entered as Second Class Mat­ ter. November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at spe­ cial rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918.





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November 1927

T h e

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arates them into two classes. His human appearance, which caused some to stumble and to pronounce His pre­ tensions of judging men absurd, turns out to be the very qualification which makes judgment one of His necessary functions,-:v: Here is a solemn truth for all who are still outside of Christ. They must some day face Him. If He is faced now -M‘the accepted time — the day of salvation,” He will be found a loving Savior, and those who receive Him “shall not come into judgment” (Jno. 5:24). If He is rejected, He must be faced as Judge, and His Word will be, “Depart from me; I never knew you.” In His death He is our sacrifice, satisfying for our sin|t>« In His resurrection He is our Conqueror, guar­

The Irresistible Christ jHERE are many who readily think of I Christ as the meek and lowly Naza- J rene Who came into the world and | went about doing good. There is also | much in present-day preaching and W literature about His coming again as = Bridegroom to receive the saints unto 1 Himself. How little, however, we hear and read of His coming to exer­ cise the office committed unto Him by the Father—-(hat of the Judge of the quick and thè dead ! The New Testament places strong emphasis upon the teaching that both saved and unsaved must stand face to

anteeing the justification of all who believe. In His ascension He is Head of the Church, His spiritual Body. In His intercession He is the High Priest of His people. In His com­ ing again for the saints, He will be the Rewarder of the faithful. But in the final judgment day He will be thè Judge, Who will need only to point to the record of the words He spoke while upon earth—the words which thousands today are rejecting. ^>14. I H 1 1 8■ Thanksgiving—The Christian’s Business “By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks unto His name" (Heb. 13 :15). T HE writer of this Epistle has been showing that the propiti­

face with Jesus Christ. “All that are in- the graves shall hear HIS'Hoice and shall come forth; they that hqve done good unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil Un­ to the resurrection of condemnation” (Jno. 5:22). He was “ordained o f God to be the Judge” (Acts 17:31). The certificate provided (both for the certainty of a future judgment day and for the certainty that Jesus Christ will be the Judge) was His resurrection (Acts 10:31). This proved Him “the ,Son o f -God with power” (Rom. 1 :4) and guarantees that the final destinies of those who spurn His salvation shall be at His disposition. “He that rejecteth me,” said our Lord, “and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him : the word

that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day” (Jno. 12:48). Men who scorn the New Testament now will see it opened as one of the books at the Judg­ ment throne (Rev. 20:12). The words designed to bring life, will rise up as an avenger. The condemnation which even now hangs over the head of His rejecters (Jno. 3;18, 36) will, in that day, appear in final, irresistible, manifested result. The lost will come forth, not to a second chance, but fi> “the resurrection of damnation the “second death.” /'. A striking statement appears in John 5 :27, showing the reason that judgment is committed to Jesus Christ. “The Father hath given Him authority to execute judgment, because He is the Son of man.” Some have taken this to mean that He will be Judge because men should be judged by One Who shares their human nature. It means much more than this. Jesus is necessarily Judge because as the Son of Man He appeared as God’s Messenger to the world and because, as “God manifest in the flesh,” He died to provide everlasting life for all. He lives in human form as the very embodiment of the love and life of God. As Son of man, He revealed God’s good will to men and opened wide the gates of salvation. The very presence of such an One sifts men and sep­

atory sacrifices of the old law had been forever consum­ mated in Christ. “There remaineth therefore no more sacrifice for sins.” 7 .7 -^ . For the commemoration of our redemption, provided once for all, another sacrifice has arisen—praise, the fruit of our lips, This is thè true offering of the redeemed soul. Angels and saints in heaven give themselves contin­ ually to praise. It will be the everlasting work of all who reach heaven. It is not a work which should be saved up until the Thanksgiving season. The more we are in it now the more we become like what we shall be hereafter. Only those who have seen in Jesus Christ their all- sufficient sacrifice know what real thanksgiving is. It is redemption which gives rise to the most profound praise to God. The very first song of thanksgiving of which we read in the Bible (recorded in Exodus) was for redemp­ tion. Since the fall of man, only those who have expe­ rienced redeeming grace have had the song of praise to God in their hearts. The Christian’s thanksgiving must always begin with Christ and His redeeming love. Sometimes the heart of the Christian becomes forgetful of the Lord and His marvelous love. Strange to say, the most deficient in thanksgiving are not the suffering, bed­ ridden, afflicted Christians, but those who have the most


