HCAL Media Kit 2024 FINAL


What is community housing?

Renters pay no more than 30% of income; community housing is funded by a combination of state, federal and local government contributions, private loans and partnerships . Housing is often framed as either being something private developers do for a profit, or government delivers as a service. Community housing oers a dierent approach, where people are considered over profit. Housing Choices re-invests any surplus revenue into new housing, better services or improving our properties. We deliver support and services to help renters experiencing disadvantage and we are deeply committed to the communities in which our buildings and residents sit. Our model is to invest alongside government, manage and maintain properties and support people into the broader community. Beyond an economic transaction, we see housing as social infrastructure. Why do we need it? Private market housing cannot provide housing to lower income households if the market price or rent is greater than their housing budget. In addition, the amount of public housing built by Government in Australia over the last decade has fallen dramatically. With 13 per cent of the Australian population living in poverty, the need greatly exceeds the supply (3-4 per cent of all housing stock is social housing). The Netherlands, which is as auent as Australia, has 32 per cent of all housing as social housing. We have 4 per cent. Who lives in it? People living in community housing come from all walks of life and circumstances. The one thing they all have in common is they can’t aord to buy a home or pay market rent. Community housing gives renters the opportunity to plan for the future; it prevents people slipping through the cracks and into homelessness.

Community housing refers to housing owned or managed by a diverse range of non-government housing providers that have not for profit and social objectives.

The peak association for the community sector is the Community Housing Industry Association.

Social housing is a generic term to cover all forms of housing which is owned and or run by government or community agencies on a not-for-profit basis.

Public housing is the name of housing owned and run by government.

Community housing providers (CHPs) like Housing Choices Australia are not-for-profit organisations that exist to build and manage safe, secure and aordable homes for renters.

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