King's Business - 1927-11

N ovember 1927


B u s i n e s s

T h e ; K i n g ' s

opposed the introduction of hymns into our public worship.” But it was not only as a pioneer that he was great. His work remains. In the hymn-books of every evangelical denomination today we find from twenty-five to seyenty- five of Watts’ hymns still used. In the worship of the church nothing will ever supersede such hymns as “Am I a soldier of the Cross?” “Come, let us join our cheerful songs” And greatest of all—and in the opinion of many the greatest hymn in the English language—“the masterpiece of impassioned contemplation” : “When I survey the wondrous Cross On which the Prince of Glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride.” The devout spirit that breathes in all of Watts’ hymns is found also in his literary and philosophic works, so that the term “ Seraphic Doctor” has been very fitly ap­ plied to him. A great literary man wrote of his works : “It is difficult to read a page without learning or at least wishing to be better. He that sat down to reason is on a sudden compelled to pray.” When Sailors Begin to Th ink T HERE arc some things that impress a sailor more than others. The Christian worker is ever alert to grasp any­ thing that will arouse the sailor to the reality of the Gospel, and challenge him for consideration of the things of God. Whenever a Christian officer or sailor is met, our Seamen’s worker records it so that at any time in the future, if his ship returns, he will have an entering wedge. Recently Mr. Pegrson noted that on a certain British oil tanker, he had met a second officer who gave some evidence of interest. When this ship came in, the worker asked for him. The chief steward had died some thousand miles away from' port and needed to be buried. The second officer had ministered to his physical wants before the man died, and was, detailed by the captain to read the service. He could not be persuaded to do this, and finally the captain commanded our friend to do this thing. To Mr. Pearson he said: “Of course, after that, there was nothing to do but go ahead with the service.” The worker took advantage of this and tried to teach him what a wonderful privilege had been his in presenting the Gospel to the men on the ship. "Death is not a very welcome guest to any, and especially unwelcome is it to the unsaved sailor. Death leaves a lasting testimony on a ship, especially when the deceased must be buried at sea. A man may not be liked, but all will pay their respects to a fellow-shipmate then. Then, too, the man’s rpom is empty before them, his clothes are a reminder that he is gone, his work must be done by the rèst of the crew, and everything about him is a reminder of the fact that death may soon call others as well. Thé boatswain generally is considered the hardest man on the ship. It was his duty to sew the deceased man in a canvas in preparation for the burial. Mr. Pearson is confident that God led him to this man, and, rough as he was, he listened for a long time to the message. Others who had, on a previous visit, been rather impudent were open for conversation concerning Christ, showing that God had been preparing hearts by His providences, and soon, we hope, definite decisions may be made by some of these men. “There is a land of pure delight” “Our God, Our Help, in ages past” “Alas ! and did my Savior bleed” “Fpom all that dwell below the skies”

=FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS G IFT L IST : Let us Supply Your Scripture Text Christmas and New Year Greeting Cards T h e pleasing custom of sending G reeting C ard s to friends, relatives a n d a cq u ain tan ces a t C hristm as is co n ­ stan tly increasing in favor, and o u r S crip tu re T ex t cards th is y e a r a re exceptionally b eautiful in design— selected especially for th e use of C h ristian people— and free from w orldly frivolity w hich m ars the genuine C hristm as spirit of so m any G reeting C ards. OUR 5 CENT LINE— E xcellent, inexpensive cards, en ­ graved o r lith o g ra p h ed in rich colors an d b earin g a b e au ­ tiful design an d S c rip tu re text. Lined envelope w ith each. 5 C ents e ach , 55 C en ts a dozen, $ 1 .1 5 fo r 25 $2 .2 5 for 50, $ 4 .0 0 fo r 100 OUR 10 CENT LINE— Steel-die engraved, an d lith o ­ g rap h ed cards, w ith a p p ro p ria te design, S c rip tu re tex t and g reeting. E very c ard has a fancy colored tissue-lined envelope. 10 C ents each, $ 1 .1 0 p e r dozen, $ 2 .1 0 fo r 2$ $ 4 .0 0 fo r 50, $7 .7 5 fo r 100 OUR 15 CENT LINE— E x tra o rd in a ry G reeting C ard s w ith beautifully colored designs and en g rav ed S c rip tu re texts. Individual envelopes w ith im ported colored linings. 15 C ents each, $ 1 .7 0 a dozen, $ 3 .3 0 fo r 25 $ 6 .5 0 for 50, $ 1 2 .5 0 fo r 100 Scripture Text Christmas and New Year Post Cards 20c per dozen $1.25 per hundred A sso rted D esigns if D esired Scripture Text Mottoes and Wall Cards O u r line of S crip tu re M ottoes a n d W all C ard s is fam ous fo r its a ttrac tiv e com pleteness. Gold and Silver em bossed letters on Blue, P u rp le, G reen an d M aroon. O th e rs— floral designs. T ell us how m uch you w ish to spend and how m any m ottoes you hope to get fo r th e m oney. In this w ay w e can serve y o u acceptably. P ric e 5c to $1 .5 0 FRAMED MOTTOES BEAUTIFUL OFFSET CO LOR REPRODUCTIONS T hese M ottoes a re m ade of th e best m aterials and show quality a n d refinem ent th ro u g h o u t. T h ey a re beautiful, ornam ental, cheering, com forting. S u re to be a p p rec ia ted as a gift an d a c o n stan t rem in d er of th e giver. C om plete w ith fram e a n d glass. Size 9x 13 inches. T h e S ubjects are: My G race is Sufficient fo r Thee All T hings W ork T ogether fo r Good to them th a t Love God N ot I B ut C hrist H e C areth F or You M other

I Thess. 4:16-18 P salm 91:1, 2, 4 P salm 100:2-4 P salm 91:9-11 P salm 23 Jo h n 14:1-3 E ph. 3:20 1 P eter 5 :7 M ark 10:27

P ray e r C hanges Things J u s t For T oday (Poem ) He is A ble to do Exceeding A bundantly A bove all W e A sk o r Think Jesus, Saviour, P ilo t Me W ith God All T hings A re Possible W h at God H ath Prom ised (Poem ) T he M aster Stood In H is G arden (Poem ) C h rist Is the H ead of T his H ouse, etc.

P rice $1.50 each

CELLULOID BOOK MARKS A ttractively decorated w ith th e B eatitudes, the L ord’s Prayer, the Ten C omm andm ents, o r the Books of th e Bible. 8c each, 2 fo r 15c If m oney does n o t accom pany order, good£ will be sen t C. O. D. If goods are to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage. Send for a free copy of o u r com plete C atalog of B ooks, B ooklets, T rac ts, etc. B I O L A B OOK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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