King's Business - 1940-09

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

September, 1940


The following is taken from the Record of Christian Work: “ Occasionally some one is heard to say, ‘It doesn’t matter what people think of me; I know my heart is right.’ In sight o f my office window is a church tower. On one of the clock faces one of the hands has been broken, making the clock tell strange tales. There are peo­ ple who do not understand, and are mis­ led by it. At heart the old clock is all right, but that does not alter the seriousness p f the fact that people have been late in meeting their engagements and have, missed their trains because the face is not an index to that which it covers.” OCTOBER 20, 1940 . “ REMEMBER THE SABBATH D A Y ” E xodus 20:8-11; M ark 2:23-28 The Leader’s Opening Remarks Said Samuel Coleridge: “I feel as if God had, in giving the Sabbath, given fifty-two springs in the year.” In pres­ ent days of feverish hurry, it is im­ portant that we take time to refresh ourselves at the God-given “springs” that are provided for us. It is not so important that we con­ cern ourselves about which day shall be observed, as it is important that we put into the chosen day the activities that will please the “Lord . . . of the Sabbath” (Mk. 2:28). The Scriptures chosen for today’s meditation have to do with Israel’s observance of the sev­ enth day, but in the present dispensa­ tion, grateful believers in the Lord Jesus Christ recognize the first day of the week as being particularly the Lord’s, in commemoration of His resur­ rection (cf. Lk. 24:1-3; Rom. 7:4; Col. 3:1). In his booklet, “ Ought Christians to Keep the Sabbath?” * R. A. Torrey gives this helpful paragraph: “In Acts 20:7, we are told that it was on the first day that the disciples came together to break bread. In 1 Corin-

thians 16:12, we are told the first day of the week the disciples were to set by their offerings . . , Ignatius, who was himself a disciple o f that ¿ohn who tells us he was ‘in the Spirit on the Lord’s daj%’ wrote about A. D. 100. . . . He says: ‘Those who were concerned with old things have come to newness of confidence, no longer keeping sab­ baths, but living according to the Lord’s day, on which our life as risen again through Him depends.’ " The Speakers’ Outline I. THE NEED FOR A DAY OF REST (Ex. 20:8-11). If the Creator Himself chose to fol­ low the plan of six days for work and one day for rest (v. 11; cf. Gen. 2:1-3), any of His creátures who fails to obey His command to do likewise is pre­ sumptuous and stupid. Rest presupposes work (v. 9). Work is God-ordained; the Lord Jesus Christ could say: “My Father worketh hither­ to, and I work” (John 5:17; cf. John 4:34). When God made man, he made him a worker, an executive over a vast domain (Gen. 1:26, 28). But sin entered the world, and now man, while he en­ gages in that holy exercise that God himself ordained, must meet stern re­ sistance in Nature in everything that he does. Work itself is never a curse, but always a blessing. Rest will be doubly sweet if it follows work like that enjoined upon Zerubbabel (Hag. 2:4); upon believers in Corinth (1 Cor. 15:58); upon Timothy (2 Tim. 4:5). Remember: “ Six days shalt thou la­ bor, and do all thy work.” II. THE USE OF A DAY OF REST (Mk. 2:23-28). One may be very devout, and yet— inexplicable as this seems—he may at the same time display wholly improper attitudes, as, for example: 1. Fault-finding (v. 24). 2. Legalism (v. 24). 3. Ignorance of the Word of God (vs. 25, 26). Is your Sunday o b s e r v a n c e ever marked by these attitudes? For the proper observance of the Lord’s Day, the believer must center his love, thought, and activity in “the Son of man [who] is LORD” (v. 28). Keith L. Brooks points out: “It is not a day for revélry, neither for gloom. . . . Its ob­ servance is not compulsory; it is a privi­ lege for the church to enjoy.” * It is a gift, to be accepted and used with in­ creasing affection for the Giver. Illustrative Material Jot down the things you would wish to do if you had just one day to spend *From "Is Sunday the Christian’s Rest Day?" Btola Book Room, price 3 cents.

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*Biola Book Room . price 20 cents.

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