King's Business - 1927-11

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T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

November 1927

president, I van P eterson (’24), and after singing several old familiar choruses, in­ cluding “Biola” and “Our School of the West,” we were led in prayer by REV. ALBERT MITCHELL. Mr. Peterson told of the purpose of the Biola Club for the benefit of new members and then turned the rest of the meeting over to Dr. At­ kinson. ' “We were grateful indeed to Dr. At­ kinson,” writes a member of the club, “for giving us a resume of the past work accomplished by the Bible Institute and for the very optimistic outlook regarding our ; beloved school. We are sure that evèry member présent would have found it difficult to estifnate the great amount of good accomplished in their own lives, through having attended good old B. I. “We were happy also in having with us three or four prospective students who intend to enter B. I. in September, and must say that they entered into the meet­ ing with real typical B. I. enthusiasm.” —o— Ding-Dong : Wedding Bells GERHART JANTZEN, ’27, a n d MARY ANNE KOSLOWSKY, Frazer, Montana, August 25. CHARLES KSI LAYNE, ’27, and THELMA A. MOON, ’23, P. G. ’24, at the home ,of the bride’s parents, Los An­ geles, September 1. The Biola Family extends congratula­ tions and best' wishes. —o— News F rom All Q uarters . GEORGE HALL, ’22, P. G. ’23, of Mel­ bourne, Australia, sends greetings to all Biola friends. Mr. Hall very kindly sub­ mitted recently a number of sermon out­ lines which the Managing Editor of T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s will be glad to use. They are. suggestive and quite worthy of use in textual and expository work. Come again, George ! —o— ’MONSIEUR AND MADAME SHEL­ DON announce the birth of their son (Kenneth Everett) at Bassai, Oubanghi- Chari ( Afrique équatoriale française) June 4, 1927. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Sheldon (neë Hattie Louise Cope) are Bible Institute graduates of Classes 1921 and 1922.


cream and cookie?, was ordered'sent to 11IOLA. Those.; present were Mr. and Mrs. James ; R.; Smith (Moody,, I think, at any rate .his rectillections sounded like that), Mr. Charles' Troutman,f president of Washington; D. C. Bible Institute, Mrs. Troutman (Moody, 1902), Joe W. Lu­ cas (BIOLA, ’20) " Mrs. Lucas ' !Toronto Bible Co l l e g e , '21) Mi“. ‘and Mrs. Charles R. Osburn (BIOLA, ’20), Miss Ellerton (Moody, 1924), Miss. Elizabeth Ruth (BIOLA, ’22), Byron Adams (BI­ OLA, ’22),‘Mr. and "Mrs."Laub'er (BI­ OLA, ’27), Miss Ava McSpadden (BI­ OLA, ’22), Miss Mabel Lyons (BIOLA, ’22), Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wells (BIOLA, ’21), Miss Florence Butler (BIOLA, ’21), Mr. Jesse Baldwin (BIOLA), Rev. Hugh Smith (Moody), Mrs. J. P. Anderson (Moody), Mr. and Mrs. Bysegger (BI­ OLA, 22). —o— Biola C lub of Seattle 'T'HIS Biola Club of Seattle is composed of former students of the Bible Insti­ tute, both graduates and non-graduates, who are living in Seattle and neighboring cities. It was organized about two years ago, and although meetings are not held regularly, the club, being composed of real boosters for the Bible Institute, al­ ways stands ready, and is looking for op­ portunities to entertain student mission­ aries, and anyone connected in any way with the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. In August, a delightful meeting of the club was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Weber, at. 1712 Fourteenth Avenue, Seattle, Washington. The hon­ orary guests of the evening were Dr. and Mrs. Atkinson, who were sojourn­ ing for a few days in Seattle before re­ turning to Los Angeles; and it was in­ deed a great pleasure to have them in our midst. • The meeting was conducted by the

F ine Student- Body rT* HE Day School opened with regis- trations for the first semester, Sep­ tember 12 and 13, and the first classes Wednesday, September 14. Student Body reception committees were active in greet­ ing the old and in making the new feel at home. The office of the Student Sec­ retary was one of the- busiest places around the Institute. The Registrar was making out scores of schedules, and with his usual good spirit. Registrations in­ dicated large enrollment for the year. The Christian Service Medical Course and that - of Christian Education are growing in popularity, as evidenced by the number of graduates back for P. G. work. The Bible Institute has never had a Student Body made up of a finer type of young men and women. —o— S tu d e n t Body Up an d Doing The Student Body Association, under the leadership of the new president, I r w in M oon , is particularly active in works of a constructive nature. A new system for taking the roll at class ses­ sions and for the opening of each period has been inaugurated and is being tried out with Faculty approval. Student As­ sociation representativès care for the roll through the use of different colored cards. All this is done before the ringing of the tardy bell. The teacher enters the class­ room at the ringing of the second bell. The students immediately rise and remain standing for the opening prayer. The way is open to enter at once upon the classroom lecture. It is both significant and gratifying that -such a policy was suggested by • the students themselves, and for the sake of better classroom work and spirit. B. I. R eun ion a t Flagstaff "RRIDAY, August 19, at the Southwest Bible and Missionary Conference at Flagstaff, Arizona ; Bible Institute table was spread during the regular supper hour. About twenty-five gathered around the hospitable board, of whom fourteen were from BIOLA, three from Moody, one official from Washington, D. C. Institute, and the rest were “in-laws.” Reminiscences of Moody in the early days, including anecdotes of Drs. Tor- rey and Atkinson, were given by James R. Smith of Fort Defiance, Arizona; BIOLA and the Moody school songs were sung. The plums (which also character­ ized Moody) were recalled. Each one introduced himself and told what he had been doing since graduation. _Much pri­ vate conversation of a reminiscent char­ acter was indulged in; the food was not neglected and several photographs were taken. Altogether it was a very en­ joyable occasion. Special prayer was of­ fered at the close for the institutions teaching the Bible and the consecrated instructors therein; and the balance of the collection after' paying for the ice

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