King's Business - 1927-11


November 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

earth if we had indeed “given Him no rest” until His kingdom had been established here below. We know not how, but doubt­ less the Divine operations are expedited by the intercessions of His people. ' ■ N ovember 12. “I will lead on softly." —Gen. 33:14. SO Jacob proposed to lead his flock and his family, and so the Lord leads us, who are both His children and “the sheep of his pasture.” Jacob could not trust them to the guidance of Esau, the strong (hairy) man—the man of war—he would hurry them onward in his impetuous haste, with little or no con­ sideration for their weakness. There are many Esaus amongst us still; mere cattle-drivers, who would fain hustle men along the path of righteousness, and who have no patience with Mr. Halting and Mr. Eeeble-mind. God is not a sheep-driver, but a Shepherd. Just as Jacob knew (from his own limping thigh) how impossible it was for the weak ones to hurry, so Christ knows by the experiences of earth the infirmities that hinder many of us as we travel along the road to heaven. And He is willing to suit the pace to the least able among the flock: some, as the lambs, He will carry in His bosom; and “He shall gently lead those” that are not strong enough to run. What a mercy it is that we have to do with an understanding and sympathetic God, rather than with our fellow men. “He knoweth our frame” ; so indeed do they, but they are apt to be easily forgetful, while “He remembereth that we are dust.” No tender mother is so gentle .and so patient with her children as God is with us. No one is so cognizant of our difficulties; none so ready to make excuses for our weakness as He. Some­ times we fail to grasp this truth, “And we magnify His strictness With a zeal He would not own,” both to our own discomfort and to that of our neighbors. . I I N ovember 13. “He led them on safely."^- Ps. 7 8 :53. OUR Shepherd leads His flock not only softly (see Nov. 12), but safely. For, like His people of old we are traveling through the desert, surrounded by dangers and beset with foes. Well are we compared to sheep—for folly and weakness are our predominating characteristics—and without a leader who was at once wise and strong, destruction or capture would soon inevitably befall us. Moreover we have often to walk in un­ known ways, or through the dark ravine where sight is im­ passible. In such circumstances there is no safe guide but God; directed by men we are like the blind being led by the blind; both they and we are sure, sooner or later, to fall into the ditch, or to wander hopelessly from the path. But however gloomy or however rough the road, be the wild beasts and the robbers never so numerous, we need not fear while we are under the Good Shepherd’s guidance. Whatever the char­ acter of the. Divinely indicated way, ‘‘Smooth let it be or rough, It will still be best; Our only anxiety need be lest we fail to follow. We must pray for the acutely sensitive ear that will know His voice, and distinguish it from “the voice of strangers” ; for the up­ ward glance that will catch the guiding of His eye; for the willing, obedient heart that will not hesitate to direct our feet into the appointed path. Winding or straight, it leads Right onward to our rest.”


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