King's Business - 1927-11


November 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

mistake patience for weakness, and look upon impatience and passion as signs of strength. ,There can be no greater mistake : it is at once the consciousness and the exercise of power which make waiting and long-suffering possible. God is the God of patience because He is *he God of strength. That patience is immeasurable. There is perhaps npthing more amazing to the thoughtful mind, in the Divine character, than His forbearance, His willingness to wait. How long has He endured the con­ tradiction of sinners aga:nst Himself; how long has He tarried for their repentance ana their submission? None save Him­ self, clothed with the m-ijesty of omnipotence, could or would have been thus patient: had He not been strong, and therefore forbearing, many of us would have been long since consumed. This long-suffering must not, however,- blind us to the fact that He is a righteous judge; we must not dream even the Divine forbearance inexhaustible. One dare safely presume upon the apathy of weakness, but not, without grave peril, upon the pa­ tience of strength. For patience is not lassitude of mind or in­ firmity of will. The persistent sinner will one day see the flashing of the whetted sword, and the Divine Justice will overtake him in a whirlwind of destruction. We say of the persistent sin­ ner: God will bear with a multitude of unwilling—and even with many wilful—failures, so they may be followed by peni­ tence and a desire for amendment; but of a surety the delib­ erate and continuous transgressor He will ultimately judge, N ovember 30. "Thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice.” 2 Tim. 1:5. WHO can estimate the debt which our Race owes to its good and noble women? is amongst the best gifts God ever gave to men. Which of us will ever forget the lessons that we learned at our mother’s knee?, Whose life has not been largely molded by the female influence with which it has been brought into contact? True it is that “The hand that rocks the cradle,' rules the world.” Earth had been but a wilderness indeed but for the patience, the love,, the self-sacrifice of the women. All that is highest and noblest in the sons of men has been fostered and perfected in the sunshine of her smile ; all the most chivalrous instincts have been aroused as they worshiped at her shrine; aall that is holiest has been helped by her purity and truth What an honor, then, should they esteem it who have been called to this high estate. With what pr.ayers, nay, with what “strong crying and tears,” should they beseech Heaven that they may be found worthy of the position of influence in which it has pleased God to place them. How they should seek ever to remember that that influence is a sacred trust, a talent—ten talents—committed to their charge that they might use them for the glory of the Giver and for the good of men. To be in the bright succession of the world’s saintly womanhood, is infinitely more glorious than the possession of rank, or wealth, or fame; to have the oppor­ tunities it offers and to miss or misuse th^m, were a tragedy too sad for human pen to delineate. “A perfect woman, nobly planned . To warn, to comfort, to command,"


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D ecember 1. “Esau . . . sold his birthright.” —Heb. 12:16.

AND for one mess of pottage! How many men have fol­ lowed his example? Yielding to the keen desire of the mo­ ment; letting present enjoyment cloud their vision of future necessities; grasping at the shadow and dropping the substance; they have bartered their peace, their strength, their health, their

If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. B I O L A B OOK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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