T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
September, 1940
“Wine is a mocker; strong drink is rag ing.” And whatever contrary arguments may be advanced, His word stands! It is the work of Satan to make appear ances to differ 1 from God’s revealed truth. Satan,' as the archdeceiver, at tempts to ruin man: 1. By lying promises (Gen. 3:5), 2. By wresting the Scriptures (Matt. 4:6). 3. By cunning plans (2 Cor. 2:11). 4. By appearing as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14). With the Word of God available, is there any real excuse for men to be deceived by Satan’s lies? Discuss. II. DETERMINATION (Psa. 119:29-33). In these verses, the psalmist becomes the spokesman for every young person who would be victorious in these days of many temptations. It is as though he fairly shouted his joyful testimony for the youth of today to echo: ‘ T have chosen the way of truth.” “I have stuck unto thy testimonies.” “I will run the way of thy command ments.” This is the course—the only course —of truly triumphant living. Daniel and the three Hebrew children knew this kind of triumph (Dan. 1:8-21); so did Stephen (Acts 8:8-15; 7:54-56). III. DEMONSTRATION (Eph. 5:15-21). The best way to show up a counter feit article is to display the genuine. The best antidote for unholy living is the life “in the Spirit”-—the life that only a born-again child of God can live. This wholesome and happy manner of living—which .none of the enemies of the Lord can successfully gainsay—will affect: 1. One’s walk (v. 15). ' 2. One’s time (v. 16). 3. One’s discernment (V. 17). 4. One’s master (v. 18). 5. One’s testimony (vs. 19-21). Oh, let us show to the world the posi tive joyfulness of the only worth-while life, the life “hid with Christ in God” (Col. 2:3)! Illustrative Material For every dollar spent for liquor in 1939, there was 75 cents spent for public education, 50 cents for tobacco, 25 cents for motion pictures, $1.25 for dairy products, 7 cents for toys, 4 cents for flowers, and 17 cents for confectionery. —National W.C.T.U. Bulletin.
with some one whom' you loved very much. Can you apply the same prin ciples of selection to your activities for the Lord's Day? , OCTOBER 27, 1940 DEBUNKING THE LIQUOR ADS P ro verbs 20:1; P s a l m 119:29-33; E p h e s ia n s 5:15-21 The Leader’s Opening Remarks It is scarcely necessary to supply a definition of the slang expression that forms a part of the assigned topic, for almost every one in the United States knows that debunking means “to divest of bunk.” But it might be interesting to' point out that “bunk,” according to the dictionary, is “something preten tious and empty, or plausible but erro neous.” What better description could be given of the grandiose display adver tising of the present-day liquor inter ests—“pretentious and empty . . . plausi ble but erroneous” ! In this connection, the Alabama Christian Advocate recently printed, this significant item: “The brewers and distillers of Amer ica are making a desperate and deter mined bid for respectability. They are making claims for their industry, which, if true, would place it among the valu able assets of the nation. According to their own statement, they spent $ 100 ,- 000,000 in advertising during the years 1933-38. They have issued numerous pamphlets, widely distributed, giving figures as to taxes paid to national, sfete, and local governments, salaries and wages paid to their employees, and farm products purchased and consumed in their manufacturing enterprises. “The propagandists for the liquor in dustry are adepts at presenting only the credit side of the ledger and ignoring wholly the debit side of this national ac count. No mention is ever made by tnem of the increased taxes paid by the peo ple to suppress crime and to give treat ment to diseased and insane persons caused by the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The heartaches, the broken homes, the wrecked lives—human trag edies all—are never listed in any of the prepared and published statements of the liquor interests.” These comments—apt though they surely are—carry less conviction than does the Word of God. Let us consider, then, the three sections into which the Scripture lesson for today may be di vided. The Speakers’ Outline I. DECEPTION (Prov. 20:1). Satan’s question to Eve in the garden is echoed by men and women today who persist in asking, “Hath God said?” (Gen. 3:1). Yes, God “hath . . . said” :
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