September, 1940
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
crumbled, or the ink has become dim. But it is upon the “fleshly tables of the heart” that the Holy Spirit undertakes t% “write” the message of God’s saving grace. II. PATIENCE IN THE SOUL-WIN NER (Matt. 5-11, 12). Patience is the fruit of love. He who would, win souls must be willing to be ridiculed and falsely accused, and to go right on witnessing, with rejoicing. 1 . Paul did (Acts 26:1-29). 2. Missionaries in East Africa did. Illus.: When mission work was new on the south shore of Lake Victoria, a worker yearned over the soul of a young Nsukuma dance leader named Muhoja. Repeatedly he visited Muhoja, trying to win.him to Christ. The missionary died of a tropical fever, and the native open ly rejoiced, as he considered the unwel come calls at an end. But other mis sionaries continued to visit him. After years of such calling and pleading, the dance leader finally ' yielded, saying, “They must truly love me, to come so often when I have been so bitter.” He became a believer and was baptized. Today, a matured native church leader, he has the honor of having been one of the first four men of his tribe to be ordained to the gospel ministry. What if the missionaries had given up when they found their witness was not wel come?—E. W. W. HI. ILLUMINATION THROUGH THE SOUL-WINNER (Matt. 5:14-16). All men—with the happy exception of those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour—“sit in darkness and in the shadow of death” (Psa. 107:10). The Lord Jesus Christ is the Light of the world, And His followers, partaking of that light, are themselves to be light- bearers. Remember that if the Lord has lighted your candle (v. 14; Psa. 18:28), that light, are themselves to be light- and “glorify your Father which is 'in heaven.” The soul-winner will be: 1. Radiant (Psa. 34:5, R.V.). 2. Shining continually (Dan. 12:3). 3. Willing to be “consumed” for Christ’s sake (John 5:35). 4. Reflecting Christ’s glory (Phil. 2:15). Illustrative Material Thrilling examples of results through soul-winning may be found in The Ro mance of a Doctor’s Visits, and Mir acles In a Doctor’s Life, both by Walter Lewis Wilson (price 20 cents each, Biola Book Room). Add instances from your own experience. The leader may use illustrations or anecdotes of actual experiences of Chris tians to show why one who desires tc win souls must avoid “any thing where by thy brother stumbleth” (Rom. 14:21).
OCTOBER 13, 1940 DA ILY W ITNESSING 2 C orinthians 3:1-3; M atthew 5:11-16 The Leader’s Opening Remarks
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“Tell me the depth o f a Christian’s compassion,” Alexander Maclaren said, “and I will tell you the measure of his usefulness.” Soul-winning is a matter of affection more than it is a matter of ability. When the love of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, is aflame in any young person’s heart, there will be a corresponding love for the lost souls of others. When arguments fail, the love of Christ will win, for "love never fail- eth” (1 Cor.' 13:8, R.V.). It is taken for granted, of course, that he who would engage in “DaHy Witnessing1’ has been “born again” into the family of God and can himself say: “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God” (Rom. 8:16). All effective witnessing for the Lord Jesus Christ will include a combination of three essential elements, found in the Scriptures assigned for our lesson today. The Speakers’ Outline I. TESTIMONY OF THE LIFE OF THE SOUL-WINNER (2 Cor. 3:1-3). Whatever ijs written has the quality of endurance. Believers are called “the epistle of Christ” ; that Is, they are a message for others to read and to keep on reading. A book never can cry out, “I do not wish to be read today!” And neither can a Christian choose a time when the testimony of his life is not given forth. Thinking of the Christian as being an "epistle,” we are to remem ber that the value of any written mes sage is dependent upon: 1. The ability of the author. In one _ year (1938), in the United States there were published “11,067 new books and new editions” by that many would-be-famous authors. A hundred years from now, how many of those writers will be remembered? But what can be said of the One who “writes” the message of the Christian’s daily life ? He is “ the Spirit of the living God”—the Author of the Word of God (2 Pet. 1:12). Oh, let us yield to Him! 2. The need for the message. Hundreds of “vanity publications” are issued every year, paid for by authors who appreciate the excellence of their work, whether anybody else does or not. But the testimony of the believer’s life is “the epistle OF CHRIST”—and there is no question that all the world needs Him (Acts 4:12; Heb. 2:1-3). 3. The means of conveying the mes sage to others. Museums often have valuable records that are incomplete—because the paper on which the messaee was written has
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