King's Business - 1927-11


November 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

Seventy Years of Prayer T HE Fulton Street noon prayer-meeting on September 23rd celebrated the completion of the 70th year of its existence. In the early days it was known as the foun­ tain-head of the great religious revival of 1858 that spread over this country and later reached over to Europe. Fri­ day, September 23, 1857, the actual date of its commence­ ment, was a time of great trouble and perplexity; business men were losing their fortunes in a single day. The finan­ cial condition of the country was so acute that suspension of specie payments was being considered by the govern­ ment. More serious than those events, however, was the deplorable condition of the spiritual life in the churches, which called for much prayer and the exercise of faith. With these necessary conditions fulfilled, a marvelous spir­ itual movement was inaugurated soon after, and in con*, nection with the movement ’Mr. Jeremiah C. Lanphier, then Missionary of the North Reformed Dutch Church, which was at the corner of Fulton and William Streets, felt it laid upon his heart to send out a call tp business peo­ ple in the vicinity of the Church, to hold a religious meet­ ing during part of the lunch hour; accordingly he had a number of leaflets printed announcing that on this particu­ lar Friday at noon such a meeting would be held. During the first half hour not a single individual appeared; later five men, related to about the same number of Protestant denominations, entered and took part in this service. Thus from this humble beginning started a mighty move­ ment which from the first seized the attention of the whole city and ended in a great tidal wave of conviction of sin, and an awakening of spiritual consciousness which swept over the community. It was not many months before every church was filled each night, and every available empty store had to be pressed into service to hold the mul­ titudes that thronged to every meeting-place of a religious character. One of the outstanding wonders was this, that ships far out at sea would be met in a mysterious way by the in­ fluences of the revival; and it is related on good authority that whole crews consisting of officers and men, even before they came in sight of land, or had come in contact with any human agency, had fallen to their knees and sought the Lord for salvation. Two warships were then lying in the Hudson River, on one of which three Chris­ tian men asked permission of the captain to hold a prayer­ meeting somewhere on the vessel. He, in contempt of their request, sent them down into the bilges of the ship; while this meeting was in session the same wave of conviction fell on the. men of these vessels and, not waiting for day to dawn, rowboats were hurriedly manned to go ashore for help, and ministers of the city were sought out, to hastily come and deal with the men who were seeking the Lord. In all this there were no modern methods of advertising or publicity calling attention to the movement. This hum­ ble instrument under God, Mr. Lanphier, seems to have been the only one who was early identified with this revival which later swept literally scores of thousands into the Kingdom. Thus these seventy years without inter­ ruption, day after day, this work has been constantly and efficiently maintained. Your Superior Knowledge “If you profess to have more truth than others—if your superior light and knowledge does not make you by that much humbler, kinder, more loving, more patient, and ready to help the weak—your profession is vain.”



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