King's Business - 1927-11


November 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

the flag which the defeated Christian trails after him as he returns from the ignominious strife is always a rag of his own choosing. To know that “the LORD of Hosts is with us” ; to put a cheerful courage on ; to go forth singing with exultation because of the blessing which we believe He is about to be­ stow upon u s; these are the secrets of safety and success. Let us cultivate the twin spirits of thanksgiving and of faith. N ovember 10. “He setteth me upon my high places.”— Sam. 22:34. THE hill top is the dwelling-place of peace. The pursued and hunted soul finds refuge from its foes upon the mountain peak. Moreover, it is the place of isolation. We are free upon the high places from the crowd, the jostle, and the cares of earth. At last we are at liberty to commune with Nature and with Nature’s God. We. rest from the strife and toil that so con­ stantly beset us in the plain beneath. But" most of all, the mountain top is the place of sight. Our vision is so cramped as we walk the highways and the byways of the valley. Not only are the views that coUrt our eyes sordid, they are narrow. The heavens are often blotted out by the Smoke of man’s furnaces, or hidden by the November fogs. As a consequence we lose our sense of proportion; the things that are of least significance appear all-important because they are So near; the things that really matter are either invisible, or seem small because they are far away. But there is a breadth of view from the high places which we never enjoy in the city or in the dales. All earth, all heaven, seems spread out in glorious panorama before our eyes. Things that appeared mountain high down there, are dwarfed into utter insignificance; the firmament, which looked so limited, stretches in boundless width and beauty upon every side. Happy is the man who can bask in the sunlight of eternity, and hear In the keener and wider vision of this rarified atmosphere we catch glimpses of the. Strength and purposes of God that we never had before. Blessed is that man whom the Lordtaketh and setteth on high. EH34> N ovember 11. "The LORD’S Remembrancers.” —Isa. 62:6 * WHAT an honor unspeakable, to be the Remembrancers of the Great King! To be allowed to remind Him (who needs no reminding) of the things that concern the world over which He rules. To have the privilege of pleading with Him day and night for the good of our fellow men. How high is this above the too common conception of prayer as a means for the grat­ ification of our own selfish ends. What vistas of usefulness un­ told the position opens before our eyes. For the very appoint­ ment to the position involves and presupposes that He will listen to, and answer, the requests which we make before Him in this high capacity. We said He does not need reminding, nor does He; but He has given us this work for our own spir­ itual discipline and benefit. There is an unselfishness about it which tends to enlarge and purify our hearts. No man can in­ tercede for others without being made more noble in himself. The wideness of vision which is necessary to the adequate ful­ filment of the task is an efficient corrective of that self-concen­ tration that is so fatal to real Christian development. We can­ not be at one* and the same time engrossed with the considera­ tion of our own affairs and those of others. How much we lose, and how much the world loses, because we do not more constantly exercise this office of Remembrancers to the Court of Heaven. What glory might not have already encompassed the “The choral harmonies of heaven Earth’s babel sounds o’erpower.”


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