King's Business - 1927-11


November 1927

T h e ; K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

How Numerics Establish the Order of Books B y Rev. Ivan Panin i i f ! HE Bible has ' sixty-six books, of which some assign themselves to some author by name ; others are anonymous; Those which assign themselves either wholly or in part to certain writers are às follows: Exodus; Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy ascribe them­ selves, at least in part, to Moses; or are quoted as the works of Moses in other parts of the Bible. Isaiah, Jer­ emiah, Ezekiel, and the twelve ' sò-called minor prophets ascribe themselves to the writers; whose names they re­ spectively ■ bear. Psalms ascribes itself'largely to David, and is referred to elsewhere in the Bible as the work of David. Proverbs arid Song' of Songs ascribe them­ selves'to Solomon, and Ecclesiastes ascribes: itself to “the Son of David.” Daniel, Ezra and Nehemiah ascribe themselves to these respective writers, James, 1 and 2 Peter, and Jude, to their respective writers of the same name. The epistles of Paul, with the exception of He­ brews, ascribe themselves to Paul. Revelation 'ascribes itself to John. The anonymous books aré thus: Gen­ esis, Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, Job, Ruth, Lamentations,-Esther,.. 1 and 2 Chronicles, Mat­ thew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, 1, 2 and 3 John, and Hebrews. O f the writers named as the authors of , the books of the Bible some have ascribed to them more than one book. Thus Moses has four ;, Solomon, three ; Peter, two; Paul, thirteen; the other writers have only one book ascribed to each, namely: the sixteen Prophets, properly so-called; David, Ezra, Nehemiah, James, Jude and John. The books of the Bible are in the Hebrew Received Text and in the Greek Text.of Westcott and Hort (the two standard texts in the original languages) arranged differently from the English Bible. In the English the arrangemen tis as follows: The Pentateuch, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Esther, Ezra, Nehemiah, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Dan­ iel, the twelve Minor Prophets, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, the thirteen. Epistles of Paul, Hebrews, James, Peter, 1, 2 and 3 John, Jude, Revelation. The order in the original languages is as follows : 1. Genesis 18. Obadiah 2. Exodus 19. Jonah 3. Leviticus 20. Micah 4. Numbers 21. Nahum 5. Deuteronomy 22. Habakkuk 6. Joshua 23. Zephaniah 7. Judges 24. Haggai 8. 1 Samuel 25. Zechariah 9. 2 Samuel 26. Malachi 10. 1 Kings 27. Psalms L 11. 2 Kings 28. Proverbs 12. Isaiah 29. Job 13. Jeremiah . .30. Song of Songs 14. Ezekiel 31. Ruth 15. Hosea 32. Lamentations 16. Joel 33. Ecclesiastes 17. Amos 34. Esther


“Best” Books Human Stories About Human Beings, With a Heart-Throb in Each Book—for Boys and Girls Christian Hero Series T h rillin g tales of heroism , adventure, love, trium ph, an d dangers am ong cannibals. T hese a re life stories of w orld-renow ned religious leaders, m en of p u rpose, ideals and vision— m ig h ty testim onies to C h ristian pow er. T hey ap peal to y o u n g an d old alike. John G. P ato n— -Hero of th e S outh Seas. (Illu stra ted ) C harles H . S p urgeon— P rin ce of P re a ch e rs. (Illu stra ted ) Jo h n W esley— T h e C h ristian H ero. (Illu stra ted ) M artin L u th er— T he L ion-hearted R eform er. (Illu stra ted ) Jam es H udson T ay lo r— P io n eer m issionary of Inland C hina. (Illu stra ted ) David L ivingstone— M issionary E x p lo rer of A frica. (Illu s­ tra te d ) A d d n iram Judson— T h e A postle of B urm a. D. L. Moody— T he F am ous Soul-w inner. .. C loth 75c each Missionary Wonder Books A T ho u san d Miles of M iracle in C hina— M ore w on­ derful th an rom ance -J................ ............... ............ ....... $1 .5 0 A d v en tu res W ith th e Bible in Brazil—rP io n eerin g =w ith God’s W ord ..................................... ........................... 1.50 In T h e . H e a rt of Savagedom— P io n eerin g Am ong Savages in A frica. 60 p h otos and m ap ..................... 2.5 0 P a n d ita R am abai, a n d h e r rem ark ab le life-w ork for the y o u n g w idows of India. (H elen D y e r)__ ....... 1.50 S oonderbai P ow ar; A com panion sto ry to “ P an d ita R am abai.” (K ate S to rrie) Illu strated ....................... 1.25

Harry the Newsboy By Isabel C. B yrum A c ap tiv atin g little book containing six tru e sto ries for th e 8 to 12 -year-old child. T itles are— H arry the N ews­ boy, The Song of th e Clock, W hat W ill Jesu s T hink?, Jim ­ m y's Friend, A Balloon T h at W ouldn’t Go Up, A Fam ily of Pigeons. Illu strated in Color. C loth 50c Happy Hours at Home

Grandmother’s Lily By Isabel C. B yrum Five im pressive little sto ries for the 8 to 12-year-old child. T itles of these tru e stories w ith a little m oral in each are — G randm other’s Lily, W hat H appened on Friday, M arjorie and th e W asps, E arning a Bi­ ble, A u n ty ’s Robin. Illu strated . Colored frontispiece. C loth 50c

By Isabel C. Byrum M any h appy and profitable hours will th e children spend in reading th is book. It tak es up sto ries th a t have m oral and ch aracter-b u ild in g lessons. The ch arac te rs a re represented as g ian ts an d knights, such as G iant U nselfishness, G iant U ntruth, etc. For ages 9 to 15 years. W ell illu strated . C loth 60c

Twilight Talks With the Children By Isabel C. B yrum Seventeen sto ries w i t h wholesom e m orals. Each even­ ing a C hristian m other g a th ­ ers her boys an d girls and gives in terestin g applications of New T estam ent sto ries th a t teach an d d elig h t.' For ages 6 to 12 years. Illustrated. C loth 60c

Bed-time Stories

By Isabel C. Byrum B eautiful sto ries from the O ld T estam en t. Intensely in ­ terestin g to the children, >and will im press w orth-w hile les­ sons on th e ir p lastic m inds. F o r ages 4 to 9 years. Well illu strated . C loth 60c

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