King's Business - 1927-11

We W an t You W ith Us on the 1928 King’s Business Tour to the Holy Land

Will you be one of the happy throng on board when the S. S. Doric slips away from h*er pier in New York and points her prow oceanward, bound for the blue waters of the Mediterranean? Will you be one of the congenial family of T h e K in g ' s B u s in e s s readers who will sail on Feb. 8 for this never-to-be-forgotten trip ? Like Our Own Private Yacht The magnificent S. S. Doric of the White Star Line has been chartered for the Cruise. This new luxurious liner will become our floating homei All members of the party will have the entire use of the boat. There will be no First, Second or Third Class distinctions. Our itinerary will take us to Madeira, Gibraltar, Spain, Algiers, Tunis, Malta, Athens, Constan­ tinople, Palestine, Smyrna, Egypt, Sicily, Italy, Monaco, France, England. James Boring will again personally di­ rect the Cruise. His organization, James Boring’s Travel Service, Inc., will do

everything to make our trip comfortable and enjoyable. We will be relieved of all details. Special trains or motors will meet us when we step ashore at the var­ ious ports. Hotel rooms have been re­ served in advance, guides will be waiting. The Cost is Extremly Moderate No amount of money could provide more comfortable traveling conditions than we will enjoy, yet the cost is less than if you were to travel alone, with all the inconveniences of making your own arrangements. By chartering our own ship, by contracting for a large number of hotel rooms and using special trains and motors, we have reduced the cost tcLa minimum. You pay just one fee—as low as $690—according to the stateroom you select, which includes all necessary ex­ penses on board and ashore. Plan now to join our cruise. Member­ ships are limited to 550.

A glimpse of Nazareth, one of the many places in the Holy Land we shall visit, bringing back vividly the scenes of our Saviour's life.

WHERE WE GO New Y ork M adeira G ib raltar Spain A lgiers Tunis M alta E gy p t P alestin e Sm yrna C onstantinople Greece Sicily Italy Monaco France England

Along the Riviera, where the Maritime Alps meet the Mediterranean—one of the beauty spots of the world.

— u i i m Please Mail the Coupon NOW for Full Details

Long before February 8th, our sailing date, all accommodations will undoubt­ edly have been reserved. Last year many were left behind. If you think that it is at all possible that you may go, send now for full information. You do not obligate yourself by mailing the coupon, so tear it out now and get it in the mail today.

K ing's B usiness, D ept. L-8 323-327 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, P a.

I am in terested in th e 1928 K ing’s B usi­ ness T our to the M editerranean an d H oly Land. Please ask Mr. B oring to send me full p articu lars.

Come with us for 62 wonderful days' among the most picturesque and enchanting places of the old world. Every day will be crowded with new and interesting experiences. All your life this marvellous Cruise will live in your memory: Don’t miss this unparalleled opportuntiy.


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