T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
September, 1940
GOLDEN TEXT* ‘‘F o r the kingdom o f God 1. not meat and d rin k* bnt righteous* ness, and peace, and Joy In the H oly Ghost** (R om . 14il7). d e v o t io n a l r e a d i n g * John 18 * 7 - 1 1 . Outline and Exposition I. P r o p h e c y C o n c e r n in g J o h n t h e B a p t is t (1:13-16) Z ACHARIAS and his wife, Elisa sible. But with God nothing Is impos sible; He planned for the birth of this boy, who would be His witness and through whom God would break the silence of four Hundred years. John’s character was also foretold (vs. 15, 16). He would be great in the sight of the Lord, whatever he appeared to be in the sight of men. And John was great, because he fulfilled God’s pur. pose concerning his life. Two prophecies of- the Old Testament related to John, one given seven hundred years before his birth, and the other about four hun dred years prior to that event (cf. Isa. 40:3; Mai. 3:1). Moreover, John would be a Nazarite, drinking neither wine nor strong drink. He would be separated from the pomp and pleasure of this world. The Nazarite abstained from certain things,' not be cause those things were evil In them selves, but because of the vow all Naz- arites took in setting forth their separa tion unto God. Likewise, the Christian finds that, while all things are lawful for him, all things are not expedient (1 Cor. 6:12). It is a pity that the Sun day School Lesson Committee should have neglected the text given for to day’s lesson, and should have applied it for use on Temperance Sunday, because ip so doing the impression is given that only Nazarites were pleasing to God, whereas the truth Is that any one who will obey God’s commands will please G 04 in his life. Furthermore, we learn that in order that John’s work should be done accord ing to the mind of God, the Holy Spirit would fill him from his birth. It was thus in the power of the Spirit of God that Johp would turn many of the chll-
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beth, had been praying for a son, but because of their advanced age, the birth of a child seemed impos
dren of Israel back to the Lord their God. All that John had, the Christian also may have, and much more, when there is the same yieldedness as that which was manifested by John the Baptist. II. T he P reparation of J esus (2 :40 ) Jesus grew to manhood in the midst of surrounding evil; Nazareth was a by word for wickedness. From the human standpoint, the secret of His early life was that “the grace of God was upon him.” Wherever the grace of God abides (and it abides wherever it is welcomed), there will be growth in all the Christian virtues. A surrender to the Holy Spirit will mean illumination for the mind, re freshment for the soul, and confidence for the spirit. III. T he P ower of J esus (4 :4 ) The secret of our Lord’s victory in the wilderness was simply a reliance upon, confidence in, and obedience to, the Word of God. Instead of arguing with Satan, our Lord merely referred him to the Word of God. Thus He mani fested that spirit of wisdom wherein He grew during the silent years in Nazareth. We should note that there is some thing higher for the Christian than the mere preservation of human life. We are continually tempted to think that the most important thing is self-preser vation. But that is not so. The most important thing is to do the will of God whatever happens to the body. It is true that the body is a sacred thing; for the Christian, it is sacred because of the indwelling Holy Spirit. In itself, it is of secondary importance. Hence the physical suffering of human beings is not their deepest need. It is the spiritual condition of people that should arouse the sympathy and help of all Christians. , IV. T he P roof of G oodness (6:21, 25, 43-45) Earthly joys fade and pass away, but heavenly joys remain and become great er with the passing years (vs. 21, 25). The one who has within him the new nature which Christ imparts will bring forth good fruit, not because of any pressure from without, but because of the life within.
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