T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
September, 1940
be a good thing to do. So I went far away to the Bible school to be taught, and even went out to preach in the vil lages with the other young men who studied there. “I was a pretty good imitation Chris tian on the outside, but my heart was just as black as it was when I followed the customs of darkness.” Fifty pairs of black eyes rolled in wonder and surprise at their teacher’s story. Mayu began to pray under her breath for Nigo and for Balichene and the others. “Yes, my pupils,” Teacher Zaccheus went on, "I had never really let Jesus inside my heart to live and be the .big Chief there. I wakened up to this fact when the missionaries said they were going to send me off to the hills to tell the people there about Jesus. Now I didn’t, want to go to live in those hills. The hills were full of monkeys. The monkeys would pull up the food in my .garden—and what would I eat? If I had loved the Lord Jesus, I would never have minded the monkeys. So I told the white teachers that my wife was sick in her chest and would have to live near a hospital. “ Always I kept thinking about the* monkeys, and always I was so unhappy I could scarcely sleep at night, until one time I got up in the dark to talk to Jesus. I told Him how bad I was and asked Him to wash away my sins in His blood and make me God’s own child. And He did it! Then I was so happy it didn’t even matter about the monkeys any more—I just wanted to work for Jesus. “ That is the night I was born again,” he finished. “All the years before, I was just a believer on the mouth.” As he sat down, his black face shone —not with the oil the Africans love to use—but it was the Saviour shining out from Zaccheus’ life until the whole room seemed full of His very presence. Some one sniffled over in the corner. Some one in the front row was crying, too. The Lord Jesus whispered to Mayu’s heart that there was something more important for her to do that day than hearing lessons. “Can it be,” she asked, leaning over the homemade desk, “ that right here in our own school, we are just Christians on the mouth ? Let us all bow our heads and ask God to show us truly, truly, right now, if we are His very own chil dren, or not.” Fifty curly heads were bowed. It was so still in the little grass-roofed school- house, one could have heard the long- legged wasps flying to their cells in the rafters, or the cornstalks rustling in the field outside. Mayu broke the silence.
“How many of you are so sure you have Jesus in your hearts that no one could make you doubt it? ” Seven hands went up. Seven boys and girls stood up, looked Mayu square in the eye, and told her just how they knew they belonged to Jesus. Balichene’s big sister was dne of them, but Balichene just sat with her head in her lap. “ Think it over very carefully,” Mayu told the rest of her pupils. “And if you can let Jesus into your heart today, get up and go over to the side of the room until I have time to talk with each one of you alone.” One by <5ne they began to move. Nigo was among the first—then Elder Paul’s boy and girl, and Balichene (Mayu’s heart was so glad it almost burst)— and Balichene’s big brother, who said he could never hold his temper—and Jonar than, who was the naughtiest, most dis obedient little boy in the third grade—at last not a single child was left behind! Three o’clock came, and three-thirty, but there was no recess bell that after noon. Four o’clock came, then five—a few boys still sat quietly on the long brick seats awaiting their turn for Mayu and Teacher Zaccheus to talk and pray with them until they were sure that the Lord Jesus had changed them from be lievers on the mouth to believers in their hearts. At six, when the scorch ing tropical sun “fell down” in the lake and left Africa cool again, two smiling teachers—one black, the other white— said “good-bye” to the last glad born- again child and closed the schoolhouse for the night. Up in heaven, too, the angels must have been very busy praising the Lord, because God’s Word tells us that “joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth.” What a lot of rejoicing those angels would have to do when so many black boys and girls in Mayu’s African school repented and let Jesus come to really and truly live in their hearts! New K. Y. B. C. Members ARMOUR, S. DAK .: A lbert and Donald B aker; Blanche and Laurence DeHaai; Arle, Evert, Marvin, Nellie, and Vernon D eV ries; L yle G roen; Melvin H amburg; L ester and Marie K iel; Eddie L edeboer; Grace, Lorn, and Mildred M enning; P. C.' M eyer; Kenneth and Dale N ieuwenhouse; H enry R ozeboom ; Cornie R us; Clarence Simonson, and Donald, Mabel, Ray, and V erlon V an derW erff (A lbert Baker, leader). DINUBA, CALIF.: Christine Adney; Charlene A ttaw ay; A vis Geiger, and Verna W allis (E lsie Friesen, leader). GEORGE, IOW A : Sanna Joyce K ruger (Mrs. A. T. Reemtsma, leader)'. HASTINGS, MINN.: P eg gy Lou Graber; Cora Mae H all; H erbert Jelley; V erlyn Johnson; W illiam Pederson; James and Norman Trautman, and Bonnie Mae W ilke (Charlotte Keene, leader). OMAHA, NEBR.: D orothy Baughman (Mrs. Vida Cady, teacher). OROVILLE, WASH .: Glen Bum baugh; Dan M cD ougal; John Steele (M orton A. Smith, teacher). ROANOKE, VA .: Joe Anna Adam son; Abney B oxley, Jr.; Bobbie D avenport; B arbara D ent; B arbara H olm es; Maria Reid, and Anne W illiam son (A lm eria Gordon, leader).
Memory Work
The cross is like a ladder that r e a c h e s up to heaven, because the Lord J e s u s Christ shed His b l o o d o n t h e cross to save us f r o m our sins. We have a cross ladder in our pic ture, and beside each rung is a letter. Begin at the bottom and read up. W h a t
do the letters spell ? For several months, we are going to learn verses the first letters of which will spell the word “SALVATION.” Q “Study to show thyself approved un- ^ to God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). A “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all” (Isa. 53:6). I “Look unto me, and be ye saved, all ™ the ends o f the earth: for I am God, and there is none else” (Isa. 45:22). Y “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believ- eth on him that sent me, hath everlast ing life, and shall not come into con demnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24). A “And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand” (John 10:28). T “The next day John seeth Jesus com ing unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). I "I am the door: by me i f ’ any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture” (John 10:9). 0 “0 taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trust- eth in him” (Psa. 34:8). “Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy” (Jude 24). How to Join the K. Y. B. Club To become a member of the Know Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel ac cording to John, using either your own Bible or a Gospel of John which will be sent upon reauest. When the Gospel has been read, and n statement to this effect, signed by parent or Sunday-school teacher, bns been sent to the Editor of the Junior King's Business, a K. Y. B. C. pin will be mailed. Sundny-school classes or clubs desirfng to order ten or more Gospels or pins may wish to share the cost of these supplies, as the Lord directsi Gospels, postpaid, five cents each—in quantity, three cents; pins, without postage, two cents each. However, no one Is to do without a Gospel or pin because of lack of money. Addressi Junior King's Busi ness, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.
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