King's Business - 1927-11


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

November 1927

and is a good plea for the application of reason to the theory of Evolution. It is dedicated to “the Rowers and not to the Floaters,” and is intended for those who are willing to think for themselves. Published by The John C. Winston Company, Philadelphia. Price $1.50. I ;M -I. M. M. — o — Love’s Immensity B y B e r t h a C arr - H arris From Marshall Brothers, London, comes a new book, the title of which would not suggest its contents. Its chap­ ters are devoted to the studies of the He­ brew .names of God used in the Old Tes­ tament. and it is clearly shown that in theses names we have a progressive rev­ elation of the character of God. In these days when critics have tried to make out that these various Old Testament names were the names of different tribal gods of thë.-Israelites,; this book is most ,wel­ come. The author shows the utter non­ sense of such assertions and in a mar­ velous way unfolds the original mean­ ings of the titles of God, and, taking them in the order in which they occur, shows them to be full of meaning for the discerning Christian, a veritable feast for those who enjoy going beneath the surface of things. The price of the book in the United States will be $2.50. —K. L. B.

KS- -B3 Our L iterature Table WHAT TO PURCHASE AT BIOLA BOOK ROOM -S3 Success and You B y N ellie E. F rien d With introduction by S. Parkes- Cad- man, D.D. Reason and Evolution B y G eorge A. Z ellers 8 -

Mr. Zellers has written a very inter­ esting and simple book on this quéstion of Evolution. He defines what he means by Evolution -and considers sotne views of Evolution which include a great many views which those, holding them think are Evolution, and then, on the basis of. his. own definition aqd selection, he presents the facts against this conception of the origin and development of our world. Taking the materialistic interpretation of Evolution, of course, he has no diffi­ culty in showing there are no facts to justify it, and it is easy to quote from some of the great scientists as standing against it. He discusses the question of Evolu­ tion in the public schools and shows how the streams of education are being poi­ soned, and, therefore, wfe are producing what he calls “intellectual obscuration,” and pleads that we guard the “palladium of.American liberty” against this “intel­ lectual obscurity.” The book is well and simply written

Mrs. Friend has written this book espe­ cially for young people, with the aim of -pointing out what real*- success in life means, some of the ideals and principles which must condition it, and stumbling- blocks which prove a hindrance in attain­ ing it. It contains many thoughts and suggestions which are, as the introduction says, “altruistic, optimistic and helpful,” and which aim to bring the average.young man or woman into more intimate con­ scious relation with that Power not our­ selves which is always essential for good life.” But it fails in striking any great positive note which shows that this can only be done by accepting God’s plan for our life and starting .with a right rela­ tion to JesUs Christ. Many desirable ideals are set forth, but without a clear pointing to the dynamic by which these are to be realized. Fleming H. Revell Co., $1.25. —F. M. C.

BELIEF and BRAINS M o r e le tte r s o f u n r e str a in ed e n th u s ia sm s e em to b e c o m in g to The Sunday School Times n o w a d a y s th a n e v e r b e fo r e . W h y ? W h y d o e s a P e n n s y lv a n ia read er w r ite : “ 1 ju st w ish I could say som ething extrav ag an t, real ex trav ag an t, a b o u t th e Tim es, b u t it is impossible. W ords fail to estim ate its value. E very succeeding issue is b e tte r th a n th a t w hich preceded. I look w ith e ag er desire for the m ail th a t b rin g s this stro n g m essenger to me. P e rh a p s it is b e c a u s e th e T im e s h a s b e e n le a r n in g th r o u g h th e y e a r s h o w to g a th e r fo r its p a g e s, fr om th e w h o le w o r ld o f C h r istian th o u g h t a n d a c tiv ity , th e th in g s m o s t C h r istia n s r e a lly n e ed . Belief a n d b rains a re u n ited in its service. W hen a g re at surg eo n like Am erica s D r. H ow ard j A. Kelly, o r B ritain’s D r. A . T . Schofield, o r the o u tstan d in g linguist D r. R o b ert D ick W ilson, o r th e New T estam en t archeologist S ir W illiam M. R am say, o r th e P alestinian e x p lo rer D r. Melvin G rove Kyle, m akes conspicuous re- searches in fields th a t th ro w lig h t on th e W ord, th eir first-hand m aterial is given to you exclusively in

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gives you a dozen unusual helps every w eek on th e In tern atio n al U niform S unday School L essons; tells how th e ablest S unday-school w o rk ers are getting results in th eir own schools; gives you th e latest new s of archeology, w orld surveys of religious life, san e study of Bible p rophecy, and discrim ­ in atin g book reviews. S ubscription rates a re $2 a year, o r $1.50 in clubs o f five o r m ore copies, eith er to se p a ra te addresses o r to one address. 25 cen ts w ith th e co upon will b rin g th e p a p e r to you for 10 w eeks.


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