Professional June 2021

Personal development

Supporting mental health, wellbeing, and absence

Natalie Rogers, chief people officer at Unum, shares a step-by-step guide to support employers looking to improve their employees’ health andwellbeing T he year 2020 tested us, businesses have conflicting priorities, and there can be so much information to sift of the process. Prioritising mental health and wellbeing with a well-thought-out plan or policy demonstrates accountability and sends a clear message about your business’s approach.

For example, particularly after what we’ve learned from lockdown and long-term remote working, installing better flexible working policies can help staff achieve a better work/life balance, reducing their chances of developing stress-related illnesses.

through. It’s no wonder grappling with a company-wide approach to mental health, wellbeing and absence management can feel overwhelming. For some, creating and implementing initiatives, and aligning wellbeing strategies to the organisation’s wider strategies and policies can be seen as unwanted extra hassle. It’s an attitude that makes it that much harder to prioritise, deliver and measure the success of any plan. Here are five steps employers can take. Reviewand plan As an employer, it’s important that you understand how well your current mental health and wellbeing initiatives are working. Using the government’s Thriving at Work report ( and its Mental Health at Work Commitment initiative ( as a framework is a good starting point. Get started Just 33% of employers have a written policy or guidance to help them reduce stress, and 41% of employers have a more reactive than proactive wellbeing strategy (see CIPD Health and wellbeing report 2020 , Putting mental health and wellbeing on the agenda, and defining your approach is an important part

Prevent andmanage absence Whether you’re trying to tackle short- or long-term absence, the best starting point is to start monitoring your absences, if you don’t already; unless you know what it is you’re dealing with, it’s pretty impossible to manage. The good news is that this doesn’t have to be difficult; it could be something as simple as setting up a spreadsheet to monitor staff absence. Having a thorough plan for absence management at work is key to supporting staff before, during and after sickness absence. The plan should encompass both those employees making a safe and sustainable return, but also consider those who may still be at work but struggling. ...conducting a mental health and wellbeing review is likely to identify certain areas where you can focus training...

Get training Recent research by Business in the

Community ( revealed only 11% of managers have attended training that focused specifically on mental health. Chances are, conducting a mental health and wellbeing review is likely to identify certain areas where you can focus training, whether from the absence data trends that’ve been spotted or where the mental health standards are not fully met. Digital health andwellbeing tools for all Ensuring staff have access to digital tools and resources is vital to help prevent and proactively manage issues before they become too serious. Ensuring staff have easy access to health and wellbeing support can help employers minimise absence, improve productivity and keep employees present and engaged. Providing digital support gives a quick, simple, and effective way to show your employees you care about their physical and mental wellbeing, while receiving real business benefits. n


| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |

Issue 71 | June 2021

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