King's Business - 1927-11

N ovember 1927


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

“Later : c /o J. Wilkinsen, Esq., Zelandia Chambers, Dunedin, New Zealand, for a further three months at least. “We should value gifts for work in Australia and New Zealand, for our hearts are set to encourage this ministry wherever we go. All cannot stand before the footlights and do public ministry, but many could by prayer and grace be made into personal workers. We shall bend our efforts to this end. “Can you help in tracts, booklets and Gospels of John, underlined, especially ? “I shall be glad to hear from you. Thanking you much for the help so kindly given for Shanghai. I am now here in Hong Kong advocating a similar service among a few Christian men we are meeting, and trust similar results may follow. “Few peoples really know what life in these Eastern

“I had one ambition—to become a preacher. My father objected, and I was obliged to be a business man like my father, though the ambition remained. I was a pupil in Jesus’ School. “Till 1923 I was happy as a child. My joy and hope was only my Saviour. And then temptation came. Not worldly amusements. I became a Modernist! A Sceptic! A miserable^ My life seemed as a Christian to everyone who knew me. But I knew myself better than anyone else. I was not without God, but could not believe in the existence of Satan. I liked best Christian people. I hated worldly people, but at the same time I was a doubter. Dear brother, how could I be happy with all these objec­ tions? At the same time I used to pray, to go to church, and give lessons in the Sunday school, but without peace and spirituality, when came the temptations of youth and I was down, down to the bottom of a miserable life, a mind occupied only with mysteries. When some spiritual brother or sister came to me, I used to say I cannot be­ lieve to every word of the Bible, but I will be a Christian and unless Jesus does a miracle in me I will not believe! Oh, how bad I was. I wounded Him again and again. - But praise be to His Holy 'Name, He took me again; with this verse He helped me: ‘Unless you accept the kingdom of heaven as a child you cannot enter in.’ I read this verse on a blackboard, written in Arabic for lit­ tle children. . . . And after 3 days I gave myself wholly to my Saviour. Now I am happy in Him. I knew that many were praying for me. And some fasting too. Specially a sister in Christ, and our relative prayed day and night, fasted before God, that I may come to Jesus. Now I am as a child. A simple believer. O Jesus, help me! Let me love you as you loved me. Open my eyes to see you in your beauty, and fill my heart with your love! “As I wrote before, I have a burning ambition to work for Christ. To serve Him with all my power, with all my knowledge (though poor in knowledge). I must preach the Gospel, and free, free, too. And for living do business.” Years ago, in Chicago, Dr. Henry McScudder, of the famous missionary Scudder family, was in an evangelistic meeting where the ardent leader claimed that every true Christian should spend several hours each day upon his knees. Dr. Scudder was asked, “How many hours do you pray each day?” He replied: “I may not spend as much time on my knees as our enthusiastic friend thinks neces­ sary, but I go up and down the crowded streets of this busy city, and hundreds of people, young and old, weary and forlorn, pass me. I never allow this human parade to pass by unnoticed. I do not withdraw into my own thoughts, away from it. I have trained myself to keep looking at it. I look into their faces and pray for every one of them, not on my knees, but on my feet. I spend much time every day in prayer.”

ports is like. As a general thing ‘God is rifled out.’-. He has no place, and most missionaries take it as a fact. “Greetings in Christ, “Yours, ‘looking for that Blessed Hope,’ (Signed) “H. Erbert Curtis.” —o— An Armenian’s Stirring T estim ony S OME of the letters that come to the Secretary of our Correspond­ ence School would stir the heart of the coldest professing Christian if he could but read them. Often we are restrained from publishing them because of their personal nature, but we are reproduc­ ing below a part of a letter received from far away Alexandria, Egypt, from a young man who signs his name “Yer- nant Kutchukian.” We could wish that every doubter might have the opportun­ ity of reading this letter: “Dear brother in Christ:

“Thanks to God that we all are one in Jesus Christ our beloved Saviour, members of His body, the true Church. Since 3 years a subscriber, reader of T h e K ing ’ s B u sin e ss . I like it. I love the King. I wait eagerly every month for my copy. I dig it as a treasure, so help­ ful for my Christian worker. May God bless you. Amen! “My purpose in writing of this letter is to have an idea of the correspondence courses. First, I must tell a few words about myself (excuse me) : “Born 1903. We fled to Egypt at 1909 after the mas­ sacre of Alicia; remained till 1913 with parents, sisters and brother. Studied in French and American schools. In 1913 I was 10 years old; again we went back to Turkey to see our relatives and for a furlough, with all the family except my father when came the World War. We could not return to Egypt and we were obliged to remain in Tur­ key during the war. God saved us by a great miracle from the massacre. Many of our relatives died. From our fam­ ily only a sister went to heaven. “Till 1918 we remained in a town, Urfa, City of Abraham. Many persecutions. I used to read the Bible. I heard from mother and others about repentance, to be born again, etc. Always in a religious and pure atmos­ phere. We could not go to church. After the Armistice, in Aleppo, I went to church. Accepted Jesus. I was so happy, and only 15 years old when father took us to Alex­ andria. He had a good business prepared for his son.

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