Dates to Be11ie11iber For July 3 - Special July 4th Program 8 - Shut-in of the Month 10 - Student from India Inter– viewed 13 - Report from 1st Mission Covenant Church, Oakland, Calif. Rev. Wesley Nelson, pastor 15 - Field Deportment Represen– tative Introduced 16 - Conference Opens at Jen– nings Lodge, Oregon 17 - Letter Read from Washing– ton, D.C. 20 -Alumni Tape Recording 22 - Features from King's Busi– ness Magazine 31 - Farewell Program for Dr. Tovey August 2 - Conference Opens at Glendown, Washington
From the President's Desk ... "It's the summer slump!" How often hove we in Christian service, depending on the stewardship of God's people, heard
those familiar and dreaded wordsl "It's the summer slump." Usually that phrase means that the work which God has ordained must give ground, cancel plans, perhaps even drop vital service. We of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, however, have always had so much for which ta praise God, for He has never foiled us, nor will He ever, if we look ta Him in faith believing. We know the vast family of loyal friends who stand behind this work, and be- lieve during these usually hard summer
months, that they will not forget us. But that means, we must count on you. Yes, if every home where the BIOLA BROADCASTER is received would just send a dollar this month, our bills would be met. But some will forget, some will set it aside, some will not make the sacrifice. So, may we count on you with your regular support? Thanks so much for that and may the Lord abundantly bless you for the sacrificial help you make in the training of these hundreds of young lives for world-wide Christia ~
Taking in one hand motion picture equipment and in the other a tape recorder, the Rev. J. Russell Killman, Class of '49 left Los Angeles International Airport May 15th for the Ori– ent to photograph the need of the Far East in these crucial days. Regular listeners to the BIBLE INSTITUTE HOUR will be hearing his interesting on the spot interviews, and also, if atmospheric conditions permit, direct over-seas broad– casts. The films which Mr. Killman is taking are already being processed and edited, and advance previews of them may possibly be shown in the Sum– mer Conferences following the evening services. Pray for this young man of God, who will be going through the lands darkened with sin and unbelief, and marred with the ravages of war.
This composite picture shows the need of the Philippines. The woman left) holds out hands almost completely eaten off by leprosy, begging for mercy and in need of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Center) One of the hundreds f buildings bombed out in the recent war. In the doorway is a tiny child aking care af her baby brother in the small protection from the elements hich the family is provided. Saddest of all is the darkness which the ext picture shows, for while there may be a smile on the lips of these eople, there is no true joy in the heart. The man has the smell of tuba wine on his breath, (made from the lossom of the cocoonut) one of the most intoxicating beverages. It akes one think of the scripture: "Lost, without Christ In the world."
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