November 1927

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for which to be thankful—whose paths have been smooth and easy. We have recently heard the story of an old Methodist Gospel singer who became afflicted with cancer of the tongue. When he was laid upon the operating table, he said, “Wait-'—will I ever sing again?” A lump came in the surgeon’s throat, and tears filled his eyes as he shook his head. “Then lift me up,” demanded the singer. “I’ll

Finney, reflect in their very presence the clear light of heaven in such a way as to bring conviction to the sinful! Why i s .it that the much-talked-of revival does not get started? Is God waiting until some of us get through talking and start living? How earnestly the Scriptures enjoin believers to “adorn the doctrine of God their. Saviour” in such a way as to impress,others with the reality of spiritual things!

sing my last song.” It was one of Watts’ hymns which he sang, a line of which goes: “I’ll praise my Maker While I ’ve breath.” May God search our hearts at this Thanksgiving season and convict us of the sin of ingratitude! The times in which we live fos­ ter forgetfulness of Him from Whom all blessings flow. Why Tarries th e World- Wide Revival? C HARLES FINNEY was once p a s s i n g ' through a room where a number of girls were em­ ployed in a manufacturing establishment. He was evi- • dently known to them, and they made every effort to upset his gravity. “Their levity,” he says, “made a peculiar impression upon me; I felt it to my very heart. I stopped short and looked at them; I knew not how, as my whole mind was absorbed with the sense of their guilt and danger. I observed that one of them became very much agitated. A thread broke. She at- ' tempted to mend it, but her hands so trembled that she could not do it. I imme­ diately observed that the sensation w a s spreading. One after another gave up' and paid no more attention to their looms. They fell on their knees. I had not spoken a w o r d , and the noise of the looms would have prevented my being heard, if I had.”

To be sure, nothing that we can do can improve the Gospel, any more than one could give purer whiteness to the lily or make more lustrous the sparkling dia­ mond. But we can make its power upon our lives vis­ ible. We can manifest it to others with such illustration and enforcement that others shall see Christ in us and glorify our Father which is in heaven. God give us Christian leaders today who will, like Charles Finney, clothe the precepts of the Gospel with an outward conduct so be­ coming its purity and dig- r. nity, that others must fed their need of Jesus. The re­ flex loveliness of Christ’s character in the soul, ex­ hibited in the homely garb of our outward everyday life, will do more than any­ thing else, we believe, to kindle the much-needed re­ vival. Men a r e looking, as never before, for “living epistles”. We believe the Lord is withholding His showers of blessing until there are more believers whose lives exhibit, like the opal in its pure transpar­ ency, the beautiful hues of grace, wm I Hit A Dentist-Cha ir M ed itation H AVE you ever noticed that dentists have a



Once more the liberal yew laughs out,. O’er richer stores than gems or gold; Once mord'}'with harvest song and shout Is nature’s bloodless triumph told. Our common mother rests and sings, Like Ruth among her garnered sheaves; Her lap is full of goodly things, Her brow is bright with autumn leaves. And we today, amidst our flowers And fruits, have come to own again The blessings of the sum­ mer hours, The early and the latter rain.

To see again our Father’s hand Reverse for us the plen­ teous horn Of autumn, filled and running o’er With fruit, and flowers, and golden corn. We shut our eyes, the flowers bloom on, We murmur, but the corn ears fill, We choose the shadow, but the sun That casts it shines be­ hind us still. year : Oh, favors every made new! Oh, gifts with rain and sunshine sent! The bounty overruns our due. The fulness shames our discontent.

way of putting questions to a fellow as soon as they get his mouth propped open with some torturous instru-v ment, and large wads of cotton packed about his tongue so that he could not pos­ sibly speak a word? < The writer was in this position the other day when the dentist propounded a question we had scarcely expected to hear while sitting in a dentist’s chair: “Why did the children of Israel demand a king and want to become like the nations around them?” He waited for an answer, knowing full well that there was but one, unintelligible sound that we could make—a mere grunt.

