King's Business - 1927-11


November 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

C h rist’s Cure For th e World B y D r . G ordon H. B aker Dr. Baker,'pastor of the Washington Heights .Baptist Church of New York, has gathered, in this,, volume printed by Revell, a series .of sermons, each of which carries in ;it‘ the heart of the Gos­ pel; and .thus the title of the book will be seen to be appropriate. The sermons are evangelistic and Scriptural and go straight to the heart oi the problems of sin and individual salvation. Dr. Baker -is: one of the younger .ministers, of the Baptist denomination, and this volume of addresses','seems 'toV.establish him as one who not Only has the right vision, but as one who is a homilist of high' or­ der. Dr. Bernard Clausen, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Syracuse, N. Y., writes an introduction inr which he says: “Take heart, preachers. If a man can preach like this and compel the inter­ ested attention of great audiences, we need not be so anxious to dilute our Gos­ pel into a thin, pale gruel, guaranteed not to offend the weakest digestion.” The price-is $1.50.. . ■ —K. L. B. I -—o—>■■'. A H istory of New T estam e n t Times B y G eorge M. G ibson , D.D. This little book belongs, to the training course for leadership and is worthy of a high place in the series. It is simply written ^Sut, th°ro.ighiy scholarly and in every way reliable. It is a splendid text­ book for the history of the New Testa­ ment times and can be heartily recom­ mended. We are fsiire that many Sun­ day school and Bible classes will find it exceedingly useful. It is thoroughly evangelical. Published by Cokesbury Press, Nash­ ville, Tenn. Price,- $1.00. —J. M. M, , -—o— The Red Road to Royalty B y L ewis R obeson A kers , D.D. If these sermons are an indication of the preaching of the Southern Methodist Episcopal Church, the people of the South are to be congratulated. The most of them are about Jesus Christ and fine, strong, constructive, evangelical sermons that are bound to 1 have a wholesome and helpful influence upon those reading them. They have a literary value beyond the average sermon published. Published by Fleming H. Revell Com­ pany. Price. $1.50. 881 -T M. M. A beautiful and inspiring book, or, as she calls it, “a treasury of practical thought and guidance,” by the author of “The Call of the Upper Road” and “The Upper Road of Vision.” L The five chapters of Miss Logan’s very helpful book are centered around the im­ portance of the thought life and quota­ tions for thought enrichment. It is an expansion of Paul’s injunction to think on the things that are true,' honorable, just, pure, lovely and of good report. The' pages themselves are rich in materials for such thinking, containing a store of high and noble thoughts gleaned from the world’s best literature. This book is .not only inspirational, but Your T hough ts an d You B y K atherinf R. L ogan

A New Service for Christmas A t The Manger

A complete service of Songs and Reci­ tation s for C hrist­ mas, which contains everything needed for the celebration of th is Anniversary by C h u r c h and School. Ten bright melodious m u s i c numbers w ith reci­ tation s to accomp­ any them. Lyrics by A. A. Payne, Music by R itter, Nolte and Dorsey, in choice variety. $3.25 for fifty Single copy, 7 cents of the latest holiday supplies and Sunday School.

\ t io n a l ’ BiblePress

VVHEN you desire the ultimate in beauty, quality, legibility and completeness, ask for a National Bible.. There are Bibles of all sizes at as many different prices to answer every desire, ranging from the beau­ tiful, flexible Hand Bibles, with Imperial Seal Binding and Linen Lining, India Paper and Gold Edges, to the large, profusely illustrated Family Bibles. “The Book for All A ges’* There is one which will answer your every Wish. Ask to see a National Bible at your book store. National Publishing Company PHILADELPHIA

$6.00 a hundred 80 cents a dozen We have a complete stock for the Church

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H E R E is the full sweet flow of God’s message to M an from Creation to Patm os in vivid stories th a t throb w ith life. O ut of its pages step living men and women to guide and inspire and save. Contains 233 ever-new stories covering all the main_ Bible episodes. Enables the reader to know the whole Bible in less th an eight m onths by reading one story each day. The deepest truths are told in simple, interesting language th a t the youngest child can grasp. Divided foi further helpfulness into periods of history arranged chronologically. Give your child a chance to love and understand th e Bible NOW! Contains over 600 pages, clearly printed on high-grade paper with nearly^ 200 pictures, IS being a rt reproductions on special paper in full rich colors. Clip Coupon— M ail T oday. Five D ays’ Free E xam ination to th e read ers of K ing’s B usiness. Three Styles and Editions— Clothbound and Illustrated, $2.00.* Gold stamped Home Study Edition, with 48 pages of test questions oneachstoryand 16exclusivepagesof Bible facts, prayers, parables, etc., $2.75. * _ . Kraft DeLuxe Home Study Edition, especially artistic, forLibrary or Gift use, $3.75. *„. Order from your religious publishing house mail coupon to us for free examination. G o s p e l | rumpet ^ q . i tsmTEESPUBUSHEBS-BlBUCAl,•XTXBATURpV ^ / 1 ■n Dept. 12, Anderson, Indiana Kansas City. Mo., 2616 E. 15th St. Atlanta, Ga.. 804 Edgewood Ave., N. E. ■ Sacramento, Calif., 2541 Sacramento Blvd. ■

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