King's Business - 1927-11


November 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

IYMNS from the Heart H I 107 Insp irin g G ospel H ym ns by th e W orld's G reatest H ym n W rite rs: Stebbins, Harkness, Sankey, Gabriel, Tovey, Hooker, etc. Mrs. James Henry Larson, Editor, Voice Student Boston, New York and Paris. 25c Each, $12.50 per 100. Returnable copy on request. REV. J . H . LARSON, Lake Shore D rive, - L ake G eneva, W is. W A N T E D A song lead er of experience w ho will also a c t as advance rep resen tativ e for an Evangelist, who will sh o rtly m ake a trip aro u n d th e w orld w ith th e fam ous Bell R inging Q u artet. W ould also re ­ quire retired business Executive as M anager. W rite sta tin g experiencej salary expected, church .connections,, enclosing p ictu re to E van g elist JAMES HENRY LARSON 15243 F riends St., Pacific Palisades, Cal. Iridi vidual Cups Does YOUR C hurch usethis sanitary m ethod? Send for C atalog a n d Special Offer a t reduced prices. T ray and 36 crystal glasses, $ 6 .5 0 u p . O utfits on trial. Bread and Collection Plates. Thomas Communion Service Co. Box 542 Lima, Ohio ■ B I G P R O F I T S F o r l o u r CHixrco. O r g a n iz a tio n GO TTSCH A LK ’S METAL SPONGE REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. cth e Modern Dish ClotK’ — WRITE FOR FULL INFORMATION“— M ETAL SPON GE SALES C O R P O R A T IO N DEPT A LEHIGH AND MASCHER STREETS PH ILA. wmmmmmmmmmmmmamnm ~ j ------------------------------ v . “SAFE” SUNDAY SCHOOL LITERATURE

myself to Him for greater consecration; you give yourself to Him for salvation.” “Yes, sir; I will be only too glad to do it;” and down they knelt. The man was saved. Thè elder called in another, and another, and another, and that day he led eleven men to Christ. When each believer in Christ gets right with the Lord, and has a burden of souls upon him, and seeks others out of love to Christ, he will be an effective unit to bring about a revival. “ W HAT IS THE MATTER W ITH TH E CHURCH TO D A Y ?’ This question is in the mind of thoughtful Christians. A very satisfying answer is found in the chapters of the above named book. Chapters as follows: “ Serving the God of Fashion," “Serving the God of Pleasure," “Serving the God of Mammon," “No Com­ munication With Heaven," “A Gagged Ministry." Each chapter deals a telling blow to these sins. A hook worth while for every Christian to read. 25c Each. Faithful Words Pub. Co., 2933 Park Ave., St. Louis, Mo. vOur New Catalogue, listing Holiday Goods, Calendars, ■ 'Books, S. S. Supplies, etc., gladly sent free.

Playing th e B a t "Peter sat with the servants and warmed himself at the fire” (Mk. 14:54). We have heard a story of a battle be­ tween- the animals and the fowls. A bat was in the crowd. When the animals rushed upon the fowls, the bat drew in his wings and said, “I am an animal,” and then when the fowls turned upon the bat, he stretched out his wings and said, “I am a fowl.” That is/ the way with some professing Christians. They are always like the crowd they are in. Peter found it did not pay to play the bat by seeking fellowship among the enemies of his Savior. jH Purpose In Providence If God were to exempt His friends from trial and Suffering, He would take away one of the most effective means of their training, and one of the most striking ways in which they can prove their like­ ness to Christ. The righteous is more ex­ cellent than his neighbor, but it is not seen in his being saved from suffering; it is in the way in which he meets it. A merely worldly spirit is ready in severe affliction to fall into one of two ex­ tremes ; either to cast the trial aside in levity and to dissipate thought by some engrossing preoccupation, or to sink into despondency and consider all as lost. The spirit of the Christian, which is also that of the true man, is described by the apos­ tle: “Not to despise the chastening of the Lord, nor to faint when we are rebuked of him.” A. spirit of hopeful patience is that which most of all marks a Christian man in trial, as of one who knows that there is a purpose in God’s providence, if he could discover it, and that, where he can not, it will come out some day, filled with wisdom and kindness. Be An Obstacle The story is told of a well-known Welsh preacher who went to deliver the address at the burial of a pious and venerable vil­ lage minister in South Wales. Hundreds of miners assembled in silence round the grave, and these were the first words which fell upon their ears : “My brethren, the greatest obstacle on your road to hell has been removed 1” Can you conceive of a greater honor than to be such an obstacle as was that village minister? A Cross W ithou t Christ It is not correction, but the hand of God in it and with it, which makes us happy. A cross without a Christ never made any man better, but with Christ all are made better by the cross.

Surpassing all others in N. w Songs, Solos, Hymns, Duets, Q uartets and Chor­ us00 ri\ Bindine«? Silk Cloth, Gold Title, 55c Red Rope, 45c Manila, 35c Write for quantity prices Send for Sample and Be Convinced B I LHORN BROS. 136 W. Lake St. Chicago)


SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is being done in A frica, China, India, by N ative E vangelists an d Bible W om en who are being sup p o rted for from 80c to $2.00 a week, $40 to $100 for a year. W rite Rev. H. A. B arton, Secy., Box B, 473 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., for free literatu re. For Church and Sunday School

— Free from th e ta in t of m odernistic teaching an d fundam entally sound in every respect. WE RECOMMEND The “C hristian Life'* Series of SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON HELPS C onsisting of Q uarterlies fo r Teachers, Q uarterlies fo r Scholars and Illu strated P apers fo r th e School These L esson H elps a re a d ap ted to m eet th e need of every d ep artm en t of the school. They a re orthodox, p ra c ­ tical, u n sectarian , a n d con tain an u n ­ usually larg e am o u n t of good S crip tu ral reading m atter. Exam ine them for yourself— a t o u r expense.

A HYMN-BOOK that is ideal for Evan­ gelistic Campaigns, Missionary Con­ ventions, Young People’s Rallies, Radio Services, etc. 202 SELECT SONGS—all favorites— 91 Songs of Worship and Evangelism, 16 Songs on the Deeper Life, 8 Songs on Di­ vine Healing, 23 Songs on Missions, 20 Songs on the Second Coming, 17 Invitation Numbers, 10 for Children, It for Choirs, 6 Choruses. The very best book possible at a remark­ ably low price. Cloth, 50c each; $4-0 per hundred ; Manila, 30c each ; $25 per hundred. A returnable copy will be sent to you fo r examination upon request The Christian Alliance Publishing Company 260 West 44th S treet New York, N. Y. ?

A sam ple p ack of th e full line of “C hristian Life” Lesson H elps will be sen t to any ad d ress FREE, on request..

BIOLA BOOK ROOM 536 So. H ope S t., Los A ngeles, Calif. Western Representatives of the Union Gospel •Press, Cleveland, O.

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