At this moment the owner of the factory entered. “Stop the mill,” he said. “It is more important that souls should be saved than that this mill should be run.” A meeting of great power followed; and in a few days most of those factory hands, and the owner also, professed to have found salvation in Christ. The days in which we are living are days of much wrangling over Christian doctrines and much talking about the need of revival. Yet how few men there are who, like


November 1927

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loss of reality in fellowship in the Church. The Church was once regarded as the home of the family of God. It was a place where His people came together at stated times for testimony, prayer, spiritual food and mutual helpfulness. Today it is becoming more and more a big enterprise in which much work is turned put by machinery, and in which the majority of members have no part. In many cases, the spiritual atmosphere is not what it used to be, due to the Word of God, prayer and testimony not being given their proper places. In other cases, the Church has languished because so many of its members have forgotten the vital law that the blessed life cannot be lived in sep­ aration from those who know God. Many young people today are left to imagine that acceptance of Christ or church membership is all that is needed to create spiritual satisfaction. They soon drift into coldness, finding no joy in the Christian life compar­ able to the world’s pleasures. Home is not more essen­ tial to the nurture and protection of a new-born child than is the fellowship of the Christian church to the babe in Christ. Our Lord has promised in a special way to manifest His presence where “two or three are met together” in His Name. Fulness of joy cannot be found in. isolation. We feel it a part of our task to call upon pastors to give back to the Church the old-time fellowship meetings, and to plead with Christian;people to make their regular appointments with the Christ who has promised to be the central figure of every meeting where believers gather sin­ cerely in His Name. . The P sych iatrists Are After U s ! E VANGELISM in the Light of Psychiatry” was the heading of an article in a religious journal published in Chicago. These are the days of “specialists,” and it seems to fall within the scope of Psychiatry to analyze religious experiences and explain them on the purely psychical basis. A Psychiatrist is one who makes a special study of mental disorders. As might be expected, the Psychiatrist is charging that the Church requires of the “human an­ imal” impossibly high standards, and that in its evangeh istic efforts it works on the fears of men, stirs them up emotionally and thus produces difficulties which have to be cured by the Psychiatrist. In other words Christianity upsets people and produces mental disorders. We are told that liberal Christianity has reacted against this old type and that Modernists are lining up with the Psychiatrists to get rid of the hell-fire religion and everything that works upon the emotions. The so-called scientific religion will not define its task in terms of saving souls. It will have nothing to say about sin as intolerable to a holy God, about repentance, about the shed blood of Jesus Christ, about future retribution for the lost. Its program is one of social reform and religious education. There is undoubtedly much justification for the crit­ ical attitude of some toward that type of evangelism which almost altogether plays upon the emotions. Some evan­ gelists may have prided themselves upon their ability to put their audiences through all the stages of grief from the snuffles to the snorts, and on the tide of emotion to get a large number to shake hands and sign on the dotted line. Others, familiar with the workings of mass psychology, have tricked people into shouting and jumping and clap-

