King's Business - 1927-11


November 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

rection, such are the facets of the spiritual glory which is be­ stowed upon us in Christ Jesus. Happy, are we when we are able to display them in all their beauty to our fellow men. ' HR pt N ovember 25. “Blessed are the merciful:”— Matt. 5 :7. “The quality of mercy is not strained ; Be it remembered, however, that the word “mercy” means originally, not merely (nor principally) forgiveness, but pity— that kindly tenderness of heart which not only moves us to for­ give those who have offended us, but fills us with sympathy for all who suffer; and urges us to ameliorate, a? far as possible, their, unhappy condition. Those who are thus merciful are happy because “they shall obtain mercy” ; those who consistently pity shall in their turn be pitied, both by Cod and man. By man, since like begets like, and that which we sow unto our fellows we shall surely reap in .turn from them; from God, since true pity is the Divine gift and makes us pleasing in His sight. There is no really pitiful heart save as it has been filled with Divine grace—“pity is akin to love,” and it is the love which is “shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost” which produces this Godlike grace. There is an emotion in the unre­ generate which simulates this pity, but it breaks down under pressure and, at best, is partial in its objects. The mercy to which the text refers goes out to all the suffering and the sad, without regard to their claims or to their worthiness. It par­ takes of the love which “suffereth long, and is kind” ; it does not tire in its efforts for their assistance; it is not exhausted by perpetual calls upon its complacency; like the God from whom it springs, it yearns to benefit and bless the Race. a i N ovember 26. “My grace is sufficient for thee .”—2 Cor. 12:9. ST. PAUL desired the removal of the thorn; God willed that he should continue to bear it, supported by sufficient grace. He thus decided, both for His own glory and for the good of the sufferer. There was a greater display 'of power in the constant support of the Apostle under the trial than there would have been in its immediate removal. Paul himself learned more of the Divine possibilities in the one case than he could have done in the other. Not only did the affliction keep him from undue exaltation, but it enabled him to manifest to the world the ability of God to save him from fretfulness and despair under a visitation which would have strained the worldling’s patience to the breaking-point. The thorn as a visitation from Satan was deplorable and intolerable; as a secret of additional grace, it was a. source of strength and victory. Most of us haye a thorn, either of the flesh or of the spirit, and very naturally we desire that it may be removed; its perpetual pain and irritation is a burden we can hardly bear. But, while It is perfectly law­ ful for us to pray to be delivered from the suffering and the annoyance, we should ever strive to say, “Thy will be done.” God may have high purposes in refusing the request. His su­ preme honor and our greatest good may depend upon our bear­ ing the affliction. It will work out in us, if .rightly borne, an eternal weight of glory for which we shall thank Him through all the aeons of the life to come; and it shall enable us to prove to men that His strength is indeed made perfect in weak­ ness, and that His grace is wholly sufficient for our every need. Meanwhile we should neither fear nor repine: He has not for­ gotten us, and we shall not be allowed to fail. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven ‘ Upon the place beneath; it is twice blessed, It blesseth him that gives and him that takes'.”


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