King's Business - 1927-11


T h e

K i n g ’ s -

B u s i n e s s

November 1927

5000 WANTED to sell Bibles, T estam ents, good books a n d handsom e velvet S crip tu re m ottoes. G ood comm ission. Send fo r Free C atalog and P rice L ist GEORGE W . NOBLE, PUBLISHER D ept. No. 7C, M onon Bldg. C hicago, 111.

I W E » M W C S S i EÜ ENGRAVED OR PRINTED INVITATIONS ETC. 1 ( FREE SAM PLES-. IOO VISITING CARDS_$ 1.00 f ' CAPITOL SO CIA L ENGRAVING CO. ir^diuitmiH' are used in thousands of schools and ■"1 V churches. This line of projection T if!:*®’ lant er ns, f or glass slides, opaque ‘ [. im tM ; objects and “strip” film is the largest and most complete in the world. Send for IllustratedLiUnitmu B A jggtlA jiQ M O rnC A L C O ^ 7 ? 0 StPaulSt.. Rochester,N. Y.

Morning Prayer

W RITING in the Michigan Chris­ tian Advocate, Dr. W. E. Orchard puts in a good word for cultivating the habit; of morning prayer. “Morning and evening prayer seem to be established customs for everybody,” says Dr. Orchard. “We are, fortunately, still taught that when we are young, and it still sticks to us. But bedside and bed­ time are not good places and times for prayer. Some people only pray beside their beds, and they may as well pray at them. “And it is no good trying to do your best with your prayer when your mind is fagged and your body tired, and you have only one desire in life, which is to get into bed. Nevertheless, you had better keep those two times which you have been taught from earliest infancy, prob­ ably, and mark them; mark your first conscious moment by an act of praise; yes, even before you get out of bed, if necessary; but, at any rate, whenever you are properly awake let your first thought be of God, and let it be a thought of praise. Turn your mind to Him, away from yourself, your concerns, and make it an act of pure adoration. “And mark that evening-time prayer by an act of committal. When you are actually in bed, you have done your read­ ing, and you have made up your mind to go to sleep, commit your soul to God. “The evening prayer should be before you are too tired, as I have already said. But these times are too far apart for any soul that wants to draw very near to God; therefore it is a good thing to make a short time, however short, in the middle of the day. If you can make it at noon, well and good, because that is a sacred hour; thousands, millions will be praying throughout the world at that time.” God Sees Through Shams “O Christian men and women,” pleads Cannon ■ Farrar, “do not deceive your­ selves I Remember that God sees through shams, remember that God does not care for anything except the heart. He will not in the least value you for your pro­ fessions or for your observances• but, ‘as he who hath called you is' holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation.’ If ■you want to make religion lovable, you must make it lovely; if you want men to accept your opinions, enable them, if you can, to respect your character. Let men see in you a purer standard than their own, a loftier stature, a kindlier sympa­ thy. The centuries do homage to: real goodness; it is fairer than the morning or the evening star; it is the reflection of the life of Christ; it is ‘a city set on a hill’; it is as a pillar of fire moving over a wil- I derness of graves.”«—

C arry It A lw ays W ith Y ou! DR. R. A. TORREY'S GIST OF THE LESSON ORIGINAL “GIST" FEATURES International S. S. Lesson Text in Full; Full Exposition; Important Words and' P h r a s e s Emphasized; Condensation of Thought; Changes in Revised Version Noted; Accepted Dates and Places; Prayer Meet­ ing Topics, etc. Flexible Binding, 35c postpaid. F. H. REVELL CO., 158 Fifth Ave., N. Y.; 851 Cass St., Chicago, III.

W B m ^ S u lr c c 100 PER CENT PROFITS

C H R IS T M A S T R E E T IN S E L W rite for Samples John W. Gottsohalk Mfg. Co.

“THESANITARY”S B CUPS Convenient, Noiseless and Sanitary The individual com­

T iN sfë rr Lehigh Avenue and Maschet Street Dept. A PHILADELPHIA, PA. 0 nn\unionWareofQualij/ Best ALUMINUMor fin est silver plate W orkmanship lowest Prices, Sena for illustrated Catalog INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE COL Room 356 1701"1705 C hestnut Street, Philadelphia,fix SEND 50c FOR NEWDISPENSATIONCHART Size 10 in. x 2 8 in. on India p a p e r REV . G. A . GRISWOOD 3 9 5 6 -3 0 th St., S an D iego, Calif. TO IS lsK For Junior Congregations and all Juvenile Gatherings. Pastors say: “Your Objectalks are the best I have ever used or been able to find any place in all my search. Send me new ones you may have.” 25 “Objectalks," $1.00 THE SONGALOGUE CO., Dept. K, Bridgeport, Conn. “ O B J E C T A L K S ”

munion service per- i mits an impressive ceremony. We in­ troduced individual cups (many state

laws now demand them), We make the finest quality of beautiful polished trays and


supply thousands of satisfied congregations. Send for list of these churches and FREE CATALOG with quotations. SANITARY COMMUNION OUTFIT CO.. 500-57th St., Rochester, N. Y. ICHURCH FURNITURE E verything fo r Church and Sunday School | use. From Factory to You. F inecatalogfree. DeMoulin Bros* 8C Co* 1 1 5 1 S o u th 4 th S t., G reenville, Illiix m Know The Bible Can You Answer These? W ho is know n as th e beloved Physician —w as h e one of th e Tw elve? W ho first re b u ilt th e w alls of Jeru salem ? W ho escaped th e fiery furnace? Send for FREE BIBLE TEST You’ll be i nterested just as thousands of others have been interested. Know your Bible. Learn how to be happier and stronger through its teach­ ings. 38,000 students have now taken Moody Bible Institute Home Study Courses and are profiting greatly as a result—so willyou. Four­ teen courses—covering every need from the sim­ plest to th e most advanced—one suited to your needs, too. Send for our Free 5-M inute Bible Test and see if you are satisfied with your pres­ ent knowledge.


D ept.

, 153 Institute Place, Chicago, 111.

Fltlld, A o f the l n t f f l ê l Ê k j è l 'L e s s o n s , f o r U se in a l iw e n o r n i n a t i o n s to the B ib le W E x p o s i t io n WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES AND ’PRICES THE CHRISTIANALLIANCE PUBLISHING6 ESTABLISHEDMBS IbO WEST 44™ ST.. NEW YORK. NY.

Moody Bible Institute Correspondence School ■ D ept. , 153 Institute Place, Chicago, 111. Please send me, Free, your 5-Minute Bible Test. N o obligation. Name.___ .....____.....____ __________ :_____ ...... j Street and N o____..................____ ___ ____ ___!


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