He proceeded : “I ’ll tell you,” he said. “There were two reasons. The priesthood had made a failure. They were no longer doing things as God had directed them, and God was not blessing them. They had ceased to lay hands upon the head of thé scapegoat as they confessed the sins of themselves and the people—-the type of identification with the Lamb of God, the sin-Bearer.. They had gotten beyond God’s way of doing things, and the people realized that they had lost all spiritual power. “Furthermore,” he continued, “the prophets had failed. Even Samuel without authority had appointed his two ungodly sons to succeed him in judging Israel. They were grafters, took bribes and perverted judgment. The people saw that they were not getting anywhere. They were sick and tired of it all and wanted a kingdom like the nations around them, so that they might be able to compete fairly and squarely.with the ways of the world.” As the dentist began unmercifully to grind away with his electric drill, he added, “And history repeats itself. Many of the churches today are calling for the ways of the world and trying to compete with the glitter of the world, for the sanie old reasons. Many of God’s undershepherds have failed. They have lost communion with their Lord. They have new ideas about Calvary. They no longer identify themselves with Christ, crucified, the all-suf­ ficient Sacrifice. They are trying to improve upon God’s ways of !doing things. Furthermore, the prophets have failed. They are giving us plenty of teaching, but often their actions belie their instructions. “Many people are confused,” he continued; “they see nothing of the supernatural. It is only empty form. Therefore, they are turning the church into a club-house and public forum like unto the institutions of the world. How far will they get with it ? What happened to Israel ? What?” Still we could not make a reply; but we had been doing some thinking anyway. We pass it along. Think this over, brethren ! How far 'will they get with it ? m The Call To th e House o f God “These things write we unto you, that your joy may be full" (1 Jno. 1 :4). T HERE is a great truth missed by taking the above statement: away the preceding verse, with which it is connected. What are “these things” ? The Apostle John has just written of the benefits of “fellowship” with God’s people (v. 3), whose fellowship, hè declares, is with the Father and with the Son. Is the note of religious joy absent in the Church today ? May it not be because there are too many isolated, soli­ tary Christians who do not attend the prayer and fellow­ ship services of the Church? It is certain that joy depends largely upon realization of our common fellowship in the Lord. All are ready to admit that fellowship with God is essential, for when one is out of touch with Him, the deeper sources of joy dry up. But there are far too' many who have not felt that fellowship with their brothers and sisters in Christ was of any importance. Too often we hear it said : “I can worship God better at home or out in the open,” and the exhortation that we should “forsake not the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is,” is not recog­ nized as one of the laws of spiritual growth and abiding joy. Without a doubt, one reason for the marked absence of exulting joy, such as there used to be in the Church, is

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It should be ' remembered, however, that when one seeks to get his hearers in a blank state of mind, and then surrounded with persons of emotional type, he is leading them to give up the proper use of their own faculties, wrecking their nerves and unbalancing them mentally. These are the very laws upon which evil powers, bent upon counterfeiting the Holy Spirit, operate. We can join the Psychiatrists in opposing such devil­ ish and unscriptural practices. At the same time we may watch with interest the results of this “new evangelism,” based on the old idea that environment and education can determine experience. Com ing Out of Babylon T HE Moody Church Herald tells of a brother who, because of the extremely unscriptural views of the pastor, ceased to attend the church of which he was a member. Sunday- after Sunday question marks were placed against the truths that the parishioner deemed essential. He decided to remain at home to read and meditate upon his Bible for himself. Some time elapsed, and he felt impressed to return to the old church and;see if any change had occurred. That morning the minister was at his worst, ridiculing, de­ nouncing, evading things that are sacred. When the benediction was pronounced, the visitor hurried toward an exit. One of the deacons rushed up to him, grabbed him by the hand and said cordially, “Good morning,-Jim —glad to see you out.” “Yes,” replied Jim—“and I’m glad to get out!” There are undoubtedly situations of this kind which are intolerable to those who love the Lord and believe His Word, and there is nothing that can be done except to get out and go to a church where the Word of God is hon­ ored. As Mr. Moody used to put it: “You wouldn’t try to put a lot of chicks under a dead hen.” When a modernist pastor has influenced his people to the extent of carrying with him a large proportion of the ruling officers of the church and Sunday school, so that those who hold orthodox views are no longer free to “contend for the faith once delivered to. the saints,” what can they do but “ come out from among them and be separate”? On the other hand, there are times when it is plainly the Christian’s duty to go quietly ahead sowing the good seed, knowing that the harvest-time is sure to follow seed­ time. It is not easy to do this when one knows that a pas­ tor is not in accord. It requires a great deal of prayer. It means that tact must be used;so as not to antagonize unnecessarily. It means that at all times the spirit of Christ must be manifested, no matter how severe may be the rebukes that one receives. Why should an enlightened Christian resign the field to those who would sow the seeds of doubt, so long as God has left a door of opportunity open to him to bear testimony and t.hus save some from the traps of error? Right here let us say that ma.ny bad mistakes have been made under the guise of a “coming out of Babylon.” There are leaders who seem to live on the faults and fail­ ures of others. If they'can lay hold of a sentence uttered by a minister whom they do not like, they will pitch into him and publish his statement, putting upon it their own constructions and prejudicing the minds of thousands of people against the minister. It matters not that God may have been richly blessing the man’s work; they will keep on picking his statements to pieces' until they make people believe that the man is a wolf in sheep’s clothing; that the

