King's Business - 1927-11



T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

dental, but designed; from Feature (2) it is seen that the proportion between anonymous books and non-anonymous is designed. From Features (3) and (4) it is seen that the proportion between the number of books belonging to one writer and the number belonging to writers of more than one book is designed. From Feature (5) it is seen that the proportion in the Bible books between Epistles and non-Epistles is designed. From Feature (6). it is seen that the number of books of writers quoted in the New Testament from the Old is designed. From Features (4), (5), (6), (10), (15) and (16) it is seen that the order of the Bible books as it now stands in the Hebrew and Greek is designed. . And as the change of a single letter in a Greek or Hebrew word changes its numeric value, it is seen from Features (7) and (.8) that the names of the 26 writers of the Bible, as we now have them, are designed. The Bible is written by some thirty odd different writ­ ers, with some sixteen centuries between its first and last writers. On the assumption of mere human authorship these numeric phenomena in thé order and unanimity and non-unanimity of its books are wholly unaccountable. But the assumption that a Superior Mathematical M ind , the Mathematical Author o f -N ature , has planned these nu­ merics (unwittingly by the writers themselves),, at once explains not only these phenomena, but thousands of sim­ ilar ones that can be brought forward in the Bible. In other articles Mr. Panin has shown that the Bible as a whole, each of the two Testaments as a whole, each great division as a whole, each book as a whole,, arid every para­ graph in the Bible by itself individually, is constructed on a most elaborate numerical scheme. From the phenomena presented in this article it is seen that even into the mere order of the books themselves an elaborate numeric de­ sign has been woven which is destroyed or seriously mar­ red by any changé in the order of the books. This numeric design is thus not only an attestation of the handiwork of God, but also a kind of automatic Detective Register, watching over the exact place each of the 66 books was meant to keep in the Bible. .'MU, .. Mb: Show Me Your Today Says Dr. Louis Albert Banks—“Shbw me your to­ day, and I can judge of your tomorrow. If tomorrow is to be strong and sweet and beautiful, then today must be devoted to the development of the graces desired. To­ morrow must get to be today before it comes to its king­ dom. Today is thé golden age of vour life and miné. Today ‘all things are possible to him that believéth.* Today Christ is ready to bestow upon you the gift that will give you power to become a son of God. Today the air is like magic. Breathe it with faith and courage. Act not in some tomorrow vague and illusory, but now. ‘Now is the day of salvation!’ ” 'éS> gfe The H ysteria Cure Upon the cross the composure of Christ is full of mighty encouragement. Hell was doing all it could that day, but Jesus was not panic-stricken. He saw the day when evil was to be dethroned, and He was satisfied. The cross is the cure for the hysteria of evil that characterizes these times. “Here we see God bearing the tragedy of thé universe and yet remaining calm amidst it all, because of the secret of redemption, which He knows and in which He asks mortals also to confide.”


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By S. J. Bole H e re is a book w hich m eets th e scientist an d philoso­ p h e r on th eir own ground, pro d u ces evidence w hich süch teach ers too often ignore o r belittle, and challenges their conclusions on grounds of reason an d fact. Its a u th o r w as once cap tu red by th e evolution th eo ry himself, and his experience m akes his testim ony doubly valuable. H is conclusion is th a t it req u ire s m ore faith th a n does orth o d o x belief— only faith, of.course, of a different kind! A n d no tru e r o r m o re necessary w arn in g has b een given th a n th e w a rn in g th a t “ m ost p eople do no t know th at Bible term s have been, an d are, continually being ‘re ­ defi ned’ so th a t “ liberal theologians, w hile statin g th at they believe in v arious C h ristian do ctrin es, use the term s in a d ifferent sense from th a t of o rth o d o x C hristianity, to th e confusion of m any. T he book has th e fu rth e r m erit of a very good index. Y our lib ra ry is n o t com plete w ithout this book. EVERY college an d high school stu d en t should read it. C loth $1.50 The Passing of the Word By H elen H enshaw T he a u th o r has w ritte n a n unusually good sto ry dep ict­ ing th e w holesom e an d typical A m erican college girl of to-day, w ho has a bubbling sp irit of h arm less frolic in ­ tersp ersed w ith seriousness of c h ara cte r. T h e summ er cam p of the G eneva C onference is lucidly described; th e college girl’s rhapsodies on flowers a n d am usem ents, and the typical friendships th a t a re form ed, lend to th e n a r­ rative a n a tu ra ln e ss w hich is in every w ay pleasing and a p p ro p ria te . Interw oven is a love them e w hich adds a certain ch arm to th e volum e, m aking it en tirely n a tu ra l and in keep in g w ith th e su rro u n d in g s and environm ent. T his cheery, read ab le book should a p p ea l to b o th young and old. _____________ C loth $1.50 The Conflict By E lizabeth K nauss R ealizing th e fact th a t th e ev o lutionary teach in g of so m any schools a n d ch u rch es has had a paraly zin g ef­ fect upon th e consciences of th e y o u n g people, an d even th re a te n s to engulf bo th th e c h u rch an d th e nation, in a flood of indifference and unbelief, th e a u th o r has w rit­ ten a sto ry w hich will do m uch tow ard stemm ing the tide of unbelief an d brin g in g y o u n g people b ack to the faith of o u r fathers. W ritten in fictional form , rom ance weaves in and o u t of this interestin g sto ry called “T he C onflict.”__________ _____________ _____________C loth $ 1 .2 5 . If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. If goods a re to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage. Send for a free copy of o u r com plete C atalog of Books, B ooklets, T rac ts, etc. B IO LA B OOK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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