King's Business - 1927-11

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Thousands of Scholars and earnest Christians seeking light declare it to be th e Most H elp fu l Bible published. Decide for yourself w ithou t risking one cent.

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In this Bible th e un iq u e C hain R efer­ ence System , Exclusive T ex t C yclope­ dia and all related helps are linked up instantly w ith th e Bible T ext to insure a practical w orking Bible th a t gives you as never before a q uick and easy u n ­ d erstanding of hidden tru th and show s you unexpected spiritual blessings on every page. New E dition of THOMPSON'S CHAIN REFERENCE BIBLE Leads you instantly to the tru th s you seek an d m akes th eir m eaning clear. A nsw ers th e questions th a t harass and p erp lex you and fills y o u r h e a rt w ith th e peace of g reat understanding. T his unrivalled w o rk contains the full Bible T ext and m ore than 3200 C olum ns of helps such as the C hain R eference System , E xpository V erse A nalysis and T ex t C yclopedia w ith its T opical Index, etc.; also B agster’s S tan d ard C o n co rd ­ ance w ith Bible A tlas and p ro n ouncing gazetteer. The T ext Cyclopedia is a m arvel of co n ­ densed Bible inform ation. N othing like it before ever attem p ted . To it alone, Dr. T hom pson devoted m ore th an fifteen years of his life. Em inent D ivines declare th a t th e T ext Cyclopedia is easily w orth the price of the whole Bible.

PRESIDENT COOLIDGE, a Bible reading C hristian, w as sw orn in as P resident of the U nited S tates on the old fam ily B i b l e of the Coolidge farm . QUOTED FROM INTERVIEW IN OCT. ISSUE OF TH E KING’S BUSINESS “You haven’t a Reference Bible unless you have one w ith a p ra c ­ tical w orking system , an d th e ref­ erence system is no t p ra c tic al u n ­ less it connects the Bible Text w ith all th e o th er reference m a­ terial. This u n ity is accom plished for the first tim e in the Thom pson C hain R eference Bible.”




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P ublisher of C hain R eference Bibles

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TO P ICA L INDEX A rranged alphabetically so th a t an y su b ject de­ sired can be located im ­ m ediately in the Text C yclopedia. P reserves th e u n ity of th is great w ork by assem bling all reference topics and th e ir collateral su b ­ jects into one general index.


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