King's Business - 1927-11


B u s i n e s s

November 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

35. Daniel 36. Ezra 37. Nehemiah 38. 1 Chronicles 39. 2 Chronicles 40. Matthew

51. Jude 52. Romans


“Best” Books

53. 1 Corinthians 54. 2 Corinthians 55. Galatians 56. Ephesians 57. Philippians 58. Colossians 59. 1 Thessalonians 60. 2 Thessalonians

For Boys and Girls Wholesome, entertaining reading for young people in their teens—or older Pilgrim’s Progress By Jo h n B unyan

41. Mark 42. Luke 43. John 44. Acts 45. James 46. 1 Peter 47. 2 Peter 48. 1 John 49. 2 John 50. 3 John

61. Hebrews 62. 1 Timothy 63. 2 Timothy 64. Titus 65. Philemon

Barney Boy By L au ra A . B arte r Snow B arney Boy w as th e son of a B ritish soldier. H e never saw his fath er— who lo st his life th e day B arney w as born— so B arney u n d ertak es th e job of being the “m an” of the fam ily. How well he perform s th e ta sk ; his experience w ith M iss Fitz- henry, an d th e su rp risin g C h ristm as-d ay ending, m akes a sto ry th a t every boy will read w ith keen delight. C loth $1.25

Books m ay com e an d books m ay go, b u t P ilgrim ’s P rogress will alw ays be in dem and for g ift purposes. In fact, it is today a universal gift— the book one reso rts to when in doubt. W e a re offering a splendid edition of th is p o p u ­ lar volum e— p rin ted in large clear type, w ith m arginal S crip tu re references, h an d ­ som ely bound an d beautifully illu stra te d w ith sixteen full- page color plates. _____________________C loth $1.50

66. Revelation I. The number of books in. the Bible, 66, elevens (Feature 1), of which the anonymous books are 22 in number, or 2 elevens, and the non-anonymous books are 44, or 4 elevens (Feature 2). And of these 44 books, 22, or 2 elevens belong to writers of more than one book; and 22, or 2 elevens, to writers of only 1 book (Feature 3). In the above list of sixty-six books, the numbers 1-66 are set against them so that each book of the Bible has thus its number. Now the sum of the 66 numbers is 2211, or 201 elevens, and this number is divided thus: The 22 books of the authors of more than one book have 946, or 86 elevens. The other 44 books have 1265, or 115 elevens (Feature 4). Of the 66 Books of the Bible, 21 are Epistles. Their numbers are (from James to Philemon) 45-65. Now the sum 2211 for the 66 books is thus divided between Epistles and non-Epistles: The Epistles have 1155 or 105 elev­ ens, and the non-Epistles have 1056, or 96 elevens (Fea­ ture 5). Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Joel, and Daniel are expressly quoted in the New Testament writers. The numbers of their books are: 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 15, 16, 27, 35. Their sum is 132, or 12 elevens (Fea­ ture 6). . T h e N umerical V alues Neither the Hebrew language nor the Greek has signs for numbers corresponding to our Arabic figures.- The letters of their alphabets are used instead. Each He­ brew and Greek word is thus an arithmetical sum of the numeric values of its letters. Accordingly, the numeric values of the Bible authors (those to whom the books ascribe themselves) are as follows:

The Roll Call of Honor

By A . T. Q uiller-Couch The av erag e boy is an om nivorous read er and th is volum e is one w hich he will be su re to ap p reciate. It tells o f th e s tir­ rin g events, ad v en tu res, self-sacrifices an d achievem ents in the lives of such heroic c h arac te rs a s B olivar, Jo h n Brown, A braham Lincoln, G aribaldi, D avid L ivingstone, Florence N ightingale, P asteu r, G ordon, and F ath er D am ien. The book is beautifully bound an d co n tain s nine full-page illu stratio n s in color. 348 p ag es; C loth $1.50 By C anon F a rra r T his is n o t only a v ery handsom e g ift volum e, b u t a classic in lite ra tu re by a sch o lar of w orld fam e— aw akening love for th e C hrist in th e m ind of th e reader, be he young o r old. In fact, it is an ideal g ift for p reach ers, Bible stu d en ts an d ad u lt C hristians a s well as for young m en a n d young women. It is beautifully w ritten an d con tain s m uch th a t m en of th e h ig h est learning have th o u g h t an d ascertained. Illu strated w ith p resen t- day p h o to g rap h ic view s of Bible lands. 620 p ag es; C loth $1.50 The Life of Christ Gift Books for Young Women and Girls By L au ra A. B arte r Snow No w riter has been m ore successful in com bining delightful rom ance, sp arkling hum or an d gripping in te re st in sto ries for girls a n d young wom en th a n L au ra A. B arte r Snow, an d no m oderately p riced g ift will c a rry the season’s g reetings b e tte r th a n one of th e follow ing books by th is deservedly po p u lar au th o r. They are all clo th bound an d illu strated .

NORAH’S VICTORY ..... ......... A STRAY SUNBEAM .............. TH E SEALED PACKET............ RUTH ’S ROSES .......................... THE SHUTTERED W INDOW HER LITTLE KINGDOM ......... By A nna Sewell W hen B lack B eauty tro tte d o u t of the au th o r’s im agina­ tion, one of the g re a te st horse sto ries ever w ritten w as sent fo rth to d elight th e h e arts of countless th o u san d s of boy an d girl ^readers. A s a gift book, th is fam ous a u to b io g ­ rap h y of a horse is in high favor. Cloth, w ith 40 illu stratio n s, 50c Also in a b e tte r binding a t ________________________ $1.25 Black Beauty


1.00 1.50 1.00 1.25 1.50

242Jr-Zechariah 101—Malachi 14—David 375—Solomon 95—Daniel 278—Ezra 113—Nehemiah 833—James 755—Peter 685—Jude 781—Paul 1069—John 7931—11x7x103

345—Moses 401—Isaiah 271-—Jeremiah 156—Ezekiel 381—Hosea 47—Joel 176—Amos 91—Obadiah 71—Jonah 75—Micah 104—Nahum 216—-Habakkuk 235—Zephaniah 214-Haggai

Overcoming Handicaps By A rch er W allace T h is . book sp eaks to young people— to boys in p articu lar. It b rin g s them fascin atin g s to ­ ries of m any fam ous m en who looked upon th e ir m isfortunes as a sp u r to achievem ent. It is ju s t th e volum e so m any boys need— to im press upon th eir m inds th e fact th a t grit, d eterm ination an d courage can gloriously overcom e seem ing­ ly insurm ountable handicaps. ___________________ C loth $1.00

If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. If goods a re to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage. Send for a free copy of o u r com plete C atalog of Books, B ooklets, T racts, etc.

The sum of these numeric values, 7931, is 721 elevens, while the sum of the factors 7, 11, 103, is 121, or eleven elevens (Features 7 and 8). The presence of these eight features of elevens in connection with the number, order, and names of writers

B I O L A B OOK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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