King's Business - 1927-11

November 1927


T h è

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

Worse T h an A theism , “There is one thing more pitiable, al­ most worse than even cold,, black athe 7 ism,” once wrote Mark Guy Pearse. “It is to kneel down and say, ‘Our Father,’ and then go out and lead an orphaned life; to stand and repeat sabbath after sabbath the familiar words, ‘I believe ip God the Father Almighty,’ and then go fretting and fearing, saying with a thou­ sand tongues in a thousand ways, ‘I be­ lieve in the love of God, but it is only in heaven; I believe in the power of God, but it stops short at the stars.’ Thank God, all Christ’s teachings are written in the present tense, and might be dated the very day and month and year in which we read them!”' - —o— “Riley is right! Folks should go to ■church where they belong. The Funda­ mentalist is a consistent orthodox Prot­ estant. I cordially invite Fundamental­ ists in my congregation to take their membership to an orthodox church, and Liberals in orthodox churches to worship Fere.—Clinton Lee Scott, Liberal Chris­ tian Church (Universalist-Unitarian).”— This interesting notice appeared on the church page of the Atlanta Constitution •of Saturday, May 7, the day preceding the close of the Ninth Annual Conven­ tion of the World’s Christian Funda­ mentals Association, which met in At­ lanta. We are obliged to admit that there- are at least a few Liberalists who are straightforward. — o — Said Mr. Spurgeon: t|JI have heard of ministers who can preach a sermon with­ out mentioning the name of Jesus from beginning to end. If you ever hear a sermon of that kind, mind that you never hear another from that man. If a baker once made a loaf of bread without flour in it, I should take, care that he would never do so again.” - Life’s a M irror Life’s a mirror; if you smile, Smiles come back to greet you. If you’re frowning all the while, Frowns forever meet you. —o—

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