King's Business - 1927-11


November 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

these rampant and o’ertowering evils. He is sure that they are not indestructible, for he has been bidden to destroy them. But he does not trust in the arm of flesh; for well he knows that they will prove mightier than he if he goes to meet them in his own unaided strength. He assails his foe with the declaration : “I come to thee in the name of the LORD of Hosts” ;, he de­ pends, not upon his bow or his spear, but upon the “God which always causeth us to triumph.” His battle cry is: “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthened me” ; and, as a con­ sequence, he returns from the strife with songs o f victory, hav­ ing become more of a :cpnqUeror through him.” Be this spirit and this victory ours ! SWORDS are of little use if they are not wielded. A pres­ entation sword, with a jeweled hilt, may be very ornamental, but swnrds were originally intended . for the slaughter of our enemies. Such, a weapon God has given us in His Holy Word. With that we are to meet and overcome all the assaults of the Enemy of Souls. A soldier on the battle field is not helped very much by the fact that there is a Damascus blade hanging over the chimney-place, at home:, An unopened Bible-—under an antimacassar, or a shade full of wax flowers—will afford little support to a man in the moment of fierce temptation or of be­ wildering doubt. To use the Book aright we must read it; nay, more, ,we must “read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest it.” We should store its precepts and its promises in our memories so as to be able to lay our hands‘Upon them in a moment, that when­ ever and wherever we are beset with spiritual foes the sharp two-edged sword may flash forth and do its deadly work upon our enemies. We must not forget; however, that this Word of God is the sword of the Spirit. It must be used under His guidance and His strength. It must be studied in the light with which He is willing to illuminate the Sacred Page:. Upon Him we must depend, alike for a right understanding of the Scrip­ tures,- and for their effectual employment in ’.he hour of need. Of'this we may rest assured; no man will ever be a conqueror in the warfare with Hell and sin who neglects the Sword with which God has equipped him for the strife. THERE were four stages in the Epiphany of Christ. There was the manifestation as a child at Bethlehem. A new-born creature, foreshadowing the regeneration of. the Race; making the cradle the type of the childlike nature of Christianity. There was the manifestation as a man at Cana of Galilee, where He shewed Himself as the Sanctifier and Enricher of common life, and taught us that it was His glory to bring wealth and hap­ piness to men. There was the manifestation to the Greeks at Jerusalem, as the Redeemer of the world, when he declared His purpose-to compass our salvation by the sacrifice of His flesh. And last of all, there was the manifestation 1o His Disciples as the risen Lord, the Conqueror over death and the grave. The first was an epiphany to the world; the second to a mixed, but selected, company; the third to those who were eagerly seeking Him; the last to His own Followers alone. Thus the widening of the glory was accompanied by a narrowing of the circle. All mankind might see Him as a child; only those who believed on Him, and were willing to serve Him, could have ■ the vision of His perfected majesty with all its consequences of eternal life for themselves. The earlier manifestations spoke of the sanc­ tification of the flesh; the last proclaimed its spiritualization. These successive revelations set forth the Christian life in its due development. Regeneration, sanctification, sacrifice, resur- N ovember 23. • “The 1 sword, of the S /aW/.g-Kph. 6:17. N ovember 24. “Who . . . was manifested ."—1 Pet. 1:20.



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B I O L A B OOK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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