King's Business - 1927-11


November 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

p S M p l I l P a r i s h P a p e r s IS r Any church, school or class can publish a parish paper by using our co-operative plan. A parish paper fills empty pews, keeps community informed, speeds up church work.. Free Samples and Particulars. Our plan provides a paper for your church without cost to you. The National Religious Press Grand Bapids, Mich. Pipe-Tone Folding Organs 4 Octave Double Reed

BORICH’S CHARTS Dn Tabernacles, Dispensational, and other topics. Send 50c for photo of Tabernacles in the Wilderness. Address P. J. BORICH, 1127 Sierra Vista St., Alhambra, Cal. ¿q.»aWAW.».*.W.WLl¡:

F u tu re Recognition O F the future recognition of óur Christian friends, it is almost as un­ reasonable to ask for proofs as for the probable recognition of friends in a dif­ ferent part of the country,.after having been separated one from another during a brief interval of time. “What! Shall memory be obliterated,” says an old writer, “and shall we forget our own past histories, and therefore lose the sense of our personal identity, and be ignorant of all we have been and done as sinners, and of all we have received and done as redeemed men? Or, knowing all this, shall we be prevented from com­ municating our histories to others? Shall beloved friends be there whom we have known and loved iff Christ here; with whom we have held holy communion; with whom we have labored and prayed for the advancement of Christ’s kingdom, and with whom we have éagerly watched for His second coming—and shall we be unable throughout eternity either to dis­ cover their existence or associate with them in the New Jerusalem? “Oh! What is there in the whole Word of God, what argument derived from our experience of the blessings of Christian fellowship, what in the character of God or His dealings with man, what in His promises of things to come laid up for those who ltive Him, that could have sug­ gested such strange, unworthy, false and dreary thoughts of the union, or rather disunion, of friends in their Father’s home? Tell me not that special affec­ tion to Christian brethren, from what­ ever causes it may arise, is inconsistent with unfeigned love to all, and with ab­ sorbing love to Jesus. It is not so here, .and never can be so from the nature of holy love, and was not so in Christ’s own case when He, the Perfect One, lived among us.” The C rim son Flower There is a plant which is fabled to rush into crimson blossom once only in a hun­ dred years; but remember that every one of those hundred years has been maturing that one crimson flower. So it is with the great sin that a man or woman sud­ denly commits to his or her downfall. It is but the matured flower to which hun­ dreds of little tendencies have long been contributing. There are long under­ ground tunnels leading to great sins. They are not, as most people think, the result of some sudden impulse. If you would be kept from the sin that dis­ graces, watch the secret sins that deterior­ ate the will power and slyly prepare the way for a downfall.

WINSTON-INTERNATIONAL LOOSE LEAF BIBLE A PRACTICAL BIBLE FOR NOTES Contains over 250 loose-leaf^ pages for personal notes that may be inserted in any num ber of pages between any pages in the Bible. Looks like a regular Divinity Circuit bound Bible. Send for Illustrated Catalog o f Bibles THE JOHN C. WINSTON C0., Publishers American Bible Headquarters 299 WINSTON BUILDING PHILADELPHIA

In order to introduce our LATEST MODEL LIBERTY PIPE-TONE FOLDING ORGANS e i t h e r leatherette covered, or 3-ply oak case, we will acpept for a limited time orders at $40.00 each (list price $70.00). A. L. W H ITE MFG. CO. 205 Englewood Ave., Chicago, III.

TOMORROW A Preview of th e M illennial K ingdom By W ILLIAM A . COREY, B.Sc. Member Southern California Premillennial Prophetic Association This book is unusual. Its , writer not only knows his Bible and has the vision of the prophet, but he brings to his writing the skill of many years in the newspaper and magazine field before his conversion. The book is a trumpet call to action. After you have read (and re­ read) it you will want to gird yourself and go out and tell others that Jesus is Coming Again. .Order your copy today. 92 pages, paper covers— 35 cents, 5 for $1.00, postpaid. Address W ILLIAM A . COREY 4030 Eagle St., Los A ngeles (B elvedere), Calif.

is w ithin reach o f your church» too! | Im agine the rich, m usical tones of D e a g a n T o w e r C h i m e s com ing from the belfry of jour church— a j constant inspiration to worship; a golden voice eagerly awaited b y m ultitudes every . d ay. W rite for plan. Standard Sets$6,000 and Up, W a r * ' • J . C. DEAGAN, Inc., 191 Deagan Building, Chicago» IIL 1

B eautify F u rn itu re PROTECT FLOORS an d Floor C overings by atta ch in g G lass O nw ard Sliding F u rn itu re Shoe to y o u r fu rn itu re. If y o u r dealer will no t supply you, w rite us. ONWARD MFG. CO. Menasha, Wis., Kitchener, Ont.

A m a z in gA /ewG lassC Ieanex i»f¥l 5 aDayPR»n 0 YJTERE’S an absolutely new, money-making proposition *■^ that will bring you big profits —easy profits —QUICK KtOFITS! You can make $50 a week in spare time— $100 in full tíme— taking orders for JIF F Y GLASS CLEANER— a new, pure, harm less liquid th at easily and instantly cleans glass surfaces w ithout w ater, soap or chamois. Think of it I Unequaled for cleaning windows, m irrors, windshields, show cases, eyeglasses, etc. Anyone, Anywhere, Can Earn Big Money All you do is dem onstrate to housewives, automobile owners, stores, garages, etc., and take orders. We do not sell dealers. All busi­ ness from your locality m ust come through yon, and you alone get the profit on every order. Every dem onstration brings you two to four orders. Ju st moisten a cloth w ith Jiffy Glass Cleaner, ru b over the surface of the glass and then polish w ith a dry doth. In ­ stantly removes all dust, dirt, grease and grim e w ithout streaking. A fter one application windows shine, gleam and sparkle like crystal — and stay clean twice as long. A lb e r s M ade $47 i n a Day!

H enry Albers, Ohio, made $47 in one day and he says th a t $100 a week is easy fo r him. Men and women everywhere are m aking amaz­ ing profits w ith Jiffy Glass Cleaner and my 350 other fast-selling products. Chris. Vaughn, Ohio, made $125 in a w eek; L. C. V an Allen, 111., averages more th an $100 a week; Mrs. K. R. Roof, S. C., earned $50 .in her first week’s spare tim e; M rs. B. L. Hodges, N. Y., earns $18 to $20 a day; H. C. H anson, N. D ., makes $75 a week in spare time. You can make this big money, too! SendNoMoney I d o n 't w an t you to send me a cent. All I w ant you to do is let me show you how you can make $50 to $100 a week, w ithout experi­ ence and w ithout taking any course of train ­ ing. I agree to furnish everything you need, to tell yon w hat to do and say in this easy, fascinating w ork. You positively take no risk whatever. You can’t lose a penny and yet you have a w onderful chance to reap big prof­

its quickly. You can m ake $10 to $20 a day rig h t from the start. *y Mail Coupon NOW Introduce Jiffy Glass Cleaner in your locality while it’s new. This is your chance to make more money than you’v e. .ever made before. Send coupon fo r full details—w ithout .cost or obligation to you I A ct quick for big profits. Send coupon TODAY I S send me full-details of your money* ■ m aking proposition w ithout cost o r obligation. ■ Name..............................* * A ddress.................... A ¡fT H « J IF F Y G L A S s’ c L £ !N E R * C o !r " " " " " " ■ 5 7 0 M o n m o u th A v e., C in c in n a ti, O h io .'

(P rin t o r ’W ritcPlainlyi)

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