King's Business - 1927-11

November 1927


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

thy mouth wide," is the Divine command, “and I will fill it.” We limit God by our narrow conceptions of His love and power. Do not fear to be bold, 0 needy and suppliant soul; “Thou art coming to a King,

FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS G IFT LIST — ■■■■"= “Best” Books onThe Cross an d T h e D e a th an d R e su r r e c tio n o f C h rist In the Cross of Christ I Glory By H om era H odgson T o say th a t this book is u n iq u e is to sta te the case only in p a rt. E very C h ristian realizes to som e e x te n t th e im ­ p o rtan c e of th e cross, h u t few a re aw are th a t it has been stam ped on th e heavens, the earth , a n d m ankind itself. T h at th e cross of C h rist w as in no sense an a fte rth o u g h t w ith God c an scarcely be d o u bted a fte r read in g this book. M any c u rio u s illu stratio n s have b een g a th e red from n a tu ra l science, all show ing th e w ay th e cross has been stam ped on th e creatio n . T h e book is beautifully bound, a n d will m ake an adm irable gift book. C loth $1 .5 0

Large petitions with thee bring; For His grace and power are such, None can ever ask too much.”

We must not forget, however, that in spiritual things not only need, but capacity, limit the amount of blessing to be ob­ tained. If we would have'a large increase we' must provide the vessels, not a few. As the human chest is widened by exercise, so also are the soul’s capacities for receiving the things of God. ffi'he right use of the means of grace not only brings grace at the moment, it alsd.; fits us, for receiving larger supplies lof grace in the days ,to come. Sure Cure for D oubt L IKE every other man with any brains, the late Dr. D. J. Burrell, pastor for many years of the Marble Collegiate Church, New York, and associated with Christ’s Mission from .its very beginning, had his season of “doubts” in his early years. The Rev. Dr. D. A. Poling, his assistant for several years, thus describes Dr. Bur­ rell’s method of dealing with those “doubts.” Dr. Poling said; “In the great university old foundations rocked be­ neath him; doubts banked his sky, and he turned to contemplate denial. That experience, as it followed him into the seminary and as he challenged it in the practical work of a mission in this city, was the body of one of the most absorbing hours I ever spent with him. His attitude toward it was characteristic. Said he, ‘For my mother’s sake, who believes in me, for the sake of that which may be, if this which she believes is true, I will go forward with my seminary preparation; I will throw my whole life into the quest, I will follow every intellectual avenue and exhaust every possible spiritual resource before giv­ ing myself over to denial.’ And in this resolution he | studied and worked and prayed. -v ' f‘One night, called by a lad to the bedside of his father, who was desperately ill, he knelt in travail of soul to ask God the answer to a dying man’s question and the solu­ tion of his own. His intercession reached new heights; his supplication took on those attributes of omnipotence implied by Jesus when He promised, ‘Whatsoever ye ask the ¡Father in My name, I will give it you.’ That night as the released spirit of the stranger swept through the gates into The City, David James Burrell arose believing. “A new world now opened before him, and in the strength of God he went forward to possess it. How he lived and labored from that time forth need not be re­ peated in detail here. But in city pastorates and in country parishes and out to the last missionary frontier are men and women who have found themselves by fol­ lowing the torch he held on high. To him God was the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; Jesus Christ was His only Begotten Son, our Lord and Savior, and the Holy Spirit was the Abiding Comforter. To him sin was a fact, the atonement a reality, the Bible the in­ spired and infallible Word, and time was but the child of Immortality.”

The Cross in Faith and Conduct By G ordon W a tt In every a sp ect of th e L ord’s life th e cro ss w as seen. It w as the c en ter of H is earth ly ex­ istence, th e goal of H is life, an d becam e the crow n of H is m ission. Such is th e g rand fashion in w hich G ordon W att approaches th e discussion of th e C ross. T he a u th o r’s pen­ e tra tin g in sig h t in to th in g s sp iritu al and his abilityA to a p ­ ply im p o rtan t C hristian tru th •to everyday life, is easily seen in th is excellent book. C loth $1.00

The Meaning of the Cross

B y R ev. G ordon W a tt The m eaning of th e cro ss— w h at an arrestin g , th o u g h t I Do we u n d erstan d th e deepest m eaning of the cro ss? The a u th o r has given us nine s tu d ­ ies show ing th e m eaning of th e C ross in th e O ld T estam ent, in th e Gospels, in th e Epistles, an d in th e R evelation, an d m aking c lear its cen tral place in salvation, v icto ry , pow er, an d service. Y ou o u g h t to own th is book. C loth $1.00

What Does the Resurrection of Christ Mean to Me By F. E. M arsh T h e re su rrectio n , is it fact o r fiction? W h at does the re su rrec tio n m ean? W h at depends on the resu rrectio n ? W h at is secu red by th e re su rrec tio n ? T hese an d m any o th e r questions a re answ ered by this com p eten t and deeply sp iritu al a u th o r. R ead this su p erb co n trib u tio n to th e im p o rta n t do ctrin e of th e resu rrec tio n . It will drive aw ay do u b t a n d w arm th e h e art. C loth $1 .0 0 The Resurrection of Jesus By Jam es O rr The Day of the Cross By Rev. W . M. Clow T h e . devout read er of th is volum e can n o t b u t be thrilled, fed, quickened, an d com forted. T here a re tw enty-six d is­ T his book is m arked by th e sam e ab so lu te m astery of his su b ject displayed by P ro fesso r O rr in his form er notable books. D ipping deep in to all , sources of know ledge, of his difficult s u b j e c t, review ing fully th e field of p a s t d iscus­ sion, exam ining w ith every critical facu lty aw ake all the evidence, he lifts th e whole su b ject in to a clearer light. C loth $1.50 B y Jam es S talker, D . D. In th is splendid book w hich has long been considered as a sta n d a rd in C hristian D oc­ trine, th e a u th o r w ith his u s ­ ual clarity , has d ealt w ith the atonem ent first from T he New T estam en t S ituation, clearly sta tin g th e fa c ts as recorded. Then he proceeds to p resen t th e Old T estam en t prep aratio n . Then he endeavors to harm o n ­ ize th e tru th w ith th e ideas a n d sym pathies of th e presen t tim e, in th e th ird lectu re w hich is called “T he M odern Ju stificatio n .“ C loth $1.50 T his, the- g re a te st them e in th e w orld is tre a te d in an able an d deeply sp iritu al m anner. Dr. M arsh needs no in tro d u c­ tio n to o u r readers an d in th is unique volum e he has g a th e r­ ed an d m ade live m any facts and th o u g h ts concerning th e atonem ent. In a w ay entirely his own, th e a u th o r tre a ts in the vario u s ch ap ters “W hy Did C h rist Die,” “The M eaning of C h rist’s A tonem ent,” “S er­ vice an d C h rist’s A tonem ent,” “Sin an d C h rist's A tonem ent.” * Secure th is w orth w hile vol­ um e. C loth $1.25 If money does n ot accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. courses; all rooted in th a t one suprem e d ay ; w ith very u n ­ comm on g ra sp an d p e n etra ­ tion, th e a u th o r seem s to m iss ho incident n o r its significance. H is w ords a re th e speech of a m an w ho has pro b ed th e deep secrets of life, an d has him self trb d th e th o rn y w ay. Every page m akes conscience sm art an d is ten d er w ith fungent a p ­ peal. C loth $1.75 Why Did Christ Die? By F. E. M arsh The Atonement

If goods are to come by mail add 10% for postage. B I OL A B O OK ROOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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