King's Business - 1927-11


T h e ' K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

N member 1927

N ovember 27. "Ask what I shall give thee.”—I Kings 3 :5.


“Best” Books

IF God were to come to us tonight, as He did to Solomon of old, with such a challenge, what would be our reply? For what should we ask? If we were limited to a single petition, and had to make it without thought or preparation, what re­ quest would rise unbidden to our lips ? Could we but get men’s sincere answer to this inquiry, we should be able very largely to appraise their characters. For a man’s chief desire is the mirror of his soul.. His ruling passion would reveal itself in his first and most urgent supplication. There would be many strange petitions' offered if God were to make the offer to every one of us, as He did to David’s son; many foolish ones; many that were utterly unworthy. Solomon made a wise choice, for he asked for wisdom; but there is a. wiser still. Not for the gifts of God should we beg first of all, but for Himself. The divinest gift is the gift of the Divine. Having Him we pos­ sess all things; having Him we can lack nothing. “Ask what thou wilt, and it shall be done unto thee,” would be a dangerous offer to the majority of men—perhaps to us among the num­ ber—for the satisfaction of their highest desire would spell ruin to their souls. We should pray that God would so endow us with His grace that we may be at once inspired to ask, and fitted to receive, His best gifts. There is one boon which He is ever waiting to bestow; an endowment, the petition for which is never refused to fervent, persistent prayer—the gift of the Holy Ghost. Would God His possession were the foremost ambition of all our hearts. HERE is safety, indeed! To lay hold of the hand of God is good, but our hands may' tire of their grip, our fingers weaken in their’ clasp; our attention being diverted, we may let go of Him. No such danger besets us when the holder is Di­ vine. His hand will never weaken, His attention will never be relaxed, His gracious purposes will never fail. The less we depend upon our power ot clinging, and abandon ourselves to Him for safety and for guidance, the happier we shall be We need not .imagine that the promise cannot apply to us because of our frailty or our insignificance: it is to the “worm Jacob” that it was primarily addressed. What can be more insignificant than a worm? Who,could be more faulty than was Jacob? God does not undertake to hold us up on account of our deserts, but because He loves us “with an everlasting love” ; because He is our Redeetner; because we are His chosen ones. On the other hand, our weakness is the strongest plea for the exercise of His power on our behalf. Were we able to support ourselves, there would be no need of the Divine hand. Our utter debility ap­ peals to the great heart of God. The one necessity is that He should be our God, that we should be of the seed of Abraham by faith; the other, that we should be willing to be held, and, being held, to be led whithersoever He would have us walk. For the holding implies, not only safety, but guidance: if He takes our hand, He will lead us in the right wav, as well as keep us from falling. Only those who have trusted and tried Him known the blessedness of that protection and guidance. N ovember 28. “I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand.” Isa. 41:13.

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N ovember 29. “God is a righteous judge, strong and patient." Ps. 7:12 (P. B. V.).

ONLY the strong are really patient; for patience is self- control, force and energy held in strong restraint. Many men

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