HCAL Media Kit 2024 FINAL


Housing Choices always place our residents at the centre of our services. Our residents are treated with dignity and respect. We place immense importance on the shared rights and responsibilities of our residents and of Housing Choices as a Landlord. We ensure our sta, neighbours and residents are fully informed about how our services are delivered using clearly defined, fair, compliant and contemporary policies that are communicated through readily accessible formats. We facilitate and encourage multiple opportunities for residents and stakeholders such as our neighbours, to provide feedback.

Our tenancy management model includes a dedicated Housing Ocer and Property Ocer to ensure our tenancies and properties are managed to the highest standard. Our sta have a breadth of experience from social work, real estate, community development and asset and maintenance management. Tenancies are successful if services are tailored to the needs of individual tenants and to the nature and diversity of the communities in which the tenants live. Our residents benefit significantly with access to the right opportunities to improve health, wellbeing, skills and engagement with the community around them. A good life starts with a good home, but a good home-life is something much more profound and enduring.


Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is allocated to National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants living with disabilities that have extreme functional impairments or very high support needs. SDA refers to the actual physical accommodation itself and an example of high physical support SDA housing is a home with ceiling hoists, video/intercom systems, emergency power systems, wide door openings, laminated glass, soundproofing, high impact fittings and fixtures. The purpose of SDA is to provide individuals with an NDIS plan with choice and control over who they live with and preferred living arrangements. SDA is becoming increasingly important as thousands of young Australians with a disability are being placed into residential aged care due to a lack of funding and living options.

We provide SDA in collaboration with NDIS registered support agencies who support participants wanting to live independently. A property is leased to the support agency so workers can deliver overnight care.

Along with our support agencies, SDA enables people with disabilities to:

• live independently • learn and develop everyday skills • be part of a community • make friends • receive support in personal care

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