Our D izzy Old World

ping, until, under nervous strain, they have gone into trances and mumbled strange things. Hundreds have been led -to believe that such demonstrations were of the Holy Spirit, whereas many of the leaders know exactly how to work any crowd up to such a pitch, purely in the energy of the flesh. There is no doubt that this type of evangelism, weak­ ening as it is to the nervous system, helps to fill lunatic asylums. Christian workers might do well to give some study to this new-fangled subject of “Psychiatry.” They would come to know something of the serious results of playing upon the emotions of people in the pure energy of the flesh. They would undoubtedly get some new light upon the spiritual laws with which theology deals. However, the Psychiatrist makes the mistake of judg­ ing all evangelism on the basis of this superficial mob- psychology variety. The preaching of the Word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit does not lead to insanity. We would not say that it never stirs the emotions. You cannot disturb the consciences of men in regard to the quality of life they are living, without reaching the emo­ tions. Such a disturbance, however, is not evil in its effects. It is incidental to a needed reorganization of the whole personality, and leads to a healthy condition of mind and heart. It is analogous to the pain which attends the setting of a bone that is out of joint. ' The whole objective of the Scriptural evangelist is to get men to intelligently and actively renounce sin and choose the right. The God of love desires to make a man into a free, intelligent sovereign in his own sphere—a thinking, rational, renewed creation in the divine image. A people who are quiet in spirit, in heart, in mind, are in the best condition to receive the truth and be born of God. There are, however, some people who must be given a jolt, even as the physician sometimes has to break a bone over again in order to straighten it. It is the preacher’s task to jar men loose from their sins, to make them face their problems, and to save them from the abyss toward which they are heading.


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minister, watched as the balky Ford was put once more in running order. “How much do I owe you?” said the man. “Nothing.” “Well,” countered the man, “you might at least tell me who you are.” “I happen to be,” was the reply, “the Methodist preacher over in town.” At that the would-be traveler extended his hand and said, “I am certainly indebted to you and I would like to pay.” “Well,” replied the preacher, “you can pay me by coming to church.” Now, the story relates that the man .not only was not a church attendant, but had never attended church in his entire life. As a result of this chance meeting on the highway he ventured to go, brought his entire family, and in due course of time they were all baptized and those old enough, including the- husband and wife, were re­ ceived into the church. This is quite a story in itself,- but in order to be altogether truthful we have to add that the new church member, who had his cellar full of jugs containing unauthorized liquid contents, carried them out, one by one; and poured their contents upon the ground. The story is not yet completed, for other fam­ ilies have become interested in the church as a result of these recent events, and there are likely to be still fur­ ther increases in church attendance and membership. W idest Read Books Next to the Bible, “Pilgrim’s Progress,” by John Bun- yan, which first appeared in 1678, has been translated into more languages than any other book. According to infor­ mation received through the reference librarian of the New York Public Library, the number now exceeds 107 languages and dialects. In commenting on this, Frank H. Mann, general secretary of the American Bible Society, said: “This is a remarkable record for any book and only goes to emphasize the more remarkable record of the Bible in this respect. The Bible has been translated in part into 770 languages and dialects; more than seven times as many as ‘Pilgrim’s Progress.’ ”

