King's Business - 1927-11


November 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

they are one day to shine, in all their splendor, in the Courts of His Holiness above. Of varied textures and colors; dif­ fering in their intrinsic value ; they are all equally dear to Him. There is unspeakable comfort in these thoughts to those of us who have entered by faith into a consciousness of the Divine possession. If He counts us of such price, He will assuredly guard and keep us from destruction and Horn theft. He will lightly esteem none of us, though we be not gems of the first water; He will not be ashamed to wear us proudly before the assembly of angels and of men. But these reflections bind upon us a pressing burden of responsibility as regards our fellow men. What of the gems still lying, unreclaimed and unpol­ ished, in the mire? What of those whose souls are yet unsaved? They, too, were bought with thê precious blood of Christ. They, also, are of untold value to the Lord. They, no less, than we, were intended to adorn His diadem. What have we done, what are we doing, to rescue them from- their, lost estate? Shall we not labor and pray that they as well as we may be His in the day that He maketh up His jewels, “All His jewels, precious jewels, His loved and His own” ? (*) See Ex. 28:29 and 39:8-14. aâà N ovember 19. “Whence contest thou?”—2 Kings 5:25. (*) THREE problems concerning ourselves demand solution at our hands. Whence? Why? Whither? Until these ques­ tions have been answered, we cannot hope to fulfil our destiny. Of one thing we are sure—we are here; but whence came we? Are we mere flotsam and jetsam floating by chance “out of the everywhere” ? Surely not. We find evidences of design; and design presupposes a Designer. It ÏS useless to babble to us of having come into existence “in the course of Nature” ; nature is but a name for a scheme of government ; and government in­ volves a Governor. We are alive, and (aS we know today) life implies pre-existent and communicated life. All this, however, does not bring us much nearer to the answer for which we seek. We have no satisfactory account of our origin save in the Book of God, the revelation of the Divine to man. What folly for those who can offer no reasonable explanation of their own to reject the one authoritative and probable story of their birth. We are the offspring of the Almighty God; we were created in His image ; we were formed out of the dust by His skilful hand; our life was breathed into us by the breath of His nostrils ; in a word, we come STRAIGHT FROM DEITY ! What a tremendous thought! What dignity it adds to exist­ ence ; what possibilities it opens to our gaze ; what inquiries it elicits from the thoughtful mind! And of these inquiries, the first is, “Wherefore am I come?” That question, however, we will discuss tomorrow ; let the thought of our heavenly birth suf­ fice for our meditation today. (*) In this and the two following sections the texts are used as abstract questions, quite apart from the context. ■.■ : ■ I : âis N ovember 20. “Wherefore art thou come?” —Matt. 26:50. WE say the first question concerning our earthly life is, come?” - We find in man, not only evidences of design; but of possibility; and possibility spells purpose. Assuredly God hath not “made all men for nought.” With such an origin as ours we could not have been sent into the world merely to disport ourselves for a few brief years; is not a God-given life worthy of something more than “Whence comest thou?” (see unto i t : “Wherefore art thou Nov. 19). The second is like



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