QUEUE WARNING SYSTEMS Notify Motorists To Prepare For Traffic Congestion Ahead
REAL-TIME INFORMATION Real-time data can include average speed (one lane, multiple lanes, or a specific lane) or traffic volume. Cameras are commonly used to compliment the Queue Warning System. Cameras allows the user to verify that the Queue Warning System is functioning properly by comparing the speed data to the video feed. Your scenario-based messages warn motorists of the traffic conditions ahead and enable them to proactively adjust speed or driving lane. Queue Warning Systems make job sites safer for motorists and workers.
SAFETY FIRST Queue Warning Systems are a key factor in keeping drivers informed of heavy traffic conditions or work zones that lie ahead. These systems significantly reducing the likelihood and severity of collisions in a work zone by encouraging motorists to adjust their speeds based on the current traffic conditions. Setting up a Queue Warning System can be as easy or complex a scenario as conditions demand. Single or multiple sensors are placed upstream from a congested area or construction zone. Real-time data is sent via private network to servers, and analyzed by SmartZone software. As traffic conditions change, messages on message boards are updated to inform travelers of potential delays or incidents ahead. SmartZone offers remote monitoring and message updating, automatic user-notification via text mes- sage or email, and is designed to work with any traffic management system.
uu MESSAGING USED INCLUDES: l Traffic congestion alert l Lane closures l Alternate routes or estimated time delays
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