King's Business - 1940-09


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

September, 1940

YOUR OPPORTUNITY to Prepare for Leadership in Chr i s t i an Ser v i ce at THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Incorporated Registration Days. September 9-10 W e invite you to consider Biola as the school where you will find the highest spiritual and educational advantages in training for the field of His choice, and a fellowship with scores of young men and women of like mind and heart. Student Testimonies

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" I feel that the life o f the School in its stud­ ies, fellow ship and spirituality is o f inestimable value fo r the m ore effectiv e service o f the • Christian.” —Student from Massachusetts **A deeper know ledge o f God^s w onderful W ord, a richer fellow sh ip w ith m y w onderful Lord, an enlarged vision o f the need o f the w orld, a renewed conviction o f H is call to serv­ ice— all this and much m ore has B iola m eant to me. H ow X praise Him fo r guiding m y footsteps here!” —Student from California

STJiie folder pictured above, “ What Biola Means to Me,“ will be sent to you 'upon request •

BIOLA DAY SCHOOL COURSES Three-Year Courses General Christian Education Music

Four-Year Courses Bible Collegiate (Degree) Christian Education (Degree) Music Collegiate (Degree) Missionary


BIOLA EVENING SCHOOL Attend one,, two, or three evenings: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Here training is given those who find Biola Day School attendance impossible. Subjects taught: Apologetics in (Archaeology), English III, Doctrine I, . Conducting I, Bible Geography, World History. E vening School R egistration September 9— F ees: $2 fo r auditing, $5 for credit. BIOLA CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Start Any Time— 19 Courses Available NO TUITION CHARGE. Each Day School student is required to pay registration and student benefit fee. Room and board payable in advance. Opportunities are offered for part-time employment. For further information write Office of Registrar

INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. • Los Angeles, Calif.

THE BIBLE 558 South Hope Street


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