whole church is Babylon and that all are on the highroad to hell who do not come out of her. Unfortunately, there are many well-meaning Chris­ tians who do not do much thinking for themselves. They are influenced largely by the talk or writings of a few men who can quote many passages from the Bible and make it appear that they are the mouthpieces of God in rebuking apostasy. It does not occur to their readers that these men usually build upon second-hand information, which very often is biased, and that often this critical type of leader does not make a fair investigation before he launches his attack. We feel sorry for those who feed themselves con­ tinually on this type of literature, until their attention is wholly engrossed with the faults of the church and the ministry. They think that the whole visible church is apostate and all ministers are hirelings of the devil. The next thing we know, they have decided to “come out of Babylon.” They say that we are in the last times and that those who would be true to God must leave the church and walk with God alone. And yet our God has left us a word for these very times: “Forsake not the assembling of yourselves to­ gether [referring to the church] and so much the more as ye see the day approaching.”1 Let us be sure that we know what Babylon is and what God’s will is before we start “coming out,” for the critical spirit is very con­ tagious, and one may become hypercritical by imbibing too much of the views of a certain type of leaders. ¡sp A Real Ford Story World Service News, a secular periodical, carries the following story: M OST Ford stories are jokes, but this is no joke. One of our home missionaries in Nebraska was driving across country when he came to a man who was having trouble with his car. The missionary stopped and of­ fered to help, but the troubled brother, who happened to be a Bohemian farmer, did not have much faith in the proffered assistance.' He accepted it, however, and, not knowing that the tinkering mechanic, was a Christian

We Thank Thee — For the colors o f a sunset, for a moonlit night at sea, For the scent of flowers in gardens, for the droning of a bee. For the little summer breezes, for cobwebs wet with dew, For little fleecy cloudlets that float in skies of blue. For the rivers, cool and shady, for the busy little streams, For a bog with waving cotton over which the sunlight gleams.

We Thank Thee — For the hazy blue of distance, for the stars that shine by night; For the little children playing, and for a child’s delight. For music great and wonderful, for friendships proved and true, For thoughts of worth and beauty, and for the good we do. For the sympathy and kindness that Thou hast spread abroad In the hearts of men and women — for these we thank Thee, Lord.

sjfi -By K. M. Smith.

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streets of the large towns is a common sight, whereas it was extremely rare fif­ teen years ago. * * * Rev. Richard S. Beal, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Tucson, Arizona, is a Fundamentalist of the Fundamental­ ists. He is also a Fundamentalist of excellent judgment, for he says: “K ing ’ s B usiness is the best ever. I enjoy every issue. You are rendering a great ministry through its pages. I do not see how it could be improved upon. It is deserving of the widest possible circulation.” * * * Referring to the increased suicide ratio among college students, Dr. Glenn Frank, president of the University of Wisconsin, draws the wise conclusion that “a re­ naissance of great teaching is one of the needs of American universities. The greater the complexity and confusion of an era, the greater the need for teachers with genius for guidance, interpretation, and stimulation. Better teachers on our faculties will mean braver spirits in our student bodies. A cynical and indecisive intellectualism is a blind alley into which modern education is in danger of heading.” He advocates a policy of frée discussion, even when it goes to lengths that make some instructors wince. * * * Evangelist John Brown has been giving a vital message on the necessity of more young people preparing for constructive manual work rather than for white-collar jobs if our country is to be saved. A writer in World’s Work who has made investigations in 92 high schools in lead­ ing cities, declares that 60 per cent of the students had no serious thought of what they would make of themselves and had never even talked with their parents on the subject. Strange to say, of those who had talked with their parents, 93 per cent had been advised not to follow the voca­ tions of their parents. Children are being advised to seek easier lives than their parents, and there is less and less love for real work. When the question was put : “How many have thought of farm­ ing as a life work?” whether it was asked in city or country schools, invariably it brought down the house. When the min­ istry was suggested, laughter always re­ sulted. A serious situation is brought to light. Thè vocations of feeding and clothing the body and feeding the souls of men have little appeal to modern youth. Ease, which is the mother of degeneracy, is the goal. John Brown is right in insist­ ing that there is a social revolution and that unless parents wake up and show their children the honor of real work, we are on the road back to caste, serfdom, peerage ancj slavery. * * * The announcement by the University of Chicago that à new version of the Bible is being brought forth, has brought some interesting comments from secular papers. The consensus of opinion seems to be that this attempt by Prof. Powis Smith maims

