London Metropolitan University – Head of Projects Delivery

Student Accommodation Our student bedroom demand is expected to rise to 1100 by 2026, against the current supply of 102 nominated bedrooms. A masterplan will consider development of our own student housing on campus, over the life of this strategy. In the interim we will meet demand via strategically procured nominations agreements, with reputable providers, to meet our students’ needs. The Digital Campus A smart estate is at the very core of the University’s Estates Strategy and Digital Strategy. We will create a smart estate in collaboration with our newly engaged integrated infrastructure partners, to connect our students and staff to our buildings and services, ensuring our Estates Strategy objectives are fully integrated. Progress to date includes installation of smart building technology such as environmental and people counting sensors in all teaching spaces and offices, seamlessly integrated with a new CAFM system. Ultimately this will give us precise control and automation of our campuses, simplify business processes and provide in-depth analytics to improve both efficiency and end user experience.

Putting sustainability front and centre – our Carbon and Environmental Management Plan Environmental sustainability is at the heart of everything that we do. We have an excellent track record and continue to be leaders in this area. Our new Carbon and Environmental Management Plan both meets and exceeds the requirements of the London Plan for reducing carbon emissions. We will achieve Carbon Net Zero by 2030, and our emissions will rapidly decelerate beyond 2025 as we replace our current gas burning district heating system with new renewable energy nodes. Our CEMP enables our graduates to continue this vital work, and improves the internal environment in which we teach, learn and work. Leading on live projects Estates Strategy planning work has already made considerable progress, with design work on three projects started: 1. A £17 million refurbishment of the Holloway campus Learning Centre and Science Centre. 2. New renewable energy district Heating and Cooling System. 3. Cladding repairs and window replacement to the Tower Building.

Aldgate Futures A key objective for the early years of the Estates Strategy is securing a long term and fit for purpose home for our School of Art, Architecture and Design. Options studies for a new location are already at an advanced stage, and negotiations are underway to extend the life of the current Aldgate lease, in order to minimise disruption to the school and optimise the experience of any possible future relocation. Further information on the University’s Estate Strategy is available for you to view here: Estates Strategy 2022-2031 (

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