Angeles has been considered a city of beautiful churches, but it appears that over a million are in the way of becoming pagans. Yet some Christian people are still waiting to be “led of the Lord” be­ fore they; seek to win anyone to Christ. * * * Mussolini may be a bad egg, but we will have to give him credit for closing 25,000 bars or wine shops in Italy. He is- not content, and intends to withdraw licenses from a large number of others. The chief difficulty that faces Fascist Government is that, although the export trade in Italian wines is small compared with that of France, there is one-third as much again more land devoted to the cultivation of grapes for wines in Italy than in France or Spain, Wine is abund­ ant and cheap, and the economic pros­ perity of the country has led to excessive drinking, so that drunkenness in the

“Evolution is slow,” says a Los Angeles paper. “There is no noticeable change in the disposition of the mosquito.” * * * The Newark Ledger says: “It must be awful to be a neighbor’s child,, because they never will amount to anything.” * * * • “If a child of God marries a child of the devil,” says an exchange, “the said child of God is sure to have some trouble with his father-in-law.” * * * - After a recent riot in Foochow, China, the resident Methodist bishop, there cabled home: “Wife left for Manila. Every­ thing quiet here.” There! You have the cause of the whole thing. ♦ * * It was Mark Twain, who said: “Some people are troubled by the things in the Bible they can’t understand. The things that trouble me are the things I can under­ stand.” * * * The New Testament says that he whose gift is ministering should wait on his ministry, but here is a preacher in Piedmont, Missouri, who advertises: “I preach Christ crucified, sell monuments for your dead, and auctioneer your prop­ erty. Please let me serve you.” * * * There come rumors that atheism is making much headway in American schools, but the Lexington Herald observes that those who are familiar with atheistic timber generally are sure that whatever the thing is doing it is not making headway. ♦ * * The Pathfinder points out the astound­ ing fact that of all the children in our orphan asylums, only five per cent are actually orphans. Thirty per cent of them are half orphans, while sixty-five per cent have both parents living! Let the advo­ cates of loose marriage ties figure that out and tell us what condition we shall be in when people get away altogether from the Bible view of marriage. * * * The Boston Transcript tells of a little girl who came home from church and told her parents that the people sang “The Dog’s Holiday” and went home. * * * Rev. L. B. Irwin, writing in The Pres­ byterian of the South, wants to know if anyone knows of a divorce of husband and wife who both daily asked the guid­ ance and help of God to be with them in their daily life. Think that through. * * * A church survey in Los Angeles brings ¡¡out the startling fact that out of a total population qf 1,350,000 there are but 290.000 church members, including Catho­ lics and Jewish synagogs. That leaves 1.060.000 people who belong to nothing at all. Only one person in eight is a member of any religious body, and only one in fifteen is a Protestant. Los

God’s G ifts The fragrant flowers, The cooling breezf^Tf The bird’s sweet song, The leafy: trees, The blue, blue sky, The sunshine bright, The twinkling stars. The moon’s soft light, The changing clouds, The rain, the snow, The rosy dawn, The sunset’s glow, The sloping hills, The forest shade, The valleys green, The sunny glade, The little rills, The rivers wide, The sandy shore, The ocean tide, Each pretty view, Each golden day, Each pleasing joy, . , Whqr,e’er you stay , . Are gifts of God to man. —Myra A. Buck.

N ovember 1927


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been swindled out of all their savings through some of thé bogus investments that are so highly advertised. Such in­ vestments are marketed in America with greater ease than any other country, due probably to our citizens being more of a newspaper-reading public, and to the presence of “high-powered salesmen” who have learned all the tricks of psychology. Harper’s Magazine declares “there seems to be no sex in suckers, and one of the strangest traits of the psychology of both men and women is their habit of coming back for more. ‘Once bitten, twice shy,’ does not hold; of the average sucker the adage should read, ‘Once bitten, twice as eager.’ Confidence men know this. There are SO places in New York City where ‘sucker lists’ are compiled and sold. The names of those who have once invested in bogus schemes bring high rates, but for chronic biters the rate is, much. higher.” Are you on the list? * * * Some of our good friends have seemed to feel that T he K ing ’ s B usiness at­ tempted in its report of the Presbyterian

and mutilates the great universal primer of the race. “It may be a feat of schol­ arship,” says one daily paper, “but those who learned the great language of Scrip­ ture in childhood will not willingly see its truths decked out in the literary flippery of the moderns to serve no purpose but to show the ingenuity of translators in find­ ing new modes of expression,” The At­ lanta Journal goes so far as to say that these present-day scholars may know more about Greek and Hebrew than did those of the seventeenth century, but that if they know half as much English, it is not revealed in this translation. * * * ‘ “I am convinced that T he K ing ' s B usiness is the best magazine printed on the planet,” writes a subscriber who reads several of the leading religious period­ icals. That’s only one man’s opinion, but it helps in these days when most people write letters only when they have some fault to find. * * * Almost every day we hear of Christian people—very often ministers-^who have

General Assembly to whitewash the Mod­ ernists and conceal the real conditions. We will, therefore, quote Dr. Mark Mat­ thews of Seattle, Washington, whom no one will mistake for “a middle-of-the- roader.” Dr. Matthews says: “Perhaps no other assembly was more inaccurately reported by the metropolitan press. When­ ever the Associated Press dispatches car­ ried articles or headlines purporting to refer to battles between the Modernist and the Fundamentalist, they were abso­ lutely false. Never were more inaccurate reports made by the metropolitan press than they made in their statements say­ ing that the Modernists had won this or that question. There were no issues be­ fore the Assembly had opportunity to ex­ press itself on the question of the great fundamental doctrines of the church, it was ninety-nine p e r, cent solid for the great fundamental doctrines of God’s in­ fallible Word, our matchless constitution, Book of Church Order, and Confession of Faith. The last Assembly was one of the strongest, most fundamental, most de­ cidedly evangelistic Assemblies in many years.”

The greatest opportunity the church has ever faced

is before it today in .America


ECENTLY an Anti-Bible and Anti-Christian club in New York State appealed to the highest court in the State to forbid the releasing of children from school on school time for the purpose of going to classes for Bible and religious training. To the honor of that great State the courts have declared that it is quite in harmony with the constitution of the State and America to make proper provision to teach children the Word of God in school time. This is a growing conviction in America at this time and is one of the church’s great challenges. Are we prepared to take advantage of it? If so we must be prepared to do the work in a thorough way. The one who teaches the things that pertain to the highest and most vital interests of life can not be less prepared than the one who teaches Science, Literature and Languages. T he B ible I nstitute of L os A ngeles fully realizes this fact and is doing its utmost to thoroughly prepare young men and women to meet this crisis in the church. To this end we seek: F ir s t : T o lead them into a genuine experience of Christ and to surround them with an atmosphere of genuine Christian living. S econd : To give them a thorough knowledge of the Bible in all of its applications to life and its responsibilities. For this purpose we have secured some of the very greatest Bible teachers in the world for our staff. T h ir d : T o train them in the very best and most approved methods of work and teaching under thoroughly trained teachers who have had a wide experience in public school work. We are convinced that this is one of the most important pieces of work that we can possibly do and we are appealing to the Christian men and women to whom God has entrusted money to help us carry it on. Our work is interdenominational and we earnestly seek to cooperate with and serve all evangelical churches and pastors. In addition to this we offer a large number of courses in other subjects and carry on varied evangelistic activities. If America is not going to become pagan and lose its opportunity we must teach our children the Word of God—the thing that has made America possible. Will you help us